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Do u believe in soulmates?

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for ppl that believe in soul mates...does that mean that u think there's only ONE person out there for u? Or do u think u there could be many soulmates for u? cuz ive been thinkin bout this for a while...i don't think i believe in there being only one soulmate for everyone. i believe ppl get to know each other very well and treat each other very well...and genuinely have a lot in common with (interests, future plans...etc.)...AND THEN they start "sharing" their soul...they fall in love and then work very hard to make it last. so in essense...i don't think i believe in soulmates...or if i do...i dont' believe in there only being one. there could be many...and it could be anyone. what do u guys think?

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I think there is more than just one soul mate for each person. My father's first wife passed away when she was only 40. My dad met my mom three years later and they were married for 35 years, until he died a year and a half ago.


If there was only one soulmate per person, my dad would have not met my mom. I know he was in love with both of the women he married--he used to say, "How did I get to find the two best women in the world?"


My opinion on soulmates is probably biased because of that

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I dont really believe that there is just ONE soulmate out there for us. I do think that there are people that we are compatible with and will become our soulmates, and it isnt just necessary just one person. We will find people that we will have a "spark" with and then it depends on circumstances and the two people to see if a relationship can be worked out.


I am still on that quest to find a special someone in my life. Have had a few duds along the way, but still not giving up. Hopefully will find someone in the next few years.

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No, I don't believe in soul mates.

I do believe in a strong and profound love, but not in soul mates.

What if your one true person on earth to become soul mates with speaks only Hindi and lives in northern India? How are you going to meet?

We meet people and form connections based on compatability.


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I think there's only one soulmate for everyone!


15 years ago I thought I found mine when I met my 2nd husband, unfortunately, it never worked out.


I've now found that person she's the kindest, most thoughtful, loving, beautiful person in the whole world and she makes me feel so proud. The only thing that tops that feeling is when she's by my side.


I proposed to her on bended knee in a restaurant on her 43rd birthday in February when I visited her for in February. She was gobsmacked when she saw her diamond engagement ring.

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for ppl that believe in soul mates...does that mean that u think there's only ONE person out there for u? Or do u think u there could be many soulmates for u? cuz ive been thinkin bout this for a while...i don't think i believe in there being only one soulmate for everyone. i believe ppl get to know each other very well and treat each other very well...and genuinely have a lot in common with (interests, future plans...etc.)...AND THEN they start "sharing" their soul...they fall in love and then work very hard to make it last. so in essense...i don't think i believe in soulmates...or if i do...i dont' believe in there only being one. there could be many...and it could be anyone. what do u guys think?


I don't use labels (such as for instance, soulmates), too much, but I would definitely say that I'd believe there is more than one per person. There are probably several such people who you just have a very unique connection with. So yeah, I think there can be more than one of those uncanny connections with certain people that you come accross in your life. And I also think that it isn't necessarily just with people that you have an intimate relationship with, it could be with platonic friends. Even so, people and circumstances change.

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And I also think that it isn't necessarily just with people that you have an intimate relationship with, it could be with platonic friends.
i had a 'platonic soulmate' just once, although that term never came up. we even had a pact between us that if we ever lost contact with one another, we would meet at the south end of the Golden Gate Bridge at the moment of the new millennium. had he not passed before that time and had we become separated, i know that we both would have been there.
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i had a 'platonic soulmate' just once, although that term never came up. we even had a pact between us that if we ever lost contact with one another, we would meet at the south end of the Golden Gate Bridge at the moment of the new millennium. had he not passed before that time and had we become separated, i know that we both would have been there.


You know, I believe it, too! You know, you should go there and have a ceremony just for him!


And I agree! I have a platonic (yes, completely platonic) guy friend from my same organization. He works in a different department though. We understood eachother right away when we met years ago. We tease each other a lot, and we get each other's humor completely. And most importantly we both trust eachother implicitly with any confidential information or problems we're having in our lives or at work. Honestly I think I trust him almost more than anyone else at this point. And no, there is no hanky panky on either side of this equation. What's funny is he is in a lot of ways my polar opposite. For starters, he is quite tall and muscular while I am small... And I'm pretty sure he's a closet wild-eyed lib, while I am anything but....though we never talk about that lol! How funny he and I must look when we walk down the street!

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This is my first post here. Would have to say that there are a few soulmates out there. I think what happeneds is timing. We are all on the same basic road of life. Sometimes we are close to our soulmates and sometimes they end up taking some other exit and head in another direction. I think a soulmate is about the realest thing out there. When you meet them its the awakening of a lifetime that we all have been longing for. It would be nice to meet mine again someday. I hope that I am that lucky.........

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Before I answer, I guess I have to ask first... what is a soul mate? I think the definition of a soul mate, or even a soul for that mater is open to interpretation, and every individual will have a slightly different opinion of it.


I wrote about this in another thread, but this is what I think. In the movie 'wedding crashers', true love is defined as "the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another." I love this line. And to me... that sums up what a soul mate is.


That being said, I do believe that there are many people who could fit that description. I couldn't imagine a world where there was only 1 counterpoint that suited us. Think about how many people there are in the world. I would then estimate that 99.9% of marriages would be comprised of two people who aren't soul mates.


But definitions and mathematics aside, I do believe there are people perfectly suited for eachother. And many of them. Though there cannot be such thing as a fairytale relationship. You know, the one where every moment is spent on a sandy beach on the ocean, the strawberry basket and bottle of champaigne never run out. What I mean is, though two people may be perfectly suited for eachother, effort will be required.

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This is my first post here. Would have to say that there are a few soulmates out there. I think what happeneds is timing. We are all on the same basic road of life. Sometimes we are close to our soulmates and sometimes they end up taking some other exit and head in another direction. I think a soulmate is about the realest thing out there. When you meet them its the awakening of a lifetime that we all have been longing for. It would be nice to meet mine again someday. I hope that I am that lucky.........


Yep, timing and circumstances can definitely play a role. For instance, who knows what might have happened with a boyfriend if I hadn't moved from Europe, because I moved to a different continent, before email or cell phones.

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"I Do."


it doesn't matter how many 'soulmates' or 'perfect matches' there are for you on Earth... if you are lucky enough to find one, pull him/her close to you with both hands and never let go.


Well said SB. I totally agree with this.


I don't believe there is just one person. I do think, like SB said, that if you are lucky enough to find one then consider yourself blessed.


My dad also found 2 women that he has deeply loved in his life. The first died of cancer and the second is my mom.

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Yes I agree. When you loose that puzzle piece. It is a very powerful thing to try to replace. But just to be able to experience that completeness. That is what gets me through. Remembering that whole feeling of being one with such a powerful bond. I did have it. If only for a short while. Now it seems to be like it was just in a blink of an eye. Time used to fly by everytime I would catch her eye. It was there.......if only for a little while...........

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i DEFINITELY believe in soul mates. i have finally found mine after years of trying to hold on to abusive or manipulative relationships.


this is a new theory of mine: finding your soul mate works sort of the way karma does but on a smaller scale. you have to go thru many relationships and learn all the lessons of how to be and how not to be, before the universe deems you worthy of finding "the one" and living happily ever after.


my track record was learning how to deal with an abuser, then a drug addict/compulsive liar, then a sex addict/manipulator. i (at a fairly young age) have been through enough bad to finally know good when i see it, and recognize bad a mile away, too.


the first time i saw my current boyfriend, i was intrigued. the first time i talked to him, i was amazed. the first time we kissed, i fell in lust. the first time we cuddled, i fell in love.


and after years of "settling" for imperfect men and relationships, i finally found the person who has all the qualities i was wishing for. and then some good i never knew could exist on top of that.


the good part: it gets better, not worse, every single day.

the best part: he feels exactly the same way.


we'd both given up hope, onlyto find that true love is out there!


so take heart!

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your soul mate is never going to be someone who doesn't feel the same way. when you get to know them, it will be as evident to them as it is to you, even if it takes a few months, that you must be together. a soul-mate relationship is going to be one of equality. if they don't feel it too, move on. there is someone out there for you.

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