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Okay, I've totally took the plunge and joined okcupid.

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I usually always run out of things to say in general conversation.


Objective (Most of the advice given is from documentation and experience)

# Something that actually exists.

# Something worked toward or striven for; a goal.




Subjective (Ross is still here)



1. Proceeding from or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world: a subjective decision.

2. Particular to a given person; personal: subjective experience.


# Moodily introspective.

# Existing only in the mind; illusory.


But wouldn't looking at things subjectivly be better? Since your real life experiences go towards how you predict things are, and how things will work out. Experience enables you to make better decisions. Also listening to your gut feeling is usually the best thing to do as well, instead of looking at things logically.


My gut instinct has turned out to be right way way more times than logic. And I'm worried about the fact that looking at things objectivley and going with that means going against your gut instinct, what you feel in your heart.

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Brain stuff;


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This next one is someone's blog but talks about this topic like it was meant for you to read...if you can get through the inital fluff stuff - and its sort of laced with some fluff, but does have some good info


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there's loads out there, just be mindful of mis-information too..

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I usually always run out of things to say in general conversation.



But wouldn't looking at things subjectivly be better? Since your real life experiences go towards how you predict things are, and how things will work out.


You seem to be doing very well here!


Remember, not everyone can speak on all subjects and just keep going and going, that can only happen w/ certain people who have extensive knowledge in many areas and if you think you're an outcast?, try living with a very high IQ like myself and a few others here giving you advice.



Subjective is basically a fantasy that you/I/everyone creates because we want that outcome. It's just an ideal situaton as we percieve it, not reality.



Real life? you really have no experiences at that, but we do and are trying to share experiences our w/ you so you will get into the real world. If you want to go out and meet people then you need to stop with excuses, just do it.


You will probably fail at first, we all did, (it's part of learning) but until you get out there, you will have no opportunity to meet people. This is not going to be on your terms or easy at first. This will be trial and error, failure then success then you will be welcomed into the real world because you're actually in it.

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I've made up my mind now, I want to look for some flings first.


I just need to try and find the right sites though, I can't really seem to get anywhere with tribe and craigslist, unless I'm using them wrong.



Well, that is a normal start but please don't hide online, go into the real world for a long long walk and just try to be friendly and say hi/hello/nice day or whatever it is you say over there. When you go out locally you will find someone. You're new to the area, everyone will know that and it will coverup the shyness you have.



Can't get anywhere? you've been on okcupid 1 day and have a crappy profile, unless you changed it.

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Well, that is a normal start but please don't hide online, go into the real world for a long long walk and just try to be friendly and say hi/hello/nice day or whatever it is you say over there. When you go out locally you will find someone. You're new to the area, everyone will know that and it will coverup the shyness you have.



Can't get anywhere? you've been on okcupid 1 day and have a crappy profile, unless you changed it.


I'm talking about finding people that're in my area or near my area on tribe and craigslist.


I'm going to look into lavalife more tomorrow.

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Go onto lavalife if u must but the point that MacGyver was making is GO INTO THE REAL WORLD AS WELL. This will help towards getting a girlfriend, and help your SA AND boost ur confidence. Just go out somewhere and practice saying hi to strangers, and asking people for directions or whatever, JUST TALK TO PEOPLE FACE TO FACE and do it as enthusiastically as u can




Everybody gets it and understands it "except him".... ](*,)

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Online love? That's really called infatuation or puppy love, not love since they come before actual love and are part of the developmental process to love. You seem to want to bypass all the necessary steps for whatever reason. You really need to get out into the world so you can find someone who is real and not a fantasy.





O ye of little Faith!


Mac, it must be pointed out in a fraternal spirit that your statements above reflect merely your opinion, even though they were not couched in that manner. please allow me to proffer this counterpoint from my own humble view:


ignorance, (n). The state of not knowing. Ignorance occurs when those who can benefit from knowledge are unwilling or unable to find or assimilate the knowledge. The flip side of ignorance is having knowledge and not having any way of sharing that knowledge.


all the globe's dry, professorial definitions mean nothing to this blissfully contented couple and countless others like them:


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they brushed off the naysayers, followed their own chosen path and are now reaping the lifelong rewards.


in all truth, love is such an ethereal thing that it lends itself very poorly to a priori reductive dissection. in other words... there is no substitute for experience.


"Love conquers all." - Virgil

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Honestly Ross, I thought maybe you were different and just shy or whatever. Now I really see the real you. A regular guy, just looking to get some. Sorta disappointing to be honest!


To get to know a chick 'that way' most of them aren't too fond of the sex first questions later technique. Women find sex more emotionally bonding than men do, so we want some attachment out of it. That's why you won't find a lot of girls just wanting to give it up.


If you are seriously only looking for that, try adult friend finder or something!

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Honestly Ross, I thought maybe you were different and just shy or whatever. Now I really see the real you. A regular guy, just looking to get some. Sorta disappointing to be honest!


Well, what do you expect? I'm not asexual, I haven't been physical with a woman before like everyone else has, and I'm 30 years old, do you realise how sexually frustrated I feel? Don't I have the right to have the same natural human experience that everyone else has?


If you are seriously only looking for that, try adult friend finder or something!


I don't have a credit card.

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