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Bad Kiss? What would you do?

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If you were kissing a bad kisser would you prolong the kiss and hope it gets better? End it as soon as possible? Act like it wasn't bad at all? Or didn't notice how bad the kiss was until after the kiss was over?


I've read posts about people being unhappy with bad kissers and I was wondering what would you do?

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Keep practising. That's what I've done or would do. I don't mention it. I might pull away if it was really bad and take a break, try something else.


I don't think I've ever encountered a bad kisser (truly bad) other than one time. It was a fling so it wasn't really a problem. I stopped seeing him for other reasons, so - problem solved.

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I know what you mean...


Um...as a guy, I've been told by a few girls(without even asking), that I am a really good kisser(despite the fact that I'm not THAT experienced...it's just not something I tell everyone). I had one girl though who I was/am(big mess) dating, and at first she was horrible at kissing. I mean, to a point where I hated just even intiating a kiss cause it felt like a ...fight almost. As I'd heard too, you never want to tell a girl she's a bad kisser or something, because for some reason girls take it very personally and hard.


The problem she had was that she was too forceful, it didn't seem like a natural kiss, almost like she was fighting or something for control. What I did, was just keep kissing the way I always had, never tried to change or fight her back, and slowly she actually seemed to catch on and she got much better. I wouldn't say she's the best, but after a little time and work, she's much more natural at it, and I'd feel much better telling her she was a good kisser now, than back then.

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I wouldn't say anything either. So if everyone doesn't say anything and hope the other person improves with time, then how does the other person know he/she should improve? Some people say kiss the same way your partner kisses. But how does one know who's leading? If the bad kisser thinks he or she is great then they're not going to do what their partner is doing. I assume the unknowing bad kisser will try to take the lead.

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I agree with DropToZero it has to be natural. I think the problem with so called 'bad kissers" is that thay try too hard. Sometimes I think that since I didn't say anything about it once time when this girl was just all sloppy with kissing, that she thinks I was the bad kisser. I seriously just like it to be natural, that's all that is required to be a good kissed. exactly how you see in the movies, cause it just feels right and natural..


Don't say anything though. I personally love to stop and look at the girl, and if she kissed my neck I feel really good. I think it sounds odd because most guys do that to girls, but if you do that it would make the guy feel good.

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Play a game. One partner just sits there and lets the other kiss them any way they wish, then swap. Or say I really like it when you do this, or I would like you to do this to me. Don't be negative, just show them different ways to do what you want them to do! After more time together though, it will get better because you get used to what each other like.




p.s- yes, girls do take someone saying they are a bad kisser very personally, and I would not recommend going down that route!

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't believe there are bad kissers, only inexperienced ones.


There's a very simple remedy to a bad kissing experience: give instruction and practice. For example, when I kiss i like about 70% tongue and 30% lip but my girlfriend likes about 70% lip and 30% tongue. We had to work that out and now it's about 50-50.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
The problem she had was that she was too forceful, it didn't seem like a natural kiss, almost like she was fighting or something for control. What I did, was just keep kissing the way I always had, never tried to change or fight her back, and slowly she actually seemed to catch on and she got much better. I wouldn't say she's the best, but after a little time and work, she's much more natural at it, and I'd feel much better telling her she was a good kisser now, than back then.


lol yeah man, this girl i'm seeing, she forces her kisses. to the point where...it hurts lol. she split my bottom lip. i'm trying to have her 'catch on' as well...i don't want to tell her she's bad. that's mean haha..

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you were kissing a bad kisser would you prolong the kiss and hope it gets better? End it as soon as possible? Act like it wasn't bad at all? Or didn't notice how bad the kiss was until after the kiss was over?


I've read posts about people being unhappy with bad kissers and I was wondering what would you do?


Well if you are kissing a bad kisser and you know one or two thing about kissing or you are a pro kisser, the thing you should do is to be honest to the bad kisser. Politely tell him that he doesn't know how to kiss and you are not enjoying his kissing. Teach him copycat kissing, meaning tell him to copy the way you you are kissing him. Teach him other kissing styles like:


French kissing

Deep kissing

Eskimo kissing

Vacum kissing

Candy kiss

fruity kiss

Angel kiss

Suck kiss

If you don't know more about this kissing styles and types of kissing visit my homepage @link removed to learn more about these sensual kissing styles to hone your kissing skills.

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I kissed a guy once who was a REALLY bad kisser. I just stopped the kissing on my own and "changed the pace" of it. I kind of "took over" the kissing and changed the whole kiss to the way I wanted to be kissed, because, I am a good kisser (If I may say so myself... )


I think it's almost like dancing...one person can "take the lead" if it's necessary.


GAWD with this guy was it SOOOOOOOO necessary...I don't know if I was his first kiss or what...


*Allie does NOT like to remember that one*

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