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I just titled it "going insane" because I feel like the lack of sex is driving me insane. Nothing extreme has happened between us. We have been communicating better and not arguing as much but the sex still isn't there. I am going to try and talk to her again tonight and see what happens. I think I will tell her I'm tired of being rejected and when she is ready to have sex she can make the first move.


Glad you are communicating better and arguing less.


I would not talk at all about sex related matters. After a while she will wonder what happened.

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Update. I had a good father's day weekend but this past week we haven't had much communication. She stayed up late every night working on the computer and sleeping in the guest bedroom. She told me yesterday she was going to stop staying up late and start sleeping with me again. I asked her if she was sleeping in the other bedroom because she was afraid I would make a move on her. She said that wasn't the reason. I then told her I wouldn't make a move on her anymore because I was tired of being rejected. If she wants sex she can make a move on me. She didn't like this idea but didn't say much about it. I told her I wanted to talk about some things after this weekend's visit to the in-laws.


An answer to confused-wife's question about whether I am selfish in the bedroom. NO. Not at all. I try and please her several times before I am pleased myself.


Thanks for everyones help with this. This forum has given me several ideas. I know I keep dragging my feet with this situation.

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Hi floridaguy,


I think she is softening a little bit. She seems to have conflicts inside her about the state of your relationship and staying in the guest bedroom. If she would not care she would not revert, so this is good news. Your approach seems to work.


I wish that the two of you communicate more and more and develop deep mutual understanding which hopefully eventualy leads to desire and intimacy.


Again, leave sex out when talking to her. Ask about her feelings about her work, kids, life, ...., herself, you (last ) Take it slow, a little everyday.


It's good you like the forum. So many experiences, ideas and opinions here. If you have specific questions, please do not hesitate to create new threads, you will get lot's of feedback.


One thread I suggest you start perhaps in relationship-conflicts is How to communicate with my wife. You may have other ideas, just go ahead.


If you got some spare time and like to read about a confused guy walking out on his wife and kids, have a look here: - It's a tough nut to crack too.

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