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Do u believe love at first sight???

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Am actually going through it and the hardest thing is i have to see her every day at work! When i first saw her she was sweet nice girl no attraction... when she started flirting with me thats when i started falling for her. i did ask her out but got turned down, but the way she looks at me sometimes i think she feels the same way but hiding it well. May be its all in my head... i'm try to date other girls see if i can find some who i get that connection or spark with!

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I don't believe in love at first sight, I think love is something that happens when you get to know someone. I believe in 'lust' at first sight though.


I do believe that you can fall for someone and they don't feel the same way. I haven't experienced it but I can imagine it being very difficult.

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I believe in love at first sight because it happened to me. My husband and I both knew the moment we set eyes on each other that we were meant to be. We were together for 15 years until he passed away 5 years ago. I know this is far from typical, but I personally know it can happen.

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No. This is a stupid myth. Love at first sight is loving someone's appearance, and that is not love. You don't truly know someone until spending a long time getting to know them. I spent nearly every day with my fiance' for the past 3 years and I don't think I truly KNEW her until after about a year. And even then I got to know her more this past year (The 3rd year) when she moved in with me. So no, Love at first sight is not real love.

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I am truly sorry if I offended anybody by saying that I believe in love at first sight. I might be overly sensitive but I feel that my response is being belittled. I am honest about what I feel and I do not intend to mislead anyone. I certainly don't want to encourage people to think that it happens all of the time and it wasn't my intention to give anyone false hope.


It is something that I experienced and I would be lying to myself and to everybody around me if I denied it. It only happened once, and I don't expect it to happen again. I don't have any expectations that I will recognize my next true love the moment I set eyes on him. I'm not a child who believes in fairy tales, and I am up to the wonderful challenge of meeting new people, getting to know them, and possibly be able to grow into a long-term relationship.


If anyone cares to discuss my "love at first sight" experience any further, I'd be happy to reply to a PM.

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...the old age question do u believe in love at first sight?

absolutely.. have experienced it..


i can also see that to those for whom it hasn't happened, it might seem like magical thinking..


tho' if you've ever felt it, and lived it with somebody it is a very tender state of being in love.. the chemistry, connection, wavelength.. however you choose to describe it, it's somewhat like trying to put your finger on a given point in a swirling fractal: it's not something you can so much do, as simply know it is truly there


Also do u believe one can fall in love with someone and that person doesn't feel for u the same way?

personally, this has not been my experience, yet it seems to be a sort of archetypal condition.. Cyrano de Bergerac, Echo in the myth of Narcissus come to mind

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Yes 100% I looked at some one and I just know.

It was what she said how she moved the look in her eyes

it was very thing I was in a daze for days, It was not lust

I did not wont her I just wonted to be with her just to feel that

feeling again.


I have never got over it even after all theys years, I have never felt like that again not in 40 years.


I loved her and even thow she has long since left my life I love her by letting go free to a better life.


To have felt that just once in your life it to have lived.

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Oh.. Spugley.. you gave me CHILLS on my arms reading that.

Wow... What a lucky girl to have someone feel that way for her.

Yes, also wonderful you got to experience that feeling, not many people get to, but when it's there, you can't describe it. You did a great job putting those feelings into words!

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i can also see that to those for whom it hasn't happened, it might seem like magical thinking...


It's not magical thinking, it's the truth. You can't be truly in love with someone when you don't even know what it is you are loving. You are not falling in love with that person or who they are because you don't even know that yet. You are falling in love with an appearance. Maybe the person turned out to be the right one, but that doesn't somehow justify the nonsense of falling in love at first sight. It's simply not possible.


I can't say, Wow, sushi looks good, I LOVE sushi! without ever even trying it. You can't do that with people either. I can meet a new friend and say, wow, based on how this guy looks, he is going to be my new best friend! You can't do that with a sexual partner either. You may love what they look like but you don't know them as a person and thus you can't love them as a person.


If you come to love them later on, awesome! NOW it's true love. Love at first sight IS NOT REAL love.

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You are falling in love with an appearance.
When I fell I love with MG I hadn't seen her or anything. Explain that.
Diggity... here's a smack in the head for you... *** lol agree...
Nope! don't even think i believe in LOVE anymore.
Never give up on it, I fell in love with someone who was suicidal, who posted thier poem the day before they went, i added them, talked and fell in love. A better version of the story can be found here.


Diggity - have you ever perhaps thought that with everyone talking about meeting thier loves, falling for them almost straight away (me, 2 days) and staying with them for the rest of thier lives, that perhaps it can happen, but you have to experience it first to understand it??


Also do u believe one can fall in love with someone and that person doesn't feel for u the same way?
One or two of my friends feel it. Personally I dont understand how she loves him so much when we are *ment* to have one soulmate.
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Diggity - have you ever perhaps thought that with everyone talking about meeting thier loves, falling for them almost straight away (me, 2 days) and staying with them for the rest of thier lives, that perhaps it can happen, but you have to experience it first to understand it??


That's not love at first sight because there is no such thing. That was a crush at first sight that developed into love when you actually got to know the person enough to love who they are.


Again, you simply cannot love who a person is if you don't know who they are. It's naive to think otherwise. When you love someone, you love and accept everything that makes the person themselves. When you just see someone, you don't know jack about them. You may crush on them because they have that certain something that causes you to be nervous and have butterflies, but that is not love. C'mon people, this concept isn't difficult to grasp.


You can no more have true love for a stranger than I can decide that my favorite food is calamari simply from seeing a picture of it in a book.

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When MG and I talked and fell in love on the 2nd day I knew right then that it was true love, so did she. It doesn't mean to say that I didn't love her more as the days went on, but it was love first.


And how come do you like to compare love to food? Although they both can be used with each other, they are totally unrelated. You can't compare two totally unrelated things.

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We're not comparing love to food, I am comparing making a major assumption about something when you have no idea what it is.

I think you are confusing love with a crush. That or you simply don't know any better. I am not trying to be rude but you just don't seem to be thinking with an clear mind here.

Do you know what love is? I am not so sure.


I can't make it any more clear than this. You cannot LOVE a person for WHO THEY ARE when you DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE. If you feel something IT'S NOT LOVE. Saying different is just silly.


Are you trying to tell me that you loved everything about a person before even knowing them? What if they turned out to be a murderer, or a rapist, or a thief, or a liar? You didn't know anything about the person so it was completely possible, even if it didn't turn out that way. You don't just instictively know these things about people. You cannot love someone for who they are when you don't know who they are. It is simply IMPOSSIBLE. This isn't a romance novel, this is the real world.

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