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Sex on the First Date

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I was strolling along the beach a month ago when I met eyes with a gorgeous guy. It was alot like a scene in some romantic flick, all the makings for a romantic comedy were there. I was this mysterious beauty wandering the sand alone, he was with his friends carrying surfboards back to their car. Anyway, I smiled as I passed, he smiled..that was that...an hour later we end up bumping into eachother as I'm walking back to home. We talked for a few minutes before exchanging numbers....and now flashback to three nights ago....


After a month of conflicting schedules we finally decided to meet up. I went to his place, we went to grab a casual bite to eat, went swimming at his pool...then went back to his place. Somehow, the sparks just took over and I had my first one night..or at least consumated the deed on the first date, something I never had done with a complete stranger.


He didn't act uninterested in me afterwards, even attempted to cuddle...but he hasn't called since we saw eachother. I'm wondering what would be going throuhg a normal 23 year man's mind(he's still in college)..expecially when I know he was interested in me. I'm not toooo bummed he hasn't called yet - because at least it's one hell of a hot memory - but I'd like to know what his deal could be..and I won't be the girl to call him...


either way, whatever happens, I'm content with the experience.

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In all honestly I would like to be pursued. He was the gentleman while showing me a good time, so I would assume he will take the initative if he wants the relationshion to progress any further.


I do wonder if there can ever be anything substantial if we ever did become involved...what could top the mind blowing first encounter?

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honestly, that does sound hard to top. on the other hand, it could be the great opening act in a long and steamy romance novel called Sex and the Beach. i would hate to think that you were both waiting for each other to make the second move. you COULD call him just to thank him for the nice time, you know. (wink wink)

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During the time of conflicting schedules was he constantly calling you and asking you out? And you were just busy? Kind of helps answer my question of if a girl is always "busy" whether it could be she is just busy but still interested...


Anyway, as for this guy, if you don't want to call him then you will just have to wait and see what happens.... He might be wondering how to handle it too though... However, if he called you on a regular basis during that time and "pursued" you, he might have got what he wanted and is moving on to the next girl....

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I think it varies with people, but from my experience, guys mess around a lot with girls who sleep with them on first dates, but end up being serious with the ones that make them wait. This is not always true, but it seems to be more commonly like that from my experience. My guess is that guys don't want to settle with a girl who gives it up right away because it makes them less sure about how secure or trustworthy she is, at least in comparison to a girl who isn't likely to give it out easy. They appear to be more trustworthy. A guy doesn't have to wonder how "loose" she is as much, nor how many guys she has slept with. There is less likely to be thoughts about "what if" she met someone else who sparked it for her, would she rush to sleep with him too?


Just my guess.

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I wouldn't call him, not because I believe in old-fashioned gender roles, but I do believe that when a guy is interested, he will climb mountains to find your number. I'm sure if you call him, he will be more than happy to meet up (probably excited about the possiblity of more sex) but if you are hoping for something more, I wouldn't call him. I have lots of friends who've had long relationships with men they slept with on the first date, but those guys usually called back right away.

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I would call him, let him know that you are interested in more than just a sexual encounter. I know it's nice to be persued (i am an old fashioned gal too) but sometimes you just have to take charge. guys can be pretty crap at this stuff. maybe he's shy and isn't sure if you wanted to take things further with him...worst case scenario - he doesn't seem interested. Then atleast u can move on and you'll STILL have the hot memory of 'that date'!

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