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First of all, this question is from an overparanoid teenager, who can't take his own advice. Thank You.


I have a girlfriend of over a month and change. I am her first boyfriend, and I had been out of the game for a while. With that said, things are obvoiusly a bit awkard, and that was expected by me. We kissed for the first time about a week ago. We hang out once or twice a week at most, and we see eachother in school all the time. She seems distant at times, which is normal, but moreso than any other girl i've dated. I guess this is where i need you guys's help.


First of all, I have nothing to worry about. She really likes me, and vice versa, so that's not part of the problem. We hung out the other day, just us, and she was all cuddly and flirty with me. Yesterday was her prom, and somehow we got through the whole night w/o kissing, which for us is a sporadic but not strange occourence. Also, I can only point out a few select times where she has made any advance on me, and her instigating a kiss just doesn't seem to be possible, lol.


How do I treat this situation? Could it be that she's nervous bc i'm her first boyfriend? Is it the kind of thing where time will be the healer? I don't know, so thanks for anything you guys can give me...


Peace and Thanks


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Could it be that she's nervous bc i'm her first boyfriend? Is it the kind of thing where time will be the healer?

Probably and it is still new. Just be patient and let her 'grow' into the relationshp.

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Could it be that she's nervous bc i'm her first boyfriend?

Find out.


Communication is a fundamental aspect of a successful relationship. You seem to spend enough time together, infact you're quite lucky in that you do have a very healthy ammount of time to spend together. At least from my point of view. But yeah, ask her if you have any concerns and keep a level head when talking about them.


What I don't advise is just hoping it'll go away if you ignore it, that's always a bad idea.

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She was probably too embarrassed to kiss you infront of people at her prom. Give her time to get used to the idea.


Also, her parents may have told her that it's upto the guy to make the advances, so she's always waiting for you to initiate.


I suggest you sit down and have a heart to heart talk so you can find out the true reasons for her behaviour.

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As Tigris said, it's probably just embarrassment of PDAs. You said she was flirty when it was just the two of you, so there seems to be a link. It's probably just in her nature to be a bit withdrawn, and she needs time to test the waters before she can get fully comfortable with the situation.


Ask her what's up. At the same time, let her know how much you appreciate her. Time will heal the awkwardness perhaps, but you need to innitiate some conversation/action, and let her know subtlely that she shouldn't be afraid of doing so either.

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deRocket, I agree. There's prolly a lot of things she is just not familiar with, comfortable with or even aware of.


You'll be instrumental in her process of learning no matter how long you stay together. You have a very important role as the first bf so be patient with her and gentle in your encouragement.

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