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An easy way to do it on top without getting tired fast

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Hey everyone,


Okay, even though I've been having sex for years, I pretty much only have done it missionary and doggie style. I've only tried doing it on top once or twice in my life and it just felt like I was sliding up and down a pole. And I couldn't seem to find a rythym. I tried doing it on top with my bf the other night and I just got tired to easily. I can't seem to figure out how to do it so that my clit is going to be stimulated. Any suggestions? My leg muscles are pretty weak and they get tired so fast. If anyone has pointers for me I would appreciate it.

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Well you know, when you're ontop you don't have to be doing all the work.


Using your knees raise yourself up and let him thrust into you that way. Alternatively you can remain the same position and just bend over forwards, this should create enough space for you to move down against his penis while he moves up into you. A rythem should be easier to manage that way.

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Get him to grab your but for resistance and it really helps you get into a better rythym. For more stimulation, depending on how big this guy is, try tilting your pelvis forward so that your weight is kind of squishing his penis inside you. His penis doesnt have to be straight like your sliding up and down a pole it can be more parallel to his stomach this way. Then keep tilting your pelvis around to find the spot. Also this way you are kind of rubbing your clit on his body.


And sweetie, get a kama sutra book or something to give yourself more than 2 positions!


PS. Talk about legs getting tired! Last night I was basically squatting on him with my thighs completely in the splits on him while he was sitting. I should have stretched after! My legs got a good work out!

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Prop him up. Saves a lot of energy and you can go a long time. Plus, you can add in some of the other hints given before me.


Both sitting facing each other. Equal opportunity!


Face your back to him and ride him. He can stimulate you/you stimulate yourself whateva.


Put one leg over his shoulder, lean, put weight on your body.


Yeah...check out some books and get funky honey. woo hoo!


You'll build stamina if you practice practice practice!! And sweat can be a good thing.

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Aside from all the tips given above...


Seriously, make sure you are working out and doing cardio! It DOES translate the benefits to the boudoir! You feel more confident in yourself and have a huge boost in endurance.


I am petite, but I have legs from cycling/running/weight training that are strong enough to crush someone if I wanted too (not that I would ever want too!) but it does add that extra power and endurance at the right times!


One of the major precursors to not only erectile dysfunction in men, but also lower libido in women and a rather "mundane sex life" in couples for example is being unhealthy and inactive.

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That is SO true, RayKay. That should be written in every sex guide and self-help book and relationship 'manual'.


I feel so sexy and rarrin' to go when I am working out regularly, eating well, sleeping well. Confidence: UP. Stamina Muscular control and flexibility


best tip yet.

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That is SO true, RayKay. That should be written in every sex guide and self-help book and relationship 'manual'.


I feel so sexy and rarrin' to go when I am working out regularly, eating well, sleeping well. Confidence: UP. Stamina Muscular control and flexibility


best tip yet.


Yup, I really get um..."excited" when I come home from a workout feeling all good and sweaty....


I won't even get into the "perks" of doing yoga regularly as well aside from the balance, relaxation and strength... . I started it as I love it and just to reduce my injuries from cycling/running and muscle tightness, but wow, the flexibility is amazing....and this is coming from someone whom used to be very inflexible when I was young....anyone can do it and see the benefits!

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I think RayKay gave you some pretty useful advice.


Sex is considered a physical activity (emotional too, yes). Certain physical activities require different sets of muscles. Without proper conditioning of these muscles, you will not be able to perform at optimum levels. With that being said, find out which muscles you'll be using and focus on those particular set of muscles while working out. Good luck.

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Thanks to everyone for their advice, you guys are great. You know, I have been really tired and rundown lately, and I've noticed my sex drive hasn't been as high. I'm gonna try to excercise more and eat and sleep better. Maybe I will see an improvement in my sex life.

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"I'm gonna try to excersise more and sleep better"?


Hmm, I hear a good orgasm is a great way to "sleep better"




P.S. Instead of the up-down motion, you can change the angles like others have said (with propping up, pelvis on the stomach, sitting up, leg over the shoulder, even turning around backwards looking at his legs, yet on top, gives different angles)

Perhaps try small figure eight movements with your hips. Naturally things will move up-down. Up-down feels good for him, moving around feels good for you. He doesn't need any more stimulation or he might finish early but you can do what you feels good for you. He'll get the benefits too. And there is nothing wrong with changing to hands and mouth at any time to catch some breath, then starting up again.

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Move yourself horizontally, not vertically. It is sex, not situps. If you move your hips to the front then back, without lifting it, you'll get the most stimulation on your clitoris, without being too taxing on your legs.


I think it needs to be more than that though. I have had females go the way you said, and it got pretty boring from my end.


Maybe a combo of the two?

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Rub your stomach and pat your head?


That would feel a little complicated. And yes, complicated, my IQ can considerably drop during sex xD


No i mean a little back and forth, a little up and down. You know, mixing it up. Because back and forth alone which I have felt isn't very good, IMO.

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