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conflict,should i or shouldnt i?

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Hi,im kind of embarraced posting this so here goes.I have been with this girl for about a yr. now.She is great in everyway and i truly love her,and i would hate to hurt her in anyway.But i made a date for tomorrow night with a absolutely gorgeous women,which is engaged.She came on to me.We are both in relationships and its only going to be physical.I really want to sleep with this women but i cant get my girlfriend out of my head.What the hell should i do?

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You don't love your girlfriend. If you did you wouldn't be looking for anything outside the relationship. Stop kidding yourself, and either butch up and be committed, or end the relationship with your gf. She deserves to know what kind of guy she is with. And remember, what goes around comes around.

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i truly love her


No you don't.


If you did, you wouldn't have made a date with another woman or you would at least be upfront with her and tell her what you were doing.


I think if you want to date other people, you should let her know. Its also not cool to go out with an engaged woman. How would you like it if a guy was doing that to you? Think with the big head. The little head is only going to get you in trouble on this one dude.

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You don't love your girlfriend. If you did you wouldn't be looking for anything outside the relationship. Stop kidding yourself, and either butch up and be committed, or end the relationship with your gf. She deserves to know what kind of guy she is with. And remember, what goes around comes around.


Couldn't have put it better myself.


Good luck,


Miya xx

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i truly love her,and i would hate to hurt her in anyway.


Don't think you really love her if you're thinking about having sex with another woman. And umm...I'm pretty sure cheating and sleeping with another would hurt her.


She came on to me.


So? Is that suppose to make the cheating ok?


What the hell should i do?


I think you know what you should do. It's pretty obvious.

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You already know that it is a mistake or you would not be feeling embarrassed. That is caused by guilt/shame. You are also demonstrating that you have no self control if you know that it will hurt your girlfriend. Do you want to be guilty of that?

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I really didnt look for this,it found me.I know it dosent make it right but i have known this other women for yrs.And i always wanted to sleep with her.I dont want to have an affair.But my girlfriend is the greatest thing that ever happen to me,and for her to hurt because of me would kill me.I know what the right thing to do is.But i really want to sleep with this other women.

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You don't have to wait for situations like this to happen. Trust me I know.


If you love your girlfriend, then prove everyone wrong by NOT having an affair, or sleeping with her or going on that date. It's so not worth the ill feeling or the regrets afterwards.


Trust me, keeping things simple without seeing someone else really is the best thing you can do.


Good luck,


Miya xx

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The question is what should you REFRAIN from doing, and you know the answer to that. Read stories about people who have been cheated on, and you will know it's the worst pain you could inflict someone in a relationship.


I think you should wonder if you REALLY love your gf. I think if this were true, you wouldn't even consider arranging for a date with another woman. Of course, all of us are attracted to other people once in a while. I think it's the response to that which tells us how we feel about the other. Making the appointment is crossing the line, you sort of excuse yourself by saying she came on to you, but you have a free will, remember? I think this tells you a lot about your relationship.



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i wouldn't go so far to say you don't love her.


but i think you need to evaluate this. is this date worth your relationship if your gf finds out?? if its worth the ending of your relationship, you need to end it anyways.


if its not worth it, you know what you need to NOT DO.


good luck

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Dude this is really wrong. Like some1 else already mentioned, your thinking with the wrong part of your body!


IMO when your 'truly inlove' with someone, you get everything you need from them. Sure theres pleanty of pretty people in the world but you cant just go off when you like and sleep with them, even if they do come onto you. You need to ask yourself if you really do love your GF, look her in the eyes for 30 seconds and if u dont see a halo above her head and wings on her back then your living a lie!

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Yea, read the other posts on how it affected the ones who either got cheated on or did the cheating. It's really all in your mind, think about the heavy smoker who says "I wish I would stop, but can't, I'm addicted to the nicotine". He's not, if he really wish to stop smoking then he would, plain simple, he would toss the cigar in the garbage and not buy any again.

At the end, if you do sleep witht he other woman, thus cheating, not only will your g/f end up getting hurt, but you won't have a good character and you'll also regret this. But, have in mind that you can also risk her health, think of STD's your g/f would prollie contact. Not just that but let's say you do end up sleeping with the other women and somehow your g/f does find out about this (either from you, or elsewhere) and either forgives you or breaks up. Ok, now let's leave this to option end, she forgives, but latter on can't stand it no more and she losses total respect.


Here's the difficult part, both you guys finally break up. Then when you meet another girl you're in love with and if she were to ask you "Have you ever cheated on anyone", then you are you gonna tell her?? If you were to lie, she would prollie find out about your past and that you did cheat, thus your future relation would be doomed. And if you tell the truth, it would be doomed also.


So, no don't cheat on your current g/f, think about all these possible and how it can impact both you and her. Sexual betrayal is the worst of worst. How would you have handle it if your g/f were to come home and say "Oh I slept with another guy I been friends for years, but it was only physical", Would you be happy about it?? Prollie not, my guess is that you would break up right away, same would apply for her. If you wanna cheat like statesd, then why not break up with your current g/f, so then you don't have to feel guilty about hurting someone you love.

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