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I'm so very angry right now.


I found out my ex-wife is moving in with her coworker; the guy she had an affair with.


I want to hurt them both, very much.


A few minutes after I found out, I went into my bed room and spent 10 minutes punching a couple pillows, but I'm still pretty raw.


I can't help feeling like a chump because the two of them hurt me, and I feel like I can't do anything to redeem myself.


I wish I wasn't bothered by a conscience. I wish I didn't dread the consequences of my actions. I wish I could take out my anger on the people who caused it. I wish I could just say F*** You and show them who they messed with.

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I'm so sorry to hear your feeling angry right now. I know exactly how your feeling as well.


A couple of weeks back, three people (two of which are my closest friends) really hurt me to an extent I wanted to beat the living **** out the three of them. I really wanted to pound my fists as hard as I could in to them to let them know what they are doing to me.


I was so scared about seeing the three of them incase I actually did lose my temper and regret my actions later.


I know it's not a nice feeling.


To be honest, I think your better off without your ex wife. You deserve to be with someone who can love and respect you in a way that you deserve.


I'm sorry I can't offer you great words of wisdom, I just wanted you to know I understand you. The feeling of anger and hatred DOES pass I promise you that!


Miya xx

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That sucks. I'd be upset if I were you too.


I don't believe in karma, but I do believe in statistics. RayKay often mentions that only 5% of relationships born out of affairs succeed. I'll bet good money they aren't in that 5%.


There will be no trust between them. Sooner or later one of them will likely cheat on the other. They'll get what they deserve.

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My heart goes out to you, Lost!


I remember how very angry I was when I found out my husband was cheating...I know exactly why Lorena Bobbit did what she did, if ya know what I mean...the pain, heartache--the humiliation of realizing EVERYbody else knew about it too.


There IS something you can do to "redeem yourself": hold your head high. Maintain your dignity, even if it's only on the outside...let the world THINK you're cool with everything, even though you're obviously NOT. Why?


Because it shows courage and confidence to be able to do this. Because you HAVE the courage and confidence to do this. Realize that those two deserve each other: he knows she's a cheater, he'll always wonder if (when?) she'll cheat on him...she has no personal integrity and must live with herself...


You didn't lose anything. Your door is now open for someone better.


Punch those pillows until it's out of your system--then smile for the rest of the world, make them wonder what you're up to!


God bless you, hope this helps.

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Hey Lost...


I can relate to how you feel...although I was not married to the guy who cheated on me..I STILL wanted to commit homicide.


This was when I was 24..I was seeing someone from work. He was in a position of authority (the GM). I was SOOOO enamored with him. We only

dated for about 4 months...and I found out by accident that he was seeing ANOTHER girl from our company, and they were in FACT living together. The only reason I didn't know sooner was because she worked at a different location...so it was easy for him to deceive me. I cannot tell you how dumb, hurt and humiliated I felt at that time. It truly truly taught me a lesson on how guillible I was. It took me FOREVER to get over it....I quit my job..but that didn't even help because I lived like eight minutes from where I worked, so I saw him or his car everytime I had to pass by there. Eventually I ended up moving back home to another state...and I thank my lucky stars I did.

The pain finally subsided after I met the man I would later marry...


I know you're hurting right now...but I believe things happen for a reason.

She did you a favor and that's how you need to see this, although I KNOW it's hard right now. It's hard because you feel like a fool. believe me..you are NO fool.


Please do as the other poster said and hold your head up. It's hard to remain dignified when inside you wanna cry, but you will feel better in the long run. I promise.

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Channel that rage into something that helps you move along toward a goal, or at least stay out of the trouble. I've been there, and I'm often thankful I didn't get revenge. In my case, they didn't last after moving in together, and I felt sorry for the guy. What a sucker he was!

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