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I am 22 she is 30!!

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I just met her at a club.. we were dancing, she is very attractive.. I asked her if I can take her for dinner tomorrow night, she asnwered maybe.. I bought her a drink.. danced a little bit.. then she told me she is 30, I said I am 22. then asked her if I can take you to dinner. she said do you have a cell.. I gave my cell to her she wrote her number. could this actually work out? I mean 8 years difference and the woman is older here. never had anything like this and also now I am going through a tough break up with my G/F.. it is not official yet but things are not good. anyhow, I mean she could be interested in me or just my wallet!!!?? any ideas?

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anyhow, I mean she could be interested in me or just my wallet!!!?? any ideas?


What makes you think she's after your money?


Just take it as it comes, as though she were any other woman (which she is). You've only just met her. See what she's like and if you want to keep getting to know her even more.

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If you are attracted to each other and have fun together the age difference shouldn't matter. Just enjoy her company and take things from there. It's a date, hopefully you aren't proposing to her, yet!


I doubt she's interested in just your wallet. Believe it or not, not all women are the codependent type looking for a man to take care of them. Besides, I heard sex between an age gap couple is hot!

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Mate - be very very careful here. I know the hard time that you are going through with your ex and the pain it is causing you.


When we have our hearts broken, we find ourselves with alot more spare time on our hands and we also miss having the company and intimacy that goes with a relationship. Some people struggle through the pain, and others seek someone else to fill the void and (hopefully) take the pain away. The latter is a recipe for disaster.


You still feel deeply for your ex mate, and if you were to be honest with yourself....this woman that you met could be Angelina or Jennifer (insert your favourite celebrity woman) and you would still take your ex over her.


That is an absolutely normal way to feel - but it means that you are NOT ready to be dating yet. You'll either hurt the other person, OR if the other person hurts you....the heart-ache you feel for your ex will come back ten-fold. Trust me on this Max - I know of what I speak.



By all means, go out and flirt, dance with girls and enjoy the attention - but hold off dating for the moment until you know that your ex is not still on your mind.


My advice about the girl from the weekend?

Mate, she gave you her number....and that is a great confidence boost - Well done!

BUT leave it at that - know that you are an attractive young guy that 'has it' with the ladies, and hold on to that feeling because it's true.


I just think if you try to start anything at the moment (with *anyone*) that you are going to hurt yourself more.

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Roll with it. If she gave you her number she obviously sees something in you. See where it goes...if you're truly interested. Biological age is so relative anymore. Compatibility counts most. And a woman who is mature, grounded and confident is a far better partner...trust me. I've been both and I like myself (and I believe others do as well) as someone who knows where I've been, what I want, and where I'm going.

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thank you all and majord

"majord" you could not have been more right about this, the only thing I was thinking about was my ex and how much I have missed this person.. her voice, her hands, her smell. everything. she was the best thing I had and yes I wanna date other ppl so it would ease the pain and yet try to find a companion, I am dying here to get back at my ex here if she chose to and yes that would hurt this other woman. and to be honest I never though about that. I did call her and left a message on her voice mail. I called her at 6 and now its midnight and still no answers. I don't really mind but I am glad to say that I am feeling a little better about my ex. She is going through alot now I know it.. many things are not so good in her family and therfore she is upsed and I bet the last thing she wants is an annoying BF calling her and asking her to get back with her..

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My husband is eight years younger and I love it ( most of the time). I met him when he was 23 and we have been together for seven years. There are times where I find that our age gap creates a problem but for the most part it's good. Maybe you can tell this lady that you just want to be friends for now as you are coming out of a difficult break up ( if you decide to take her to dinner) and then she wont expect anything serious.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I was 21 I met up with a 30 year old. Called M (nearly 9 years)

When I was 23 I met up M again, she was 32.

When I was nearly 24 I met up with a 35 year old. Called G(over 10 years)

Now I am 24 and I met a lady who is 34 years old. Called K (10 years)

Now i am 24 I met a 32 yr old last week. Called M 2 (diffent girl) (8 years)


Now M and G both had issues with my age and thereforeeee Im not with them anymore. K I discovered is involved with someone so this isnt good to pursue although we did keep in contact a while but it looked to have stopped 3 weeks ago when we argued. She has since tx me again asking how i am. And as for the most recent M2, well....I havent met up with her since but we have tx each other and are planning to meet up this week. Am already thinking negatively about the situation because of my previous experience. We shall see how it goes though.


I've always preferred older women, and I luckily seem to do better with them. Unfortunately this preference is now becoming a nightmare. I find it difficult to find girls I like and when I do this whole age thing is becoming a real problem. At least for me.



For you though, like Majord said, maybe hold off a little. See how the situation with the ex pans out. If all doesnt go to plan and you go your separate ways, pursue the older lady and see how things go. And hope u have better luck than im having with them.

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