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It's (technically) been just over 2 months.....


Sometimes I love her, other times I despise her.


Sometimes I miss her, other times I hope I never see her again


Sometimes I understand why she ended it, other times I cannot remotely comprehend it.


Sometimes I want to hear her voice, other times the thought of hearing it scares me to death.


Sometimes I realise that this was probably the best thing that could happen, other times I think it makes so little sense that it’s tragic.


Sometimes I feel excited by the prospect of meeting someone new, other times I can’t even bare to look at another girl.


Sometimes I want her to come back so I can tell her to get lost, other times I want her to come back so we can start again.


Sometimes I think I’m too good for her, other times I think she is the best I could ever get.


Sometimes I wake up not even giving her a second thought, other times I wake up with her on my mind and a hole where my heart is.


Sometimes I like someone and they are nothing like her, sometimes I don't like someone because they are nothing like her.


Sometimes I want to know where she is and that she is happy, other times I don’t want to know where she is or who she is with.


Sometimes I know that I will get through this, other times I can’t see the day where it won’t hurt.



The bad times are getting less frequent, but no less intense - hopefully that intensity will diminsh eventually. Sometimes I think it will, other times.....

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"Speachless" .......................................














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I hope you're not speechless for too long mate....because you're one post of becoming a SENIOR member!

So get your butt back here and bring up the milestone, ya big lug



{{HUGS}} (very, very, VERY MANLY hugs) to scruff for being a great man, and a hell of a support when I needed him. Thanks pal

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Great post. After a breakup we all go through ups and downs. Emotions rush through our body and takes us on a rollercoaster ride. Some days we are feeling low, and other days we are feeling high. But as time passes, we will be happy and eventually we will meet that special person we all deserve.

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Thanks for the replies guys. It's strange how we seemingly alternate between disdain and hurt. I guess it's disdain for the person that we see our exes as having become, and the hurt related to missing the person we thought they were.


Tomorrow's another day. Hopefully it's a better one.

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Thanks for the replies guys. It's strange how we seemingly alternate between disdain and hurt. I guess it's disdain for the person that we see our exes as having become, and the hurt related to missing the person we thought they were.


Tomorrow's another day. Hopefully it's a better one.



You better believe it pal

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great post. it summed up all my feelings


not a day goes by that i dont think of my ex, how if we had such a great connection, why she was willing to throw it away, why there was so much jealousy and insecurity.


it hurts knowing that she is happy with someone new.

i am seeing someone, but going slow...still, i think of my ex. i wonder if i will ever love someone like her again. i never felt such love for someone ever in my life, yet with all the hurt, part of me is angry at her for playing with my emotions, playing with my heart, taking me for granted.


it will take me a long time to get over her.


great post

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hey major, i feel you bro. i am coming up on 4 months since the break up and i STILL feel those ups and downs and everything you've described you're feeling. it has gotten a little bit better but i am by no means completely healed.


glad to see you're doing alright for yourself though!


sometimes i wish i could ffwd time and be at the "healed" stage already!


(another post from a senior member too!)

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