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I can't cry. Over the last three months I've been it with everything, I've lost my job, my relationship with my dad, I hurt someone I love very much, and my schooling is going down the toilet? What's all to blame? That fact that I have no motivation. Sure I know I can do it, but why do it if I already know I can? I don't have the energy to do something productive with my life and I feel like all I need to do is cry, but I can't. The only thing I have to look forward during the day is that I have all day to smoke bud. What a * * * *ty way to live...I look forward to my hour of care freeness while I light a joint to some Beatles tunes.I usually sulk about my failure to live as a productive human being once I'm done being high, and I feel it's too much to cope with so I smoke some more. There hasn't been a day without me getting high for 2 months now. And all I want is to cry it all out. Any suggestions on how to deal with these frustrating feelings?

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Your frustrated feelings are compounded by the fact that you are smoking weed daily. Please take this advice from someone who knows what smoking weed can do to your life. I started smoking it around your age and it got progressively worse. 10 years later I finally got the courage to quit and it took my entire life being flipped upside down in order for me to see the error of my ways.


I didn't cry for many years and then my long term relationship came to an end I lost my career and my house and I haven't been able to stop crying. When you smoke that often it numbs you emotions and feelings to the point that you just won't give a * * * * about anything and that is definitely not the way to live your life.


If you continue to smoke your problems will only become greater and you will not possess the tools to deal with adversity properly, all you will do is smoke more weed and that will not solve anything. And yes it is a * * * *ty way to live, you will watch your life pass you by and wake up one day and wonder what happened!


Please for your own benifit quit while you can there are many more positive ways to live your life. Don't watch your dreams go literally up in smoke!

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it is never to late to start new...life only happeneds once, why not live it up.

Its not over yet babe, just keep your head up.


You can read

work out

get a new job

hang out with friends/family

talk to a phyciatrist

take a lucky lady out to do something

take a vacation

join a club

volunteer to help the elders and the poor

study, study, study! Watch some comedy central..i love dave chapelle and Ron White, along with many others...even listen to some music...develope a hobby instead of getting high...


I don't care what people say about weed...it is a drug and it is a gateway

drug. I use to be a huge pot head, that is until i developed a hobby and began to get motivated towards something else then sulking and getting high.

If I overcame this, Im sure you can too!

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you can't do nothing.. you work or you go to school...period. preferable school. you know you can do it so do it and prove you can or you will regret it later in life..even if you always had a job. stop smoking weed. if you smoke daily, your addicted and need help. that's not smart.

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I don't mean to appear callous, but you said you smoke weed daily and then asked what you could do to find motivation?


ummm.....stop smoking weed??


exactly..... i've smoked some here and there in my later teens but never that much.. that's way too much.. it's just no good for you. your young and need your brain cells and memory for when your older.. that's a good way to become a not so smart adult

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I know this feeling all too well.. I've been there, hon. it's not so much that you're smoking weed everyday, because when I was at that low point where I had no motivation I put away the weed and all other drugs for many months, to no avail. something in the back of your mind is telling you you'll never make it, that its just too hard, etc. DON'T LISTEN TO THESE FEELINGS! you're at a point where it feels like there's a million roadblocks in your way, and I can promise you quitting smoking will not change these feelings.. I mean, you can try, couldn't hurt but thats not the core issue on why you feel this way. its something you need to reset in your mind.. I went through it in high school, and for awhile throughout highschool as well. you just have to start over, maybe take this semester off, find a new job, and the most important thing: CLEAR YOUR MIND FOR AWHILE. you need a vacation for a little bit, and once the stressball has gone down, you'll feel motivated. I promise its only temporary.. my biggest fear when going through this was that I would end up homeless with no job. but at this point in my life, a few years later, I feel like I can take on any challenge. just ride it out. things will get better, I promise. take it from someone who knows exactly what you're going through and is on the other side of the fence now.

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i dont agree...weed doesn't always make you depressed.

A sober person who never smokes gets just as depressed

as a person who smokes bud...



i'd advise you to make something of your time besides

sorrounding your life with a drug...do something, right now

you are letting the drug control you, anyway you look at it, your

letting it have it's way and rule your life...your human

you didn't grow off of seeds...you not a plant, you have legs

im sure if marijauna had a mind of its own, it would do something,

other than sit around the house and smoke its self retarded

all day. dont take that offensive...its more of a theoretic way of looking at it...



has to be some kind of organization that you can join.


Get out there and join...just make something of yourself...


do you really want to be known as the depressed pot head?

Ok ok...then do something about it, prove that you can...

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yeah i hear u i havent cried in hmmmm maybe a yr or 2 literally even when somone would die i wouldn't b able to cry i feel bad about it but thats just bc i would get scolded for crying so it's just normal to me now just to not cry, ur not alone in not being able to cry even when i want to i cant

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This post I quoted made me laugh. Sorry, I just thought I'd reply to this before I shared my thoughts:


i dont agree...weed doesn't always make you depressed.


They key word here is always. If it depresses you even some of the time, then why smoke it???


A sober person who never smokes gets just as depressed

as a person who smokes bud...


Yes, except you over looked one small thing. The sober depressed person isn't addicted to narcotics. Quite the medical and psychological insight.


Anyway, nothing is wrong with not crying. A close buddy of mine that was in bootcamp with me just died in Iraq. I didn't cry, but that doesn't mean I don't care. One thing you need to do is get off the plant. Doing that will cut your problems in half. You're age says you are 17 and you are kissing a girl. You are almost a legal adult. Now is the time to step up and be a man. Don't hide behind a joint. Take care of that girl in your picture. There's a million things to do to get some motivation. Probably the best thingis working out. Long and hard. If mommy and daddy don't foot your bill for college, then after you graduate the world is a nasty place. If life craps on you and you run to the joint every time you feel low, then it will destroy you. Pick yourself up, and be on your way.

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Thanks all for the advice. I've decided to quit smoking weed for a while, at least until I get my priorities in line. As for my picture, sure I would Love to take care of her, but right now I don't think I have time for her. I broke up with her like a month ago, I've just been too lazy to change m pic. I still talk to her everyday, she is already in a program for drugs right now, and strongly advises I do the same. She hopes that maybe after all this is done, then I will take her again. She swears by her life that she and I were meant to be, but I have second thoughts about her. She was my first true love, however she attracts a lot of attention that I don't like. How do I handle her?

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Hi Steven,


I wanted to respond to your post, but first had a question. You make it sound like you are unmotivated and sit around doing nothing. How is it you do not have time for your ex girlfriend? You said you don't have time for her? You could say anything else, but this is a huge contradiction. I am assuming that if she is in rehab, then now may not be a good time to be together, but I am glad you are still talking to her and hopefully supporting her. I can understand not being into school at your age. I would guess you are very intelligent and just don't feel challenged or you are just not interested in the subjects you are studying. Welcome to the real world because this happens to all of us. I suggest finding something that challenges you or hang out with people that are really good at something and feed off of them. It could be skateboarding or anything else. I just said that because when I was your age I was into surfing and skating and it consumed me. Maybe you are creative and should take up art? Things will get better and you sound like a sharp guy. I have been unmotivated or just not enjoying things for a while and I started a new job a month ago and I am so motivated. I can't say I love going to work at 6 am, but I am working with some dynamic people and am learning new things everyday. When you get on your own, just finding the right job and making money to pay your bills can be motivation enough. lol


Good luck,



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