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Type of Music During Sex?

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I've heard that anything by Sade is supposed to be good "mood music". The two songs I'm thinking of are "Lover's Rock" and "By Your Side". If you're looking for more general ideas though, I would imagine anything late at night on your local smooth jazz radio station would be appropriate.

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we came upon this by mistake.. i'm not really a big "sex music" fan, as in.. music that was made to BE sex music. i think it's cheesy and sort of unoriginal. but try the virgin suicides soundtrack by air. it sort of makes you feel like you're in a movie and you move differently and it makes you really focus.


i gave my first lapdance to that soundtrack! i was soooooo terrified to do so before, but then it came on and bam! i was confident

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I'm all for the tv being left on.


Both me and my guy love late night cartoons. We'll be at it and one of us will laugh (usually me) because of something I overhear on the tube.


Terrible eh? But we have a blast


Music wise, I find it so corny to have music on. It's like it's to "get in the mood". Ugh. Not for this girl. I had a boyfriend who didn't own a tv so he would leave music on. It got HIM in the mood, but I hated the music, so now it just sends shivers up my spine when I hear that band.


ETA: But if I WAS looking for sex music, instead of an one size fits all sort of deal, I'd look for music that both me and my guy love. It just means so much more when songs move you. And if they move BOTH of you, I think THAT'S the ultimate sex tune.

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i like these in the bg when i want to take lovemaking seriously:


kruder & dorfmeister



and ditto on the enigma suggestion


but for those "do me NOW!" moments i might pop in some white stripes - especially this one killer techno remix of "seven nation army" (the one that starts with "i'm gonna rip it off")


not recommended:


bloodhound gang

weird al

ed gein

mr bungle

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I never really got the music-during-sex thing. And a TV: I would hate that! Too distracting.


If the music's playing and things got heavy, that was fine, but I've always preferred hearing animal noises.


Some music I've liked at those times:

Saucy jazz

any decent R&B

rock (robert plant...ahh!ahhh!) hehee.


Victor Wooten was a goood one. That's something you can really get into.


Have fun!

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Victor Wooten for love making? Really? He's just a technically astounding bass guitar player; I can't see myself getting in the mood with lots of thumping noises from his playing.


It depends what music you're in to really. I can't really see a heavy metal fan wanting to make love to some mozart. Air was a good suggestion though, they do have a 'set the mood' sound but not in a cheesy way.

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sex music.. is a risky thing. first off, you likely both have to be into the same kind of music. but also, the kind of sex that you have changes with different kinds of music/background noise. like if my s/o leave the tv on, with cartoons or some goofy movies on, it's more playful. partly because either of us'll hear something funny, and start laughing. doesn't make for a very romantic time. but afterwards, there's more cute things you can crack jokes about. my ex and i used to listen to stuff like cradle of filth and rob zombie all the time, and the sex was always more intense than if something like OLP or Sum 41 was on.

is it just me, or is it just better if you keep the music turned down just enough so that you can still hear your partner's breathing go ragged, or those little moans and so on..?

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Here's what NOT to do... do not turn on Winamp and set the stupid thing to "random." The last thing you want is something like the theme to Rocky ("Gonna fly now") or something by Queen (make that ANYTHING by Queen).


Ummmmmmm... Try Sigur Ros. Staralfur is a nice song?

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Here's what NOT to do... do not turn on Winamp and set the stupid thing to "random."
just for kicks i decided to do exactly that, just to post what would come up.


first 5:


Black Flag - Nervous Breakdown

Simple Plan - Untitled

Portishead - Nobody Loves Me (Massive Attack mix)

Nirvana - Where Did You Sleep Last Night

Protocol - Where's The Pleasure


not a boner baiter in the bunch. in fact, none of the 200 files that came up would put me in the mood, except maybe the instrumental "un sospiro" by franz liszt (and how did that get in there?)


i am so not sexy, lol

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Here's what NOT to do... do not turn on Winamp and set the stupid thing to "random." The last thing you want is something like the theme to Rocky ("Gonna fly now") or something by Queen (make that ANYTHING by Queen).


Ummmmmmm... Try Sigur Ros. Staralfur is a nice song?

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good suggestion, i've heard a few of their songs, but i'm having a hard time finding one of their CD's. nightwish is another good one.

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I was never a HUGE fan of music during sex but my boyfriend does on occasion. It makes things intense and different so I like it, especially because he'll makes up a playlist of songs that mean something to us.


V.A.S.T, Dido, and Enigma are my top three recommended.

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