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Question for the ladies...

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I have a question for the ladies. Which do you prefer more:


a) A man who tells your straight up what he thinks of you (Beautiful) and gives you his number.




b) A man who is just social with you (asks about yourself, where you work, etc...) and gives you his number?

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Personally, I'm so blind to when a guy actually likes me for more than a friend because I just naturally gravitate to guys socially in a friendly sort of way. If a guy just straight up told me I'm beautiful, it would get my attention quicker and more effectively than just being friendly.

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I like a guy who's just himself. I also like it when a guy's really sweet to me, like when he brings me candy and drops by just for a talk. That's cuter than a guy trying act all flirty and funny. I don't like guys who come off as arrogant, conceited, Mr. know-it-all, and/or sweet talker.


I like a guy who is genuine, sweet, and himself (and someone who has a bit of geeky innocence to his personality).

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I like (b) where a guy is social and makes small talk with you before giving you his number. That is less threatening to a girl and most girls dont mind that. Conversation is always a good thing to have. The first choice kind of makes me think that the guy is only after one thing. A lot of girls may not like that and would get turned off by that since they might think that the guy is superficial and only into the girl for her looks.

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You know what, it's stupid to believe that by being NICE you are going to get the girl. The thing is, that is not true.


IF you don't give her some type of drama she will be bored with you quick and dump you. It's true, no matter how many girls say they like a nice guy who is sweet and "himself". Trust me, being arrogant if done right can be funny as hell and she will like it. She will like you because you are funny and all that.


Sometimes I think girls just watch all those fairtale movies and just make themselves believe all that prince charming garbage. How many times do you really see a NICE guy with a model looking girl? Never.


You don't have to be a jerk, but you do have to give her that feeling that your an actual man, and not let her push you around. Take some of their advice and get to know her, get her interested. Then you have to call her on all her stupid games she tries to play to get drama out of you, and make her think you will dump her if she messes up again.

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You are so wrong on so many levels.


To me anyway.


I hate the jerks. As soon as a guy thinks he can manipulate me in the way you described, he's done.


My boyfriend is sweet, doesn't create "drama" (nor do I), can be himself and is generally a "good guy". The good guy that can't get a date *rolls eyes*.


Don't generalize on ALL girls. It's wrong and unfair.


And then you suggest THREATS to get a girl to stay with a guy? That's just sick.

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Sometimes I think girls just watch all those fairtale movies and just make themselves believe all that prince charming garbage. How many times do you really see a NICE guy with a model looking girl? Never.


I would like to add that you can't judge a person's character by their looks, so you can't say that no nice guys are never with models unless you know the guy on a personal level.


Besides, if all you care about is looks, then you're destined to fail anyway... unless your only goal is to get her into bed.

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You are so wrong on so many levels.


To me anyway.


I hate the jerks. As soon as a guy thinks he can manipulate me in the way you described, he's done.


My boyfriend is sweet, doesn't create "drama" (nor do I), can be himself and is generally a "good guy". The good guy that can't get a date *rolls eyes*.


Don't generalize on ALL girls. It's wrong and unfair.


And then you suggest THREATS to get a girl to stay with a guy? That's just sick.

Totally agreed!
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You are so wrong on so many levels.


To me anyway.


I hate the jerks. As soon as a guy thinks he can manipulate me in the way you described, he's done.


My boyfriend is sweet, doesn't create "drama" (nor do I), can be himself and is generally a "good guy". The good guy that can't get a date *rolls eyes*.


Don't generalize on ALL girls. It's wrong and unfair.


And then you suggest THREATS to get a girl to stay with a guy? That's just sick.


Agreed AGAIN.


My boyfriend is sweet, considerate, and respectful. He is funny without being arrogant, and confident without being demanding. And I am wildly in love with him. If a girl is playing silly games and you don't like it, LEAVE. That's all. If a guy was giving ME drama, I would be doing the same.


I have not done any modelling, but I am definitly not bad to look at, but more then that, I also have something behind that.


I have been WITH that guy you described, and you know what? It sucked. It left me with low self esteem and was not a partnership in any way.


By the way, I hate chick flicks.

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My boyfriend says he loves my brain. Which still gives me a weird image of him dating my grey matter... JUST my grey matter, out of it's skull home


LOL, at least keep your head...like in Futurama with the creepy life supported heads & brains...

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I would go more for the second option.

b) A man who is just social with you (asks about yourself, where you work, etc...) and gives you his number?


Some who are very straight forward tend to not really mean it and they don't know you that much, plus I get somewhat shy. And if the guy is too pushy, then it makes it worst for me, I would already be very uncomfortable.

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b) A man who is just social with you (asks about yourself, where you work, etc...) and gives you his number?

It shows he's interested in you not only physically. But i prefer him to ask for my number then him giving me his number. I never called anyone who gave me their number.

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I like a little bit of arrogance and directness. Not conceited and self-centered.


Secure is the word I would use. Desperation or wanting me too bad is a sure-fire way for me to walk away - because though I want to feel wanted/needed, I do not want to be with someone who needs me to 'complete' him.


That said: the man has to be kind, nice, considerate, and all those things as well. Shy guys can be cute and secure, without being brazen, and that is lovely too.


So I like both approaches. If I like the guy, I like him and that is it. The rest is second in importance.

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b) A man who is just social with you (asks about yourself, where you work, etc...) and gives you his number?



Eventhough he might be just pretanding that he's interasted in your like. Some guys do that to make a girl think they're decent while they're just really looking for a one night stand. lol


But "b" is still better than "a"

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