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19 ways to keep a girl...guys read this, it will help you

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[she won't trust you if you do & it'll be awkward]


2. Grab her hand when you walk next to each other.

[she always gets butterflies when you do it; it makes her feel like you want her]


3. When standing, wrap your arms around her.

[it makes her feel like you really love her.]


4. Cuddle with her.

[she'll feel like your there for her]


5. Hug her from behind

[it makes her feel special]


6. Write little notes.

[she smiles. They're cute; The end]


7. Compliment her Honestly.

[No girl likes a liar and no girl likes a person who lies about it when you compliment her]


8. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.

[it makes her feel wanted]


9. Be super sweet to her.

[All girls like a super sweet guy]


10. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.

[she'll go to bed with a smile]


11. Comfort her when she cries.

[she'll feel like you'll ALWAYS be there for her]


12.Wipe away her tears

[it'll show you'll always be there]


13. Love her with all your heart.

[Not with your brain... or your you know what]


14. Pick her up and flirt with her (she'll scream and say put me down but really she loves it).

[it's true boys!]


15. Be a gentleman (hold the door for her).

[Every girl loves a guy who is a gentleman]


16. DON'T let your friends talk trash about her, it'll get back 2 her

[& it'll make her feel like you aren't really there for her]


17. Take her for a long walk at night!

[she just wants to be alone. & that's not always bad. The world can be annoying sometimes & you just need to be alone.]


18. When it's cold outside hold her close

[You want her to be happy & she's happy in your arms]


19. Draw on or rub her back as she is tryin to rest or sleep

[This just feels good HAHA!] {not with a pen you idiot, with your finger}

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Some comments along the way...





5. Hug her from behind


I kiss her back too when she's not looking and we're naked.



6. Write little notes.


7. Compliment her Honestly.


I dunno about this one. I've answered my GF honestly when she asks me questions like "Does this make me look fat?" and she's beaten me terribly. The doctors say there's only a 50/50 chance I'll ever walk again.


Just kidding. Well, kind of. She has told me "You're not supposed to say that!" when I answer questions like that sometimes, but I was only being honest. I do compliment her....



8. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.


Hypothetically, I would still be holding her if I took this one literally.







11. Comfort her when she cries.


Why comfort her when I can hunt down and kill the person who made her cry?




13. Love her with all your heart.

[Not with your brain... or your you know what]


I love my GF with all three.


14. Pick her up and flirt with her (she'll scream and say put me down but really she loves it).

[it's true boys!]


Sadly, I must admit I'm a girly man. I'm built like carrot top before he started taking the steroids.


15. Be a gentleman (hold the door for her).


I do this for people I don't even know.




17. Take her for a long walk at night!


We live in a bad neighborhood. If anyone ever came at us with a gun, I'm afraid I'd say "Do whatever you want to the girl, just don't hurt me!".... We stay inside a lot.

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19/19 for my Boo Boo!


6. Write little notes.

[she smiles. They're cute; The end]


Lol, I woke up last week, went to my mirror, brushed my teeth, then brushed my hair and then noticed the post-it smack dab in the middle of the mirror "Have a Great Day Gorgeous! LOVE YOU"


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19/19 for my Boo Boo!


6. Write little notes.

[she smiles. They're cute; The end]


Lol, I woke up last week, went to my mirror, brushed my teeth, then brushed my hair and then noticed the post-it smack dab in the middle of the mirror "Have a Great Day Gorgeous! LOVE YOU"



You lucky thing!!!!

I agree that all men should so all of them! Wish i had someone to do them for me...

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Lol, he's still extrememly irritating at times, but I love him.


And that list doesn't necessarily mean anything. It's sweet for guys to do these things, but it's more than doing and saying that makes a relationship work. You need to find someone who is doing these things because he CARES for you, not because he wants you.


They aren;t that hard to find...lol a little patience.

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19. Draw on or rub her back as she is tryin to rest or sleep

[This just feels good HAHA!] {not with a pen you idiot, with your finger}


That really cracked me up LOL


they all sound so cute to me. guys who love your girls follow them !!!

DONT! Unless you wanna be called a stalker haha

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My husband used to do every one of those things on the list. I really miss it alot. Not having some one right now to do those things makes me sad sometimes. I was with him for 30 years and married for 28 of those years.


I hope again to find some one so sweet and thoughtful in my life.

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That sounds so nice... but i dont think relationships are that simple.. You can do these stuff if you are married for example with a woman for 20 years..


But these stuff are not the main points to look for when trying to reach a girl or at the beggining of any relationship.. As sweet as they sound, they are nice in specific situations only.

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That actually 19 ways to actually end lose a girl.


Done at rare times and limited it can do wonders. But too much of it too fast you'll just end up alone....with your hand...or anything else that you use to keep you in control lol.


Basically when i just read all those 19 stuffs, its hit me has being a WUSS. And chicks dont dig WUSSES. Never give what the want! Thats the key of keeping a girl. We keep power and control and decide whenever she deserve any of that attention. Thats all.

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I disagree Omni-I , that it would make a guy a wuss to do those things. It isn't like all of them would be done each and everyday.


It is possible to be a caring, sweet, attentive man, without turning in to a wuss.


I think most women do like a guy that pays attention to them in those kinds of ways. However, I do agree that doing all of them everyday , could be a bit much.


When my husband was living, and over the period of 28 years that I was married to him, he did all of those special things with me and for me.


It is definitely not a matter of deciding to be in control and deciding WHEN and IF a woman deserves those things.

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