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My ex, whom I haven't spoked to for about 6 wks txt message and voicmeail me tonight. She was upset because I blocked and ignored her txt message. She's also upset because she notice on my xanga (similar to myspace) that I was out and having fun. In her txt message, she wrote:


hey 4get my text - u ignore me and mess with me - u want no contact wit me so fine i'll act like i dont know u or ever did.


her second txt message:


And i don't think u shud talk 2 my fam when u choose to have nothing 2 do wit me- thanks


then she left me a voicemail.


She want's 'our' pics to be saved somewhere else since I'm 'dating' someone new. She doesn't want our pics to be on my site. She asked me to email her back to handle the pics.


So, what should I do? I do miss her and have feelings for her BUT I'm trying to move on with my life and not fall back.


I'm just confused. Please help.



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Wow! She emailed me the nastiest email this morning.


"I know you have completely cut me out of your life, as far as responding to me, acknowledging me, and clearly as far as respecting me. It makes me sick.


I wouldn't be so adamant about it, but the fact that u act as if u never know me hurts. You have chosen to do that, and I will respect it. You will not hear from me again. You know where I stand so it's not my decision. If I happen to see you out, I don't plan to act like I even know you. Sad? Yes, very sad… but its not fair for you to completely ignore me and not speak to me then expect things will be cool if we run into each other. Things will not be cool and that is what I have to do to protect myself."


There's more but I'll spare you guys...


Then she emails me again with


If that came accross mean, im sorry.. I have a love hate things going on right now… I just have very strong feelings towards things.


What da?


I'm not going to respond.

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See how she comes up with excuses after you ignore her? Let her have a lot on her mind and plate....alone. You are no longer her emotional cushion or punching bag. She is playing games, plain and simple. Not matter the content of her emails or the tone of them...ignore them at all costs. Hang in there, you are doing great.

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