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reading the Bible

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the bible is a big book so much to read in it .i dont wear i started wen i 1st read it but i was like where to start ? after all everynite i sumtimes fall asleep with the bible on my tummy and wake up the next day feeling peace ,

Sumtimes wen i dont know wot im lookng for 2 read in the bible i talk to god to help me sense me.



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Start at the gospels. MArk, Luke, John, and MAtthew. Then go onto the rest of the New Testament. Then read the Old testament to see how the prophecies of the coming of Jesus match. Good Luck.


That's exactly what I would have suggested.

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Not to sound like a **** but I think you have the wrong forum. You should be asking a pastor, rev, priest, etc.


I disagree. There is a "Mind, Body, Spirit" forum on here that often gets spiritually-based topics. As long as the conversation stays within the boundaries of respect for all religions, I don't see why this poster couldn't have asked this question. There are plenty of folks on here who are Christians, Muslims, Jewish, and other religions. If you're not, and you don't have an answer for this question, you simply can choose not to post on it.


Or, you could have phrased it, "Not sure, but a pastor or rabbi might be able to give you some additional guidance here."

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Your right Scout my bad! Sometimes these post generate toxic debates. Thats what I was trying to avoid.


As for where to start, sometimes I just open it up and usually it has something to do with what I am going through.


No problem, I understand where you're coming from...I've seen threads on religion get locked pretty fast, too, because they escalate into personal attacks.


Sounds like some good suggestions are being generated in this topic, though, including your suggestion to leaf through the Bible. There aren't any rules, really, on how one should read it. In fact, my Bible has a section in the beginning that has suggested topics for common life issues/problems. I often refer to that when I'm deciding what to read, and also, if one goes to a religious bookstore, you can find "companion study guides" for Bibles that guide you through it.

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I think the New Testament easily keeps the attention more when reading. I would suggest on the NT , to read it in order and not skip around.


The Old Testament can be a bit hard to stay focused on, at least for me.

However, in the OT, the Books of Psalms and Proverbs are quite interesting.

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I have a one-year Bible. Each day, a little of the Old Testament, a little of the New Testament, a little bit of the Proverbs and Psalms. Takes less than 20 minutes to read each day.


I've tried to read it straight through, but I get to Leviticus... I can't handle the Old Testament very well. If you have the attention span of a gnat (like me), don't try to tackle it straight through.


Seriously though. The one-year Bible has been GREAT for me. You don't have to decide where to start, you can just start on the day you're on. It's not really like a story that you have to read straight through. It's history, to be read like any other history book. A chapter here, a book there. Read whatever book you want to read, and then check it off the list in the front.


Good luck!

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If this is your first time reading the Bible, I would suggest not getting the King James version. My fiancee and I have a "couples" bible that is a "New International Version". Much easier to read, and every few pages has a relationship story or advice that relates to the scriptures in that book. The Bible is full of metaphors, and sometimes hard to understand.

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There's a great Bible out there which I think is the King James Version (the only version) but is called a "Living Insights" Bible...it has alot of commentary and correlations to everyday life, as well as some character studies of many Biblical figures and how they relate to situation we might be in. It's a great tool for spiritual growth.


Oh, God doesn't care what part of his book you start with, just the fact that you wish to pick it up probably makes him smile.

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