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How Much More Can One Person Take?

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.... Before you give up all hope?


11 Months I've been with my boyfriend. In that 11 Months we've physically been together 4 times. He lives 4/5 hours away.


I'm very in love with him. I haven't told him, because he hasn't told me, not even hinted at it.


The problem is, it's starting to eat me up inside. I feel like I'm going to burst. I have all these feelings for him that I can't share because I don't know how he feels and I'm too terrified to find out, because I fear the worst.


I don't want to tell him over the phone either, but I honestly don't know when we'll be able to see each other again at the moment.


I just keep waiting. Waiting for him, waiting for the right time, just waiting. And I'm so sad.

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stop waiting....tell him, you should never hold back cuz if something goes wrong you will feel worse because you did....tell him, tell him, and yea tell him exactly how you feel you will feel so much better. even if he doesn't feel the same (but im sure he does if you have been together that long) it will be off your chest and you will know that you didn't hold back and you were true and there is nothing wrong with any of that.

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Waiting is just hurting you, it is tearing you up inside. Thus, don't wait.


Yes, I know it is scary and you are afraid of what could happen. But that's just it. What COULD happen. Maybe things will go bad, maybe they won't. Maybe he is going through the exact same feelings. Maybe talking about it will make you both start to do something about it. Anything could happen.


But if you don't say anything, you already know what is going to happen. You will keep feeling sad, depressed, and alone. And those feelings are going to build inside you until they come out in a way you probably don't want them to. It's better to get it out now and calmly talk about it, then keep it all end til it explodes.


As a guy who has held back my feelings too long, and had it end badly, I know that its best to be honest and express your feelings when you feel them, not keep it all inside. Sure, the pain if it doesn't work will hurt. But you can begin to heal and slowly get better. This way, things just get worse. And there is still the chance that things will get better for you too, he just isn't aware of your feelings and so doesn't think there is anything that needs to change.


Over the phone isn't best, its better to do it in person. But that's the problem with long distance relationships. You have to make due with what you have. And its best to tell him as soon as possible. Tell him that you need to have a serious talk with him, and get out everything you feel. It will be a big relief and things can start to change. Hopefully things will work out with you two.


Let us know what happens. We are here for you.

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your obviously quite stressed out about it. i know TOO WELL how it feels im the kinda girl that must tell a guy if i like him! like eventually it will come out. but i would advise that if you can wait then wait because it's a known fact-when a guy feels it he says it and even with my super shy bf i waited for him to say it first. live in the moment though, next time you see him do it, however, be prepared he may not be at that point because guys say it when they feel it. so if you need to get it off your chest go for it, just be prepared you may not get the response you were hoping for.

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Thank you for your responses.


I've said this before in a few of my other posts, but what's really putting me off is this. 3 months into the relationship I told him (over the phone) that I felt like I was falling in love with him. He was honest with me and told me he didn't feel he was with me. We had a long discussion about love and such. I'd asked if he'd ever felt it before, he said he thought he did (ex) and I asked if he'd said it before and he said yes, but he didn't know what he was saying (I think he did, he was heartbroken after her, that was 3 years ago now mind you). He said he wasn't even sure what love was. I told him I was feeling hurt and he comforted me and said he's here for me, and he cared for me very very much. When we hung up he texted and told me he felt more attracted to me now and that he thought we were good together. He told me to just give it time. So I have...


And now I don't know how long to wait.


Oh... and does anyone here have any idea how to say I love you in Punjabi? I think it's Mai taunu pyar karda, but I don't know for sure and I wouldn't have the first clue how to pronounce it either lol.

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