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Going through this

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I assume you're talking about a breakup?


Assuming you are ... there is somebody out there for you. Likely lots of somebodies. You don't have to go to the ends of the earth searching, she may ever be around the corner. There was somebody for me. Turned out to be better than all the people I'd already met and loved. I didn't think at the time there would ever be anybody else I could love like I do her, but there was (there is!) and things are better than I'd imagined.


Have faith that they will be for you one day too.

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I feel the same way, Dave.

I started this last relationship feeling like I never did before. I thought this was it, it felt so completely different and better.

But it ended. How can I have confidence in the future, that I will feel that way again, and it will last? It makes me think, "If this didn't last, nothing will".


What a bad situation.

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I'm living proof that there is life after death of a relationship. Trust me, my story has been told many times on here, I almost feel I should some how link it to my profile. I had my world ripped from my hands and today I am happier than I have ever been. In love, remarried and have a new edition who is 5 1/2 months old. It is hard to see right now from where you are at but once you stop looking back and start crawling back up that mountain, the view is spectacular at the top.



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I came out of a 5 year relationship in the dumps . . about 2 years ago. Had the common symptoms of someone who didn't make the decision to break up. Anyhow, I started (still in the process) a small business based on the things I did after my breakup. I would not have done these things had my ex not ended things with me. I'll put it this way for you: everything you do from here on out determines which direction you will go. Good luck.

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Caught my last bf cheating on me, which was a shattering experience. I'd been in denial that was going on for a few months, but life has a way of presenting truths over and over in more & more obvious ways until you can't lie to yourself anymore.


It was ug-o-lee.


I figured that was it. I'd be single for the rest of my life, because there really didn't seem to be any guy who wanted the same things out of a relationship I wanted.


2 months after I broke up with the cheater, I met a guy online. He was too young, lived too far away, and my first impression of him was, "what an arrogant little twit." We chatted online & on the phone for 2 or 3 weeks, then arranged for a r/l date. He proposed (with a ring & all) one week after our first date and we've been ridiculously happily since then. Been together for a little over 4 years, been married the last 3.5 years.


The bf before the cheater was an alcoholic. I didn't have the greatest track record when it came to the relationship area, and a lot of really crappy things happened in the time I was single and dating.


I'd go through it all again happily if it meant ending up with my husband. He & the relationship we have is so worth it. If I had not had every one of those miserable experiences prior to meeting him, I never would've gained the understanding necessary to be part of a truly healthy relationship.

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