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Return of the Ex's!!

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Ahh I don't know what is happening!


Yesterday one of my ex gfs turned up at my house with a red rose for me, said 'I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you' kissed me and left, just like that. I haven't seen her for close to 2 years and had hardly thought of her for at least a year and a half of that time.

Today another ex from before the one I just mentioned sent me a text asking to meet up with her! I haven't even heard from her for what must be 3 years.


There was this other girl I used to talk to online. I even went to meet her all the way to Canada. She totally fell in love with me but I wasn't interested, she was very hurt by this and stopped talking to me, this was around a year ago. Well just a few days ago she started talking again!


AND my best friend who moved away and changed into lets just say not a nice person came to visit me out of the blue at the start of the month!!


Whats going on?!!??



PS. my most recent ex who I'm still not totally over just set her msn name to 'sex! red hot raging sex! who is going to put me out of my misery then?'

While that gives me that gut wrenching sick feeling it also makes me think "I'm glad I don't go out with someone who advertises her sexual urges over msn, what a tart." She has some right slease bags in her list too, while I know she is not one to sleep around, I know she'll learn from this type of thing... the hard way.


I'm glad to have said all that.

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Well I am totally 100% over the first 2 ex's so I wouldn't mind having them as friends, or not. But if there is the slightest hint of bringing up the past eg. 1st ex, then they will be politley told I'm not interested.

As for the old best friend, well he can go and boil his head to put it nicely!


I'm still a bit shocked by all this, it's a lot to cope with.

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"I'm glad I don't go out with someone who advertises her sexual urges over msn, what a tart."


I don't know why, but this had me laughing!


Hmm...I don't know what it is...I have had a similar experience where it seems they come in droves all of a sudden. I blame some cosmic force in the universe Maybe they were thinking as it was V-Day and they all realized how well you had treated them....


Bottom line, you don't have to do anything about their approaches...just chalk it up to a very strange few days, and carry on.

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Thanks for all your comments. It really has been a confidence boost.


I did and meet up with the ex from 3 years ago and it was quite nice. I didn't feel any old feelings coming back and the fact that she has a bf didn't bother me whatsoever. Its funny when you meet up with ex's further down the line because they act in their true colours rather than trying to be nice and impress you (which we are all guilty of to a certain extent) and it made me think "I couldn't put up with her!!"


Thanks again to everyone. I think I'm going to print this thread out and hang it on the wall so that I can read it whenever I'm feeling down.

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