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Sex with sister?

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From a biology point of view there is actually nothing wrong with it, They could even reproduce and produce viable offspring. Of course, continued inbreeding causes genetic problems. A one off normally isn't normally a problem.


However from ethical point of view it is considered very wrong and they will have a hard time getting people to accept it. I suggest they stop find other parnters and tell no1 about this.

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  • 4 months later...
That's like saying such and such is a nice guy except he likes to shoot people in the head on Wednesdays. How in the world did this all begin? Did they grow up together or meet up later in life like Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia? Well it's illegal but the most important thing is to make sure they are using massive protection and not have any kids.

hey i head something similer to that except they never meet each other and they are half brother and sister they have sex to. and they are in there 20's too. if they have kids how dose that work? and in what country it that kind of okay?

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Is it just me or do you feel like your watching the Springer Show.

From a biology point of view there is actually nothing wrong with it, They could even reproduce and produce viable offspring. Of course, continued inbreeding causes genetic problems. A one off normally isn't normally a problem.


Oh yeah RIGHT, like the ppl off of 'The hills have eyes' or 'Wrong Turn".

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Yes im with depresssedone89, if they want to have sex with each other who cares its there choice, they are adults, let them do what they want, its not like you can stop them anyway



I'm with you guys, what people do in their personal lives in their own time, is nobody else's business. As long as they don't have children, I see no problem with it. I'm in Australia, and I don't think it's illegal here, as long as both parties are consenting adults. I could be wrong though. But they're not hurting anyone, are they? Lots of people have sex with family members. Look at the British royal family, they're all inbred and nobody gives a damn about that...(no offense to any British people reading this, I have nothing against the royals)

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well it may be old, but its a good discussion.

i never thought incest really existed as much as it does. esp. not in the states.

i can see where this would happen. i never thought it possible in a million years except of like in backwoods hillbilly country (mostly in movies) but i am in love with a guy whom i believe has sexual relations with his mother. it is very scary, and i can see how it happens just people being alone with each other, and out of touch with reality, and well...MENTAL.

its sad, but true. i cant believe it happens, really.

i think they both need professional help. its just not right.

i dont know why but i guess by societal standards its just wrong, biblical maybe? hell idont know but it just doesnt seem right! i cant explain it. Its a good debate seeing as how i have no reason to say its wrong and gross, but it is. really makes ya think.


btw if you still around:

i cant believe your friend told you...what do you think about it?

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But, didn't the first humans procreate by inbreading when there were no societies. For example, you have Adam and Eve and no one else. They had children. Who would their children have sex with to procreate if there were no societies other than that family on the whole earth? Basically, Adam and Eve would have had to have allot of children, who in turn, when growing older, would all have to end up marrying each other to expand the human family. Since the human race is not deformed since Adam and Eve - except spiritually, then it may not be necessarily the case that people are deformed from inbreeding.

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But, didn't the first humans procreate by inbreading when there were no societies. For example, you have Adam and Eve and no one else. They had children. Who would their children have sex with to procreate if there were no societies other than that family on the whole earth? Basically, Adam and Eve would have had to have allot of children, who in turn, when growing older, would all have to end up marrying each other to expand the human family. Since the human race is not deformed since Adam and Eve - except spiritually, then it may not be necessarily the case that people are deformed from inbreeding.



I've often wondered that too. I tend to take the "Adam and Eve" story with a grain of salt though..... (I've yet to find a happy place between science and religion. I always wonder what about the Dinosaurs and evolution, and different pre-human species that have been found by archeologists, etc. How does all of that fit into the Old Testament and Adam and Eve. That's a whole other topic. To me it's basically a rhetorical question.)


Regardless, in modern society with so many options, why would someone choose a sibling, directly in their bloodline....



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  • 4 months later...

First of all sex with blood cannot be justified with any parameters. It is purely 100% wrong.


Now the funny thing is that this was the exact time that my ex had the relationship with her brother ( ), coincidence I know as the ages dont match, she was 21 when it happened and so was he (hence twin) but hey it shows how much incest is out there, even in the UK!


I have been at the other end of this. As you said during the first few posts, what would happen if either of them had a gf or bf. Well I was close to being one, but got shunned. And it stung like hell was having a party. I tried to make sense into her but eventually she didnt listen and had a child with him. That is so wrong, it makes me so sad and upset. Wish she was here.


But anyway, back to the point, just explain to them that it is wrong, family life will be ruined, help her and him get through this, I know with my well ex it was her twin who was pushin things, trying to get her into his way of mind. Saying things like "its ok, its only me" you know mind games in order to satisfy his lust. Disgusting. Make her and him understand what they are doing is wrong, force them apart if need be, Save them from a mistake, from a mistake which will happen. More importantly save them from the fires of hell. Help them out. Its very frustrating, i know, i gave up with my ex, the emotional pressure was just too high, not that I didint love her, i was in a corner, my world around me dwindling into a small ball, not knowing what to do and bit by bit he poisend her against me. Dont let that be the case, make them see sense. And hurry, time is running out. Good luck to you mate. Nice job. I know old thread but hey you may still come to read this and hopefully it will help. Good luck

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