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I need help but can anyone really help me??


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My life is seriously a never ending pain! I can't do anything ryt at all! I hate my skool and most of my family! My friends are great but i can't tell em anything cuz i no if i do il just push em away lyk evry1 else! My wrists r full of scars as is de rest of my body from de cuts that iv made i dnt wanna do it people save me! People tel me im nothing people tel me im ugly but all i want is to be loved! My frends say how can u complain evry1 loves u but they dnt bcuz i dnt feel it! I help all my frends but no1 is eva there 4 me wen i need 2 talk! Whats wrong with me why doenst any1 wanna help me! Im a child of rape but no1 cares bout tht! Please sum1 help me i dont want to but i no that soon im gonna commit suicide if nuthin happens!

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I am sorry to hear that you felt no one really care for you. But you will be surprise to find out from this web site how many of us care about others that we don't know, for example, myself!


Even though there are times when you think some of your friend don't care about you, it maybe untrue due to some misunderstanding between you guys. thereforeeee, I suggest that you talk to your friend nicely and ask them if they can listen to your problems which you need help. Then you will be surprise, they will sit there quietly listening to you.


Good luck and know that all of us care about each others.


woof woof

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I know wat u mean but i cant do that! I'm the one that listens to them and helps them! I know its stupid but it feels gud helping others! I know i cant talk to people because my problems are so serious! And i just dont lyk the idea of putting pressure on them so i take it out the wrong way. But sometimes i do just want someone to listen you know???

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You won't feel any love if you don't learn to love yourself. Sad, but true.


I know you've heard that a lot. But it is the real deal, how can you feel the love fromo other persons toward something that you hate? How can you feel loved when you hate yourself?


Loneliness is a state of mind, it is up to you to create your own hell.


Remember, life is to short, don't piss Heaven off, as we have a lot of hell to pay


Please look for therapy, but don't take any medications, you need to learn how to handle your own mind, and drugs don't help (they only make the symptoms go away temporarily)

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Hey rozi! Hope things are looking up for you today.


I know what you mean about not feeling like you can talk to people. It does feel good to help people, and you are a great person for wanting to help others. But at the same time, you can't ignore yourself. I've always been one to sacrifice my time and feelings to be there for others. When I am helping other people, its when I feel best about myself. I rarely go to people with my problems, and its only been in the last year that I've found someone I can really share all of my feelings with. So I know the struggle you go through. But what it took me years to figure out is that your friends and family most likely want to hear what you are feeling. They want to help you. You've helped them enough, now they can return the favor. And if someone tries to ignore how you feel, it isn't that they don't care about you. It's probably that they can't see how you are feeling for some reason, don't understand just what it is you need to help you. They may be dealing with issues of their own that cloud there judgment and make it hard for them to reach out as you need them to. For years I've wished my family could give me what I need from them, but they are too caught up in there own issues and problems. I don't know what your family is like, but they might be like that as well. If not and they are open and loving, talk to them. Its what they would want you to do.


If you feel bad about talking to friends and putting pressure on them, maybe a counselor would be good for you. I think the important thing is to share these feelings. Right now you have so much hurt and pain in you that you don't know how to deal with it. It's weighing you down and killing you slowly. You need to let your feelings out. The cutting is a way of doing that, but it is only hurting you instead of helping you. Finding someone to talk to will let those feelings out, but in a more productive way that can lead to you getting help and working through everything.


Please, post back and let us know how you are. We are here to help. You can talk to us. And my PM box is always open.

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I just came accross a couple of your posts to other people. I can tell that you have a great heart and a passion for helping others. I am really moved by that. You are clearly an amazing person. Do you do volunteer work? I find that it helps me to think better about myself and that helps me work through my feelings. You should still talk to someone though. And after you've been able to work through your problems, have you ever thought about spending time helping people who have gone through something similar? Like a sucide prevention line? I think you'd be good at it and could relate to the people better. But first, you need to find someone to talk to and work through your own feelings.


Hang in there, it will get better.

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i often feel like suicide and have attempted on a couple of occasions.

i would like to be able to help if i can. i dont know exactly how you feel, however i was sexually, emotionally and physically abused by my father until i was about 12. so i may be able to give you someone to talk to about how youre feeling.

i relise how hard it is to cope with suicidal thoughts and feelings of being unloved.

keep safe! xXx

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Hi please read this before you make any, decisions. Please accept the fact that every one at one time feels this way one day or another, and every possible problem you are facing right now has been overcome before. I cut, i tried to kill myself, i have felt your lows i assure you of that, and it seems to other people that i have everything. read my posts and see in detail what been up with me but i got through it you can too. your just running a race in first place but you are tired and want to quit im i right , but there will come a time when you reach that line and can look back on the distance you have overcome. If you can please express to your parents that you are having trouble in dealing with this iam sure they care they just arnt expressing themselves in the right way, please get counseling and pray, pray the lord will bring you piece of mind and a way out of this. i know yull be looken back on all this someday. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, please send me a message and let me now how you are doing

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Thanks for all your kind words but i cant talk to my parents! My family is a disaster zone! As i said i dont know my dad, iv looked up where he lives and im trying to find enough courage to go and talk to him but he raped my mum and its his fault she has a mentle disorder his fault i feel like this i also live with my grandparents but i cant talk to them my grandad hates me and my nana thinks suicidal people are idiots! I am so sick of feeling like this my mum has told me she wishes i was never born because then her life would be great! It hurts me so much to hear that sure we fight and all but i would never say that to her no matter what happenes shes still my mother and il always love her but i dont feel that love back from anyone not even my boyfriend! I feel like as much as i love everyone else they dont love me! Plus i just found out my hole group at school is angry at me because i have been * * * * *y latelt. I wish they knew what was going on but how can i tell people who slap me for cutting myself instead of helping me! This is a cry for help i dont want to kill myself i love life but i cant stand this pain anymore!

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