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Does anyone else go through this?

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Does anyone else suffer from these symptoms or ever have? If so then for god sakes I need some answeres. Because this has been going on for quite some time. Some nights are fine, some are just absolutely horrible. I am a 26 year old male who suffers from worthless stress that really I shouldnt even be thinking about. Even though I have alot of legal problems due to finances and a fiance that is hooked on drugs that is going through treatment, but the fear of her failing in it is scaring me to death. But that is the least of my problems anymore. Because the past few nights when I lay down to sleep I become wide awake. My mind becomes very racy.


This is what astounds me and has me extremely worried. I will become very disoriented, sometimes I dont even know where I am at. I have thoughts of the weirdest things, such as people chasing me, people stabbing me, people taking buckets of blood and dumping all over me. It is kind of dumb but its what is going on. Last night in a dream my family came home and started roasting a pig, they thought it was a joke to poor the blood all over me from the pig... weird huh? but its got to mean something. The feeling I get when these episodes happen is I cant move, I try to scream or move but I cant. It takes several minutes to come out of it. Also during these episodes it is like I am hearing people talk to me like yelling. This even lasts after the episodes for several minutes even maybe an hour of non stop nagging from voices and aggitation. My heart starts hurting severely and I even get a headache. I dont mean to sound psycho or nor am I (I dont believe). But this is just really getting to me and I have told doctors I suffer from panic attacks. But they give me anti depressants which just makes it worst. With side affects such as sex problems, headaches, all kinds of stuff I dont need.


Is it normal to go through this kind of thing after a certain age or while stress is happening? I also fear of jail, I constantly dream about sitting in jail, being threatened and everything else. I am so tired of all this.

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yes i have been stressed out pretty bad before! to me, it sounds like you are suffering from panic disorders. panic disorders are when you have so much anxiety in you that you start having symptoms like you discribed. some people feel their heart racing, can't move or talk, feel physical symptoms like pain in their chest, etc. this is a medical condition and it is highly treatable with medication. i don't know how you feel about taking meds but it can help you greatly. i would seriously consider it if i were you! you deserve not to feel like this! take care

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I have anxiety and panic attacks. I've actually gone to the hospital thinking I had a heart attack only to find out it was a panic attack. A few times my face went numb and I have felt disoriented, mostly because even though I didn't realize it my breathing wasn't normal. I suffer from mild depression as well and I don't like taking medication for it either. I have taken Welbutrin which doesn't have sexual side effects and it worked nicely but actually as I've gotten older I suffer less from depression. And depression medication never really helped with my anxiety which bothered me more.


I found that in times of stress is when I tend to have problems with anxiety. For the most part I'm fine. I did get prescribed Kolonopin which I now take on an as needed basis which is hardly ever now. Learning how to manage stress was very helpful for me. Kolonopin can be addictive though so I don't take it unless I really need it. Ask your doctor if he could prescribe something specifically for anxienty rather than depression.

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To me it sounds like you are in a viscious circle where u can't sleep properly because of stress, which in turn is stressing u out even more...insomnia can make some very strange thoughts creep into your head, and if u are drifting in and out of sleep it can be difficult to distinguish between reality and dream. The feeling of not being able to move might be sleep paralysis, which can happen when u are drifting off to sleep or when ur waking up. It can also make u hallucinate and hear voices that aren't there. Basically though it sounds like all of this is caused by stress so I would seek some counselling to try and deal with that. Good luck.

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Some of your symptoms sound like sleep paralysis which is generally related surprise surprise to stress!

The disorientation is associated with disconnection your mind shuts down in order to keep you safe, having experienced disconnection I know how terrifying it is, but it is another sign that you need a break or some relief from the extraordinary amount of stress you currently have in your life. Try not to focus on not being able to sleep itll just make it worse!! have you tried the traditional remedies of a hot bath, milky drinks, relaxation cd?

Your mind is trying to process what is happening currently and it would appear that the only time it has to do this is during your sleep, could you take small amounts of time out for yourself during the day?

Anti depressants will help but you have to give them time to work the side effects do lessen but realistically they take 3-4 weeks to work. Have you considered getting some counselling/therapy to give you the opportunity to talk through the stresses in your life, it would also be an opportunity to focus solely on you and your needs which might not be a bad thing right now, your girlfriend needs you to be healthy in order to support her, she has taken the step of doing something to help herself can you?

Good luck

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