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Things in my life are getting pretty bad. I deal with it pretty well during the day. I keep myself busy with my hockey stuff going on right now and hanging out with a couple of close friends, and once this semester starts, I'll be keeping busy working towards a four point.


Nights, on the other hand, have just been miserable. I can never fall asleep and every once in a while I just cry (can't really figure that one out). I just want to be able to sleep, because I can hardly function during the day time anymore with how tired I get. It also gets me more emotional during the daytime, which is definetly not a good thing.


One average, I'm getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night.


I'm not even considering sleeping pills. The last thing I need is to get addicted to anything, and I'de really like to handle this some other way.


Anyone have any ideas, or anything? I have no idea what's going on with myself.

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I have the exact same problem. some days are worse than others and some months are worse than others. but i can be utterly exhausted during the day and force myself to stay up till night so that i'll go right to sleep. and then nighttime comes...and i cant sleep.

i had NEVER been drunk before in my life. i tried alcohol last year and found out that i could drink wine and go to sleep the whole night through. thing is i also found out i dont remotely know my limits sooooo i got addicted to alchol REALLLLLY fast. that ended up not being any help at all. i almost lost my bf and my work/social life also started to get affected so now i avoid alcohol again.

what ive found that is somewhat working for me now is unfortunately over the counter tylenol PM. i havent tried ambien which ive heard works well but you need a doc's prescription. most people take 2 tylenol pm's to go to sleep. i take closer to 6 but it does knock me out and im wide awake in the morn without feeling groggy. i dont reccommend THAT many but that's how much it takes ME to get to sleep.

i do feel your pain though. not being able to sleep has affected my work, my schooling, my social life....everything. it's awful awful awful.

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From the symptoms, it sounds like depression.


You're able to function during the day because you have things to keep your mind occupied, but during the evening your mind is free to dwell on whatever it is that is depressing you.


For me, it just took time to get into a normal sleeping pattern, but there are nights where I revert back into that same rut, but it has gotten easier.


Since its really affecting you, you might want to consider talking to a professional counselor. They might perscribe antidepressants temporarily which could really help your situation.

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"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the wisdom to know the difference..."


Lillady898, I usually recommend exercise to help others to get to sleep, but it sounds like you've got that covered. (Eliminating caffiene helps too.) If you can't sleep because of what you're thinking, I find it helps to keep a notebook beside your bed to "empty" your mind of worries and negative thoughts. I'm naturally an obsessive compulsive person and my brain can ruminate on what's wrong in my life for hours if I let it. By writing things out I'm acknowledging to my "mind" that I am aware of all the problems that I'm juggling but that I need to get some sleep. The process of writing these issues down gives my brain permission to rest and get off that perpetual worrier's "hamster wheel."


When you do have free time it's good to go through that list of problems and ask yourself some questions...

1. Is this problem really a "problem" for me? Sometimes when we're tired and cranky, the little meaningless annoyances of life can seem important than they actually are.

2. Is this problem really mine to solve? [Example: Often times we take upon ourselves the conflicts of others and make them our own. The problem is we have no control over other's actions and unless they're willing to make the necessary changes in thought and deed, there's not much we can do except be there for them.]

3. Is this problem something I have the power to resolve? If so, what are my options?

4. If not, what can I do to influence things in a favorable direction? Sometimes the most you can do is pray.


Anything else you can do in the hours before you sleep to reduce stress is also helpful. Give yourself something to look forward to every night. Listen to relaxing music. Read a good book. Have a cup of tea, some wine, or a warm glass of milk (with cookies!) Take better care of your body and mind and they will take good care of you. Good luck!

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Hi there. I just wanted to add....my sister has been having this same exact problem for months now. It's been quite a stressful time for our family for a variety of reasons- and the way the stress expressing itself in my sister is through insomnia.


My sister has tried a variety of things. Eventually, the only thing that has worked for her is anti-anxiety medication. They're not sleeping pills per se, just general anti-anxiety pills.


But before you think about that- try some of the methods in the websites darkblue provided.


They also make herbal teas that contain a natural sleep rememdies such as valerian root and chamomile.




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i feel for you, i have trouble sleeping as well, and whenever i do sleep, i'm plagued by nightmares, and often wake up crying. a friend of mine suggested that the crying is due to refusing to deal with certain emotions while i'm awake, so it comes to the surface once my guard is down. it makes sense to me, perhaps you're doing the same? as for being able to fall asleep, i'd recommend drinking a cup of ginger tea with a splash of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey added. it helps me get to sleep a lot. and it doesn't leave you feeling groggy in the morning, which is a definate one-up on any sleeping pill.. whenever you feel like crying, try writing down how you feel in a notebook, and try tro reason out why you feel like that.. write down the things that have been bothering you lately, whether it's that your hockey game didn't go well, or that school's stressing you out, or that you can't find your favorite sweater. but also, write down the things that went right, despite the things that didn't. like, if you lost your game, analyse it and decide that you made this play or that shot just right. or that maybe you've improved, and can almost get it perfect. ^_^ hope you feel better soon, and are able to get some real sleep.. once you catch up on your Z's, things will seem a lot more attainable.


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I am trying to re establish my sleeping pattern...

I bought Meletonin 3 from GNC today...and will see how it works.

Apparently melatonin is a hormone we tend to lose as we get older...

so I guess this sort of replaces it. This is probably younger people tend to be able to sleep a lot....and maybe it explains why older people are up at the crack of dawn

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Thanks very much for all the input. I'm definetly going to use some of these non-medication methods to fall asleep before resorting to any medication. During a rough patch in my life a few years ago I turned to Nyquil to fall asleep... The whole situation turned out just really bad.


Thanks again for all of the advice.

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Interesting all the responses came from females (and you darkblue). But to show its a male thing as well, I have the same problem. My mind never wants to stop thinking and at night it can go on for hours since I really have nothing else to do. Smallworld gave some great tips, especially the journal. Writing things down helps to clear them out of your head and gives you a feeling of having done something about it, even if it wasn't much. Also, I think if you aren't getting to sleep, don't just lie there and toss and turn, thinking about how you can't sleep. Get up and do something until you feel your head getting heavy, then go back to bed. Just lying there tends to frustrate me more sometimes. If my body isn't responding to my request for sleep, then I keep busy until it does.

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