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LOL, the topic in my ministry calls was homosexuality!

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I just thought I'd share this with you guys.It just irks me sometimes how the world can be so ignorant. Not that it's bothering me but I just wanted to share with you what was talked about in my teen class today. I go to a christian church or what have you & all of the teens have their own special service.So our Pastor was talking to us about homosexuality. She pulled out bible references & read scriptures & the more she read, the more annoyed I was. I truly believe god loves me & I know that I can't change, because trust me I tried.I am comfortable in my skin & I believe god loves me no matter what. She went on to say that "WE'RE" living in a sinful nature & we'll go to hell.So then various teens stated their opinions & talked about the gay people they see at their school. They talked about how disgusted they were to see them. One ignorant boy blurted out, All of them are going die of AIDS & go to hell. Basically everybody in the ministry laughed. So today was a very uncomfortable day for me but I ignored what was said or read however.


I just wish god could find a way to get through to people & just learn to accept & love everyone for who they are. I talked to my mom about it & surprisingly, she agreed with me. She said that I didn't chose to be the way I am. She said it's not normal, but she said I'm here for a reason & maybe god has something special for people like us. I'm glad my mother understands & love me enough to let me be who I am. She says I can date men & do whatever I want, as long as I don't let the rest of the family know. That's cool with me because I don't want them to know either.

But my real question is, what religion does accept homosexuality, because when I get older, I will definitely leave my views of christianity!

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It is a touchy subject. Some Christians believe that homosexuality should be accepted - while the Pope recently spoke out, calling it a 'disease', etc.


It is entirely your choice in what you want to believe.

But in Christianity, God is meant to be accepting of every one. Whatever colour, sexual orrientation, fantasies, habits, past, etc.


I won't get into what I think of what the Church said, incase I upset any one.

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All of them are going die of AIDS & go to hell

Sounds like a family discussion at the dinner table here when it is dedicated to homosexuality.


Anyhow, as for alternative religions, DN gave an excellent link. I do a good deal of study on alternative and New Religious movements and find it fascinating, and a good deal which are outside of the mainstream Christianity accepts Homosexuality just like any other aspect in life. You'll have to keep a general eye on the religions as on occasion you will stumble accross those which are on the fringe point but a majority are quite the safe lot. One I've personally taken an interest in are those of the Neopagan groups. Another good information resource aside of link removed is that of link removed. They have a wealth of information too, but religioustolerance I'd have to say takes the cake out of most general sites available for information.


She said it's not normal, but she said I'm here for a reason & maybe god has something special for people like us.

You know, this reminds me of the most interesting comment I had heard the other day from a friend of mine. His viewpoint was along the lines that maybe our purpose from God is to teach others about peace acceptance and learn about their own violent and animal tendencies and discover logic for themselves if they won't listen since everything is engraved in stone and only few would be willing to change the bible for any reason. Different viewpoint most certainly, interesting if nothing else.


I personally have been looking for a religion outside of Christianity myself. I was raised around religion and there is an empty space at times not practicing, but I refuse to let myself go to the wayside allowing others to tell me constantly I'm going to burn in hell when I've never did a thing. It bothers me more so, that there are so many that call themselves Christians during the week and Sundays and on Friday evening and Saturday they do act like a bunch of animals, making a beautiful illustration of a hundred other sins that actually hurt others.


My sin, well it doesn't seem to be bothering anyone that I know of in a physical outright sense, unless they're homophobic, I've never broke a law or truly bothered anyone and I probably spend more time with assisting Church activities than they do as "active members".


Whereas drugs, alcohol, premartial sex, vandalism, theft and what not, last I knew were very destructive and not productive for a community. Hm, I often wonder about me being told I'm going to hell and they're out engaging in all this. As far as I can stretch this comaprison I say:


Hello Pot, This is kettle.

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You know, this reminds me of the most interesting comment I had heard the other day from a friend of mine. His viewpoint was along the lines that maybe our purpose from God is to teach others about peace acceptance and learn about their own violent and animal tendencies and discover logic for themselves if they won't listen since everything is engraved in stone and only few would be willing to change the bible for any reason. Different viewpoint most certainly, interesting if nothing else.




That sounds good & very insightful. I'm still hoping for the day we have a good Gay leader or something that will come along & change the mindsets of most straight people & have alot more people accepting us. Sorta like the Martin Luther King for gay people! I wish someone would come along one day.Maybe I could lol, but I'm not that bold or brave!


This also confuses me about religion.. Who exactly put that in the bible & should we take everything from it so seriously? There's a god, however I'm starting to question if I should believe in any religion & just accept the fact that there is a force greater than us that is watching us now.Everything as far as religion goes is so confusing & in some cases, it doesn't seem to help the world but makes it worse in some aspects. I think everyone should believe in god, but not take everything that's being said in the bible so seriously!

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Ok I’m sorry if I offend anyone, but if you take offence to my opinion that’s your own fault.


Basically, anyone who thinks gay people will go to hell or is different or wrong is extremely narrow minded. What basis is there for this?


I mean I am an atheist as the bible is FULL of contradictions and things that are not withheld while others that are which I think is ridiculous why people can abide by one set of rules but discard the others as its convenient with them.


It says you can’t wear clothes of two different materials at the same time but everyone does that, and in the same writing it says it’s evil to be homosexual. So why do these people decide to think its evil to be gay but ok to wear cloths of different material.


The only reason many of these things were originally written is because they were not understood. It is now known that you are in most cases homosexual from birth and it is in fact genetic. They did not know this in the days the bible was written so they could not understand it.


I mean the leader of the protestant church is a supporter of homosexual priests and other clergy.


Also anyone who treats you different for being homosexual well is not worth your consideration or bother. (I don’t know how much of this has been said by other people as I could not be bothered to read all the replies lol).


I hope no one got the wrong impression and thought by any means I was condoning or slating the Christian religion as I’m not and people should be left to worship/praise or believe what they want.


EDIT : By the way im not sure if you actualy gay lol, could you clear that up for me please?

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You know, this reminds me of the most interesting comment I had heard the other day from a friend of mine. His viewpoint was along the lines that maybe our purpose from God is to teach others about peace acceptance and learn about their own violent and animal tendencies and discover logic for themselves if they won't listen since everything is engraved in stone and only few would be willing to change the bible for any reason. Different viewpoint most certainly, interesting if nothing else.


This is an interesting viewpoint, in theory, but where does it put us GLBT folks in the scheme of things? Are we just tools for other straight people to figure out their lives? Maybe heterosexual people have the purpose of teaching us homosexuals/bisexuals/transexuals about patience and perseverance?


I personally don't like the idea of thinking my purpose here on earth is to serve as a warning or a moral parable for other people. I mean, I understand that we each affect other peoples' lives in a variety of different ways -- but that's completely different from saying that we (and by we I mean people like us who talk on this board and deal with this issues almost daily) are here only for the convenience of others, or to serve as pedestrian prophets spreading a message of love and tolerance.


I feel like the only way we can get over this hump of the Bible (as well as other religious texts) and homosexuality is to recognize that the Bible is not carved in stone -- it's a fluid text that has been manipulated before and will be manipulated in the future to serve various means/agendas. Of course, I think a lot of the time people don't use this argument is because they feel that saying so will undermine their religious beliefs -- when I feel like the exact opposite is true. Recognizing that the Bible is a text that's more of a guideline to life than an actual intruction manual shouldn't be seen as an opinion that undermines Christianity. Rather, it lets one be free to experience the world without constantly having to look over his or her shoulder, worrying about breaking some silly little millennia-old rule about wearing different clothes or circumcision or whatever and fearing eternal damnation.

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Once again I totally agree with you. Been there, done it, bought the t-shirt on the way back home.


I stopped going to traditional Christian churches for this particular reason.

The pastors often go on these tirades about gay people, and some of them are quite hateful.

I remember a few years back when a guest pastor came to my old church. He didn't have a sermon prepared, but he said that "The holy spirit has moved him to talk about how vile and disgusting it is to be gay."

Needless to say, no one got anything out of the sermon. BUT he did fill his quota as guest minister...


Right now as far as practicing my faith goes I'm in real limbo. I've mentioned it before but I am really examining myself and my beliefs to see where I fit into the scheme of things.

I've come to the same conclusion that the bible is a text that has been rewritten and misinterpreted hundreds of time, and it will continue to be so. So I can't base my happiness and well being on an ancient text. Especially, when I believe that god himself made me this way.


As Prufrock has stated I refuse to believe that my existence hinges upon showing "the righteous" the way to a better life. I believe that I am a good person and god has a plan, and purpose, for my life as well. I still believe in the god of my youth; however, I have different perspective of him now.


There is a place for me and all of us. And I don't care what some hate filled preacher has to say about it.

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I just had a very deep thought.. I wonder what all of the people in our lifetime that disapproves of homosexuality will think when they die, go to heaven & actually see gay people that made it there also? I'm very curious about the afterlife & I wonder how it's going to be like?? Everyone is at peace & everyone can be themselves..

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I just had a very deep thought.. I wonder what all of the people in our lifetime that disapproves of homosexuality will think when they die, go to heaven & actually see gay people that made it there also? I'm very curious about the afterlife & I wonder how it's going to be like?? Everyone is at peace & everyone can be themselves..


Or even worse the end up in hell because of descrimination and prejudice towards homosexuals. lol

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Yeah basically everything in the bible contradict one another. That's why I believe there's a god, but everyone has a WRONG view on exactly who or what god is! That's why I stopped bringing my bible to church, I just listen to the pastor talk.

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  • 1 month later...
... I just wanted to share with you what was talked about in my teen class today. I go to a christian church or what have you & all of the teens have their own special service.So our Pastor was talking to us about homosexuality. She pulled out bible references & read scriptures & the more she read, the more annoyed I was.

But my real question is, what religion does accept homosexuality, because when I get older, I will definitely leave my views of christianity!


There are other denominations, and group organizations within denominations, that welcome homosexuals. However, if they are Christian, they all share something in common, because they all go back to the same bible, which preaches against ordinary masturbation, various sexual activities and orientations, etc. In other words, they attempt to defy the natural laws that we all know exist and that we live with every day. I think it counterproductive, or a contradiction, to lend aid and support to (through your membership in) any organization which embraces a philosophy that denies you your humanity, dignity, and rights. Impressionable young people are living silent lives of desperation, in depression and torment and committing suicides because of 8ULL $H!T like that.

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I agree Charles. That is why I feel myself leaving Christianity behind. Because even if the church accepts gay men and women they still condemn everything that is simply being human...


I will always believe in an omnipotent benevolent creative force...I just don't believe everything happened by chance. However, I am learning that religious dogma is not for me.

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I agree Charles. That is why I feel myself leaving Christianity behind. Because even if the church accepts gay men and women they still condemn everything that is simply being human...


Foxlocke!! I agree, I mean everything is considered sinful, even harmless masturbation is a sin which I think is completely ridiculous lol. If that's the case, I think everyone would be heading towards hell lol.

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according to the church, homosexuality is a sin, how serious though? who knows. beyond the church's morals, its better known for confusion. (ie, the bishop saying that gay priests will be accepted as long as the can be abstinant like straight priests, and then the milwaukee journal sentinel saying the complete opposite)

ah whatev


thats a humble agnostic's opinion for you

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Hey, I'm not trying to convert anyone, but for those of you who are Christian and want to stick with a monotheistic religion, you might be surprised to learn that Judaism is actually very accepting of Gays and Lesbians. Reform and Reconstructionist Jews not only rejected the idea that more Torah-bound Jews (such as the Orthodox and the Hassids) have about homosexual encounters being against the Jewish law, but they also allow homosexual people to participate in every part of the service, including being rabbis and cantors. The only reason the Orthodox Jews have a problem with homosexuality is because anal sex is condemned in the Torah. Otherwise, they allow gay people to participate in synagogue as well.


I think it's really weird that Judaism is so accepting of homosexuality, considering how against it Christians are (after all, Christianity sprouted from Judaism), but I'm a Reformist Jew and one of the rabbis at the synagogue I attend is a lesbian. I have seen gay couples at several other synagogues I've attended throughout North America, and there's even a Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender synagogue in New York, where I used to live.

If you want to read more about it, here are some links:


(this is the website of the synagogue I just mentioned.)


Again, I'm reallly not trying to convert anyone. I just thought I'd throw what I know about my religion out there, since you asked.

Other than that, I'm really sorry about all the guilt, shame, and ostracism some of you had to go through in your communities and families because of religious reasons. It's disgusting how intolerant some people are.


But you know, I never really understood why some people of a certain religion feel the need to condemn everyone who doesn't believe in every single thing they believe in. So what if they think they won't go to heaven if they aren't straight. Why can't they just let everyone else go to hell and move on with their lives?

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I don't care what any over zealous religious types have to say. I believe that the creator of the universe loves me and made me the way that I am. I am a good and moral person, and I do believe I will goto heaven.

Even though I feel myself, gradually, moving away from the faith that has been the foundation of my life...I believe it is for my greater good. It is emotionally damaging to know that you are hated and hell bound(according to the preachers) just because of what you are.


I find my peace in knowing that I am apart of this world and the universe...And that I can have a beautiful life and love to the fullest capacity being just the way I am.

Even though there are gay Christian churches out there they still fall under the same stigmas. Yes, they accept homosexuality, but it is all still burdened by religious dogma.

Believing in a higher power, meditation, and alone time really enable me to cope with my problems...Maybe that is enough?

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I just wanted to put in my quick word.


I went to a church once w/ my friend because she kinda tricked me and my boyfriend to go with her. There were 3 gay people in there that i know of, including me and my boyfriend, and my friend was bi herself.


They talked about gay people the WHOLE time. Said how it was wrong.


That was my ex boyfriend, but my current boyfriend went to church and his friend went with him once. And they said "gay people are wrong" and his friend actually shouted out "NO ITS NOT!" really loud in the middle of the sermon.


We need more people like that.


I dont believe in god for reasons that dont even have to do with homosexuality. But there is a church here in Naples, FL called "Unity Church". They accept gays. Their logo is a rainbow with Unity written on it and a cross. They accept every type of person. Its the best church in town, but not alot of peopl go to it because of the 'accepting gays' thing. Oh well.


That was my two words.

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