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Just a Poll on what you would do or hate to have done to you.

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Okay im just doing a little poll thingy where i ask you all your opinion on this topic or situation. here is a question for the ladies and for the guys too.


Girls: What do u think is the best way to get back at your Ex boyfriend tell me how you have in the past or would do to make him jelous.


Guys: what is something your ex has done to make you jelous or name something that would make you jelous.


Thanks again!

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Girls: What do u think is the best way to get back at your Ex boyfriend tell me how you have in the past or would do to make him jelous.


I've never really felt a need to "get back" at an ex-boyfriend. That doesn't mean that I haven't been treated poorly by previous men in my life, but I don't think that I've ever really needed revenge.


The best way to directly affect someone who has hurt you in a really immature/ inconsiderate way, is to have the time of your life. Go out and have an amazing time, always be laughing, and never let him know how you feel. A true loser will expect you to beg, cry, and be a mess over him, so don't give him that satisfaction. Move on as quickly as possible and don't let him have any more control over your emotions, or your life.

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What do u think is the best way to get back at your Ex boyfriend tell me how you have in the past or would do to make him jelous.


Not a girl but I'll answer it anyways. You shouldn't seek revenge, if you are male or female. What does that do? Assuming the other did something really horrible to you, do you want to sink to their level? What if that person decides to get back at you for what you do? It could become a never ending cycle of hurt and pain. Then your feelings will never stop and you can't move on. Plus if you do something you will have the added guilt of what you did weighing on your conscience. Two wrongs don't make a right.


While there is some good to the idea of not letting him see you hurt, I think that it isn't that good of advice if you are doing it to get back at the person. Don't be begging him to take you back, but don't feel like you need to go out and be happy and have a great time of that is not how you are feeling. Breaking up, under any circumstances is hard and there is a process you should go through. Allow yourself to feel the hurt, it is actually good for you in the long run. Take as long as you need. I fear that if a person rushes too fast thinking they have to get over the person, that they will just be covering up their feelings when on the inside they are still hurt. So yes, try to enjoy life and do things to make you happy. But don't be afraid of feeling sad at times as well.


Guys: what is something your ex has done to make you jelous or name something that would make you jelous.


It wouldn't make me jealous so much as it would hurt me, her jumping straight to another guy. It tells me that she never really valued the relationship or how much I cared about her. It would burn in me and tear my heart apart. But that clearly isn't something the girl should do either. It would just hurt her more as she'd get involved with someone she didn't really love, and the other guy would be hurt because he is being used to make someone else jealous. No one wins.

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i dont think you should focus on making an ex jealous. it just seems to come from such a negative aspect. try to better yourself. have you ever heard of "happiness is the best revenge"?


BUT prob hooking up with another guy would hurt terribly or flirting in front of him. he might just end up hating you though... ug, but i dont advocate any of the negative stuff

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Okay, i know this is evil, but when i broke up with someone years ago, i hit the gym big time. I went every day, sometimes twice a day because i wanted to look as good as i could to make this person jealous.


I don't know whether it worked but i came out of it with an amazing body!


I don't believe in making people jealous now, to me it seems a waste of time i could otherwise be using to better myself in other ways.


The best form of "revenge" (if you want to call it that) is to be happy! It works every time. When you are happy, nobody can take it away from you.

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Revenge is not my style.


I've found that people's actions -- good or bad -- will come back to reward them or bite them in the butt. I leave any retribution up to God/Spirit/Universe/the Force/whatever-you-call-that-thing-that-is-greater-than-the-individual. I can't see the larger picture, but God/Spirit/etc. can...and can also bring things about in ways that I never could.


If I'm very, very lucky (and I have been a few times) I get to see when the actions of someone who's wronged me come back to haunt them. Without fail, the more I stay out of it, forgive them, and let it go the more spectacular it is when things end up evening out all on their own.

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Frankly, when you does not love a person anymore, even though the person is very successful in the later years, it would not affect you.

"He is successful. So what?"

The so called "revenge" is to actually pick yourself up and restart your life again. It is not about harming another person.

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Okay im just doing a little poll thingy where i ask you all your opinion on this topic or situation. here is a question for the ladies and for the guys too.


Girls: What do u think is the best way to get back at your Ex boyfriend tell me how you have in the past or would do to make him jelous.


Guys: what is something your ex has done to make you jelous or name something that would make you jelous.


Thanks again!

The best revenge is no revenge. If you seek revenge it shows that you care. The most hurtful thing an ex can do to any other ex is move on like it was nothing. Even if they broke up with you, no one wants to believe that they are easy to get over. So kill two birds with one stone, move on and enjoy your life and that is revenge enough on your ex.

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I agree with all of these posts, and I think you should take every single person's advice here, and move on without giving him any consent at all.


Just to show you.. my ex broke up with me back in June, and I tried the friends thing for awhile, but the only person that got burned was me. So I moved on with MY life, and did things I wanted to.. and didn't consider anyone else for that period of time.


Now, she came back, we're talking again.. hanging out, and there's a great chance feelings will rekindle somehow.


Keep your head up, don't expect anything.. and accept what you're given in this life.


Good Luck.

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The best revenge is to not seek revenge, in any way. If you are moving on with the intent somewhere in you to know that he is hurting because you moved on so fast, thats still not right. You should move on purely for your own piece of mind, without giving the other person a second thought. Otherwise, you are sinking to thats persons level and two wrongs don't make a right.

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