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i really dont think im going to make it through tonight.

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i hate myself more than any of you could possibly imagine. i hate everything ive ever done or said or anything. i hate every little thing about myself. i do not want to be me. my girlfriend broke up with me and i know why- ild break up with me too- im every bad thing you can think of and i hate it. i dont even know why i do certain things i do. i just want to die. i no longer wish to be me. what do i do? i cant change everything about myself- thats impossible. i HATE IT i HATE MYSELF more than rap or good charlotte or bass guitar or guys who hit girls I HATE MYSELF. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? on top of that i have nothing left in life except one good friend who is in the same position i am and a job making minimum wage that i dont even know if i can handle now because im so upset and i dont know if ill be calming down anytime soon. in fact im sure i wont. i need a purpose or some advice or someone with something magic that will fix me.

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wo back up mjones333


you're just 17 and you are having these feelings. what has made life so terrible that you would want to end it (which by the way is not a way to resolve your problems). things are never as bad as they seem. why do you feel so low? is this a built up reaction because the break-up with your girlfriend was recent?

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look I hope you haven'y gone and done anything silly like you were suggesting. I don't know your full situation but it seems to me like you really need someone just to listen to the troubles your having. I'd be quite happy to do that if you want to talk. I can't help if you don't start to help yourself. If not me then someone in your family, your friend. If not them I don't know if you have such a thing over there but we have suicide hotlines and youth hotlines specifically designed for people like yourself who feel they have nothing left. Please Please exhaust all resources before contemplating ending your life. Despite what you may think. People will miss you. People do care about you. And life will go on no matter how hard it gets some times. Please seek some help before making such a final decision.

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This is discusting. mjones, I really, really feel for you. I have felt some of the things you are feeling (never thought of ending my life tho) and it's ok. Most of the things you have listed CAN be changed - TRUST me! As for your minimum wage job, I know plenty of people who are 23, going to school adn working their spare time at a minimum wage job! No matter how bad things seem to you, there is ALWAYS someone worse off than u!!! Everyone learns from their mistakes, you cannot give up! While you can go on and on about how much you hate yourself, I think, no I KNOW you can list some good things. You need some self esteem and you can give yourself that gift....again I promise. I don't think you are attention starved, but I do think it helps just to vent sometimes and have someone hear your problems....doesn't make you feel so alone...know what I mean? Take it day by day and really try on approving yourself...a total makeover, it's fun sometimes, (even though it doesn't seem that way) and you can really make a 180 in your life. You are so young and have to much to live for. My moto is if things are going too poorly, MOVE, get the heck outta there and start all over again. Keep us "posted" and hang in there!

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C'est la vie


Look it up...


I have put this in front of my computer where I see it every day. Dive into music my friend. Pick up a guitar or bash away on a piano, maybe even sing! Learn to love yourself and you will be loved.


I'm 21 and have been in similar situations in the past... there is always another way. Never tell yourself it's over, because it never is.

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I hope you made it through the night! You know that you are being selfish and feeling sorry for yourself????? You make life what it is. If you want to be happy then find happiness in the things that you do. Your happiness can not come from anyone but you. So, be strong and find that glimmer of hope and wellness inside of you, it is there just look for it.. It is so easy to feel sorry for yourself. Get out of your rut and just be happy. I am sure if you look around there are people much worse off than you are, and some of them actually are grateful for the things they do have.

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Have you tried seeing a therapist? Have you felt this depressed before? I posted this in another thread, but there is a line between "depressed" and clinical depression. It could make you think irrationally over simple or regular things. It could make you suicidal at times but you need to get help if it is this serious. I've felt as emotional as you when I was 15 and I'm 21 now. I didn't think I needed help but I did have clinical depression and ago help a year and a half ago. Life will get better, trust me. As hard and impossible as it seems, life will get better.

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please say you are still here.


im sooo down right now myself. i hate myself . hate being here. think whats is the point. i am 19. i want the depression to go away. i have nothing to live for and do in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


feel like abloody failour


your not alone.


i need a friend, maybe you can be here for me. an ill be here for you.


im gona try not go anywhere.


im gona try battle this depression


theres a sparkle in me that hasnt gone out, its just low, theres one in you too.


lots of love


Sugar x

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  • 4 weeks later...

still around. losing touch with reality though. i have been getting a lot of panick attacks and stuff. i hate this. i hate my life. i hate myself. i can even masturbate anymore because all i think about is my ex cheating on me or messing around or something. i have no idea what to do. im sick to my stomach. i stopped going to school. someone, anyone, help. please.

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Please try to remember that you will feel like total, utter cr@p right now, especially with the break up of your girlfriend. It's only natural to question yourself and everything about yourself when someone breaks up with you, especially at 17. I remember what it was like to be 17 (I'm 29 now) and I remember how badly I reacted when my first boyfriend (who I lost my virginity to) broke up with me. I was a freaking mess and even tried self-harm because all these feelings were so new to me. I had a panic attack at the train station on the stairs a few days after we broke up.


But on the flip side, you're clearly not such a bad person for her to be attracted to in the first place. Your friends are attracted to you for a reason. Your ex was attracted to you for a reason and more girls will be attracted to you for many good reasons in the future.


Also, cheating is the one thing that will make you question yourself. But 99% of the time it has nothing to do with you as a person at all. If she had never of met you and had been dating someone else, she still would have cheated with this particular person.


I urge you to speak to a counsellor or a good friend you can trust. Please do. You may not realise it yet but these feelings you have right now will only be temporary but will be magnified if you bottle your feelings up.

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Hey, you - hope you are OK. Life seems pretty crap at the moment, huh?


I would first suggest talking to someone professionally - you sound really depressed, and there ARE people that can help you. Do you have a Lifeline call centre or something like that (phone counsellors) - I plead with you to call them, even to just get you through tonight.


Apart from that, there must be something we can hang onto here, yeah? Can you tell me a little bit about yourself to me? Like:

Do you like animals? Do you have a pet you really love?

Is there something you really like doing that you can spend hours doing, fogetting time and space, maybe, drawing or painting, or listening to music?


17 is such a hard age and place to be. I do remember. It is a time full of passion, feelings, confusion about who you are, pressures about where you might be going, what other people think about you...


What I do also know is that if you can get through this, you will be a little bit stronger. Eventually you will be able to negotiate your way through each hurdle, and someday, you will know that, having handled all this, you can cope with ANYTHING.


believe me, Sweet, it is true. Please believe in yourself. I believe in you. This stuff in Your Life at the moment is a nuisance - don't make it a tragedy.


This IS Your Life. It is yours to own. Make it a piece of art. YOU are REALLY SPECIAL. Create your own painting.


My best wishes are with you,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Take a deep breath you don't have to make this descision this night give yourself time because you can never know what will be around the corner. Something good could be there. Life will deal heavy times that are hard to cope with, I once tried to end my life, I know how unbearable it can be but you can be alright if you give yourself a chance to get through this. Just give yourself a chance and you will start to feel a bit better, don't be so hard on yourself, it is okay to feel down, try to find someone to talk to because it can sure make you feel better to share how you feel . I would gladly talk anytime you like.

Please take care of yourself.

PS have you thought of getting a little pet I find they can give a lot of comfort.

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  • 1 month later...

heya its bound to be hard to go through a break up. all these diff feelings are part of growing up...i hold on to the feeling that in the future thiings will be better....and you will be so pleased you stayed on and battled through...please try and go back to school i know its tough...maybe have some time out and go back after a break?take care x

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What you can try to do is accept that you have been a boy and are now becoming a man. You're somewhere in between and of course it's hard. It's absolute agony to be in this place.You are learning to deal with adult emotions so forgive yourself for hating you, forgive yourself for not understanding these tough emotions and know that as you get older these emotions will seem like fade and you will be strong enough to cope with anything that walks by, including that new lady in your life who inevitably you will meet if you stick around.


Support your friend, he's going through the same thing. Arrange a few nights out and just be a kid again. What you need after all this stress and all these overbearing emotions is some good old-fashioned fun.It will make you forget for a few hours and enable you to see the brighter, lighter side of life, it also allow your reactions and calm you down which can only do you (and your mate) good.

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