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Ex contacted me... looking too much into it?

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My ex sent me a thanksgiving card, an email, and a txt all in the same hour today. Its been three weeks since she called for a break, and about 2 weeks since the official break up and just wanting to be "friends". The thanksgiving card just said "Have a happy Thanksgiving." Nothing else.


The email was in response to one of my blog posts on my myspace. She said she was worried about me because I lost 20 pounds in the last 3 weeks (from working out and changing my diet, plus I dont have much of an appetite anymore), and that she cares about my health. She also said she cant figure out how I'd lose so much weight in just 3 weeks. Hmmmm, I wonder #-o


The txt told me to "have a good day."


Is this a sign or am I looking too much into this? I'm guessing she is just feeling guilty and sending me these msgs to make herself feel better.


She is coming home for the weekend and hasnt mentioned anything about seeing me.


These msgs have really shook me up bad

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I see an underlying urge on your part to make her feel guilty for the break up. believe me this makes you look like a child asking for affection from an elder lady and women see through these things. Be a Man not a boy.

DONT put on messages on a blog telling how pathetic you feel afteer the break up. Take care of yourself, eat properly and work on NC. The card she sent is more like " Oh boy, this guy i KNEW ONCE is not feeling well". It reflects care but not coz she cares for you as you want. NC means you dont contact her nor do let her know that you are doing bad. If she reads your blog dont put yopur weight loss there, put it here.


And its good you lost weight, now you can easliy pack muslces without bothering to lose fat first. Get a protien shake and pump iron every day. You will feel and look good and have hotties revolving around you like bees. Be confident, learn your lesson and walk on.


I apologize if you feel i have been too blunt. Its an old habit that hasnt died

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Any kind of contact she gives you, you are going to read into too much, it's natural. I am sure she still feels guilty about the break-up and she is letting bi-gones be bi-gones for the holiday season. I still send one of my ex's Christmas cards. It doesn't mean I want him back or anything, it's because it's Christmas and we are still friends.


She is acting like your mother, worrying about your weight and she is looking for any opportunity to stay in your good graces by acting all concorned and such. Let it be, she is not looking into getting back together with you, she is just being nice. If I were you, I would not contact her at for the holidays or at all for that matter. I mean, you are thinking about seeing a psychologist because of this break-up and among other things, I don't think it would be in your best interest in having any contact with this girl for a while. Take care and be well.

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Your blog painted an image of an absolute wreck... Why not just put in ad in the daily paper saying what a mess you are and how you can't live without her? Let everyone know.... Tell them all you can't eat and can't sleep. That you are weak and will not eat until your ex comes back to you....


Your attempt to get a reaction out of your ex worked wonders! You got a reaction but you also gave her more reason to realize what a smart decision she made to dump you n the first place.


She feels guilty. Her card had two words in it. How about another slap in the face! Yes, may I have another? You have just suceeded in pushing her further away even though you may not realize it..... I bet you are still entertaining the idea that she must be thinking of you and really does care if she sent a text, an email and a card!!!


Well, you are partly correct. She is thinking of you, just not about what a mistake she made by dumping you. She is thinking what a pitiful guy you have become. Now, get a grip, start eating and stop analyzing. She doesn't want you back.

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