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I have helped many in my life from killing themselves, however, I've failed twice. The first time, the peron hung himself, this time (happened on Sunday), the girl, with her best friend went into the path of an oncoming train after hugging eachother. I feel as though I've failed them. I know there was nothing I oculd have done to save them, didn't even know there was a problem of that nature. Sadly, I know there was nothing I could have done and that thought just makes me feel worse. I feel depressed and nothign is helping, it's becoming a problem with my friendships too... Thank you in advance.

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sucks dont it? when you cant help them, or know that nothing you can do will change anything? and all you can do is take a side-seat?


i know how your feeling, and its not a nice feeling.

the best thing that i can suggest is try and be as supportive as you can to those people, offer them the shoulder to cry on.

spend as much time as you can with them, keep them entertained, distracted from whatever is causing the problem.

make them see that there is a point to living, and that there is more to life than whatever is causing their depression and eventual suicide.


as for your depression, i know this is going to sound hard , and abit pointless to you, but try and see that there is sometimes nothing you can do to help people, and that all you can do is give it your all.

if they still kill themselves then you can atleast feel accomplished in the fact that you did everything you could to save them.


im not sure if that helped at all.

good luck with it all anyways.

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You can only do so much. Don't blame yourself. You are a friend - that does not make you responsible for their actions.


For yourself, you need to take the step that your friends were unwilling to. Get some help for your depression. See your doctor and a therapist and tell them that depression is becoming a problem in your life. Talk to your therapist about how you feel you couldn't help your friends. I guarantee that is something your therapist can relate to.


You can overcome this.

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You probably share the emotions of many law enforcement, since they have to deal with these kinds of things too. Ask an officer what they do, how they feel about coping with it if you can. If not, talk to a professional about it. I recommend a psychologist since they are most effective at what they do compared to church counselors or other unlicensed individuals. I can understand though why you feel bad or even guilty. Get some help for yourself before further depression onsets, ok? Everything will be ok as long as you take care of your own mental health right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HOw many have you succeded with???

If you have only failed twice then I'd call that an absoloutely brilliant record.

I'm talking purely about numbers here of course when these people are not just numbers. They are also individuals with feelings, lives, and death.


But, purely from a numbers point, think of your successses. They are also people. With lives far more precious than they realise.


I have helped many in my life from killing themselves, however, I've failed twice. The first time, the peron hung himself, this time (happened on Sunday), the girl, with her best friend went into the path of an oncoming train after hugging eachother. I feel as though I've failed them. I know there was nothing I oculd have done to save them, didn't even know there was a problem of that nature. Sadly, I know there was nothing I could have done and that thought just makes me feel worse. I feel depressed and nothign is helping, it's becoming a problem with my friendships too... Thank you in advance.
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