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Question to Cheaters...


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Has any one ever cheated and had amazing sex and when you went back to your partner you kept comparing the amazing sex to you partner? Basialy has any one cheated and liked it way better then with thier normal partner?


When you were cheating did this thought go through yourhead? "wow this is way better then normal....or omg he/she is amazing."

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Well I'm not a cheater, never have and hopefully I never will...but I think this idea can be applied anyways. Cheating...is just like breaking the law...except it's within a relationship. Just like some people get a rush out of speeding in their cars way above the limits...and some people steal(no I havent)...you get an adrenaline rush out of it because it's wrong and you know it is...and you run that risk of being caught. So...when you cheat on your partner with someone else, you know it's morally wrong and you shouldn't be doing it, in that instance, you're going to get a rush out of it and it's going to seem better than it is with your true partner.


Does that make sense tho...I can think of another way to describe this in my own experience ...still sexually, that would make sense too if needed, but I think that pretty much says it.

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I believe that one of the reasons why people cheat is because the nature of the sex. For whatever reason it just seems to be better than with a partner. I think that it happens to be the lust factor but it could also be more of an emotional thing as well as knowing that you are doing something wrong.

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I think it is a combination of the rush of knowing you're being 'naughty', plus the fact that there isn't any emotional commitment or strings tempering or influencing the nature of the sex. It's more or less pure lust, and of course that can be an incredible rush. Cheating is a bad idea for many reasons, but this aspect of it, at least for men, seems a common theme, unfortunately.

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Nope never cheated.


I think I understand the whole rush thing, but what about later when the cheater is back with thier normal partner. Do they compare thier cheating experience with thier partner? Lets say for instance thier cheat was well endowed, lasted a long time, was ripped, gave great oral, etc... are those things that a cheater thinks about when they are back with thier normal partner?

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I have cheated, I admit it. She was my first serious relationship and due to the guilt I had from cheating on her I had to leave her and would never put myself in that situation again.


Rush or not, take my advice cheating hurt me more than it hurt her. As bad as I felt for over 14 years after leaving her I managed to meet someone and took my cheating as a blessing because I would have never met the girl of my dreams, the girl I wanted to marry, I say wanted because we are no longer together.


I would personally never cheat on anyone ever again or leave a relationship to start a new one no matter how bad it got. I would rather devot all my time and energy to work it out then look for ANY excitement with someone else.

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SlipperySam.... why are you asking these questions???


I think that cheating or not... we are thinkers. And you can't help but notice the differences between one lover over another. I think that its human nature to compare. We're all different, chemistry's are different... we all bring to the table different skills, knowledge, techniques.. habits, what have you. So I think the answer to your question.. would be, Yes.. you wouldn't be able to NOT compare.. you are human.


Smallworld: WHATS YOUR KINK???


Ohhh... Roflmao... thats good. I like that... I can just imagine going out to a bar and instead of being asked "whats your sign" having someone ask me...


Whats your KINK?


Thats should be a thread in itself... lol... thanks.

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Why does every one wonder why I ask these questions, I just wondered, that is all. I have never cheated and I am pretty sure my girlfriend has never cheated. I would never cheat because like some one else posted the guilt would kill me, and I am not interested in other people.



I was just wondering what the thought process of a cheater is and what they think afterwards.

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Not a cheater, but cheated in the past with my first boyfriend of 2 year. I was only 15 and I was afraid I would be with this same guy for the rest of my life. I knew I was very young and wanted to know what was out there for me. It was not "sex" cheating, but emotional cheating.


I regret breaking his heart, and my own as well (in the long run) but I don't regret it. It was not right, but we learn from our mistakes. I learned to forgive myself for it. I am also glad that I learned early in life about how painful it is to cheat and to get cheated on, it has made me a better person now. I actually hate cheaters so much that even when my own friends cheat, I feel like telling their boyfriends about it (which I don't, but thats how mad I get). I look at it this way, I cheated and I got my good deal of pain from it, I got what I deserved and more. Now every cheater should go through the same thing, let them hurtttttt and let them learn


What goes on in the mind of a cheater is "thrill, excitement, danger" and sometimes things like "I can get away with it," or "what if he/she is better" or "I am not happy in my current relationship, but am afraid to let go" and some people are just too drunk to make right decisions, others don't have priorities, and others just don't care about other's feelings. I have not cheated or intend to cheat on my current boyfriend.


As for having better sex, I cannot relate to that part. I did not cheat and sleep around. But when you have great sex with one person, its very tempting to compare it with someone who doesn't really "do it for ya".

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