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NOT EVERYONE Cheats!!! Please share your success Stories


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I don't know about the rest of you ...but I've had my true fill of posts about cheating. Its like no one is ever faithful anymore...but I'm here to get posters to post positive things, so that others reading this can feel better by knowing there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel because NOT EVERYONE IS A LYING, CHEATING, DOG.


I for one am a female. Even before I was pregnant I had numerous oportunities to make the choice of cheating and I DID NOT nor WOULD I. I have not cheated on my husband and even though we have problems, i will go to the ends of the earth to discuss them with him and work them out. Many if not all couples have problems...but not everyone's answers to these problems are running off with someone else. There are still some good people in this world. I love him and we have a baby on the way. I just wanted to get this out and let others know that not all WOMEN or men cheat.


Please if any of you other posters have success stories would you please post them so others can see that NOT EVERYONE CHEATS on EVERYONE THEY ARE WITH. Some people do take there commitments seriously. Oh and by the way...I'm not some fat cow, or hideous looking female, so I hope no one thinks i'm only faithful because I can't get another man. I want to set the record straight, if I wanted to ..i could get around more times than a door knob, but I CHOOSE not to.



Please men and women, come clean with your success strories. I want the people who do take commitment seriously and have success to come out and tell the world.

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No not everyone does...I'd like to believe that cheaters are still in the minority. I've had 6 or 7 relationships of between 6 months and 8 years long since I was about 17 and have never cheated in one of them (never been cheated on either to the best of my knowledge).


I think on this site, being mainly about relationship issues, the reported incidence of cheating is probably disproportionately high.

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I can only speak for myself.


I have not, nor would I ever cheat on someone. Not because I haven't ever had the opportunity or the desire to cheat, but because I know what effect it would have on my partner. Out of respect for them I would never do it. It's also a moral thing I hold true to myself. I would not be able to respect myself if I ever cheated.


I think that's where true trust in a relationship stems from - knowing that yourself and your partner respect each other too much to put either of you in a situation that would bring pain.


Having said that, I have just found out that my husband is cheating on me. It's a deal breaker for me. The trust is gone and I don't believe it will ever come back. Plus I respect myself too much to allow myself to be with someone who could knowingly put himself in a situation that has brought me so much hurt and pain.

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well, I'm not married or anything... but I'm 20 years old, and I've had three serious relationships in my life that lasted over a year... all of which I remained faithfull to until the very end. I believe in being faithful, and working through your problems... not running from them into someone else's arms. I firmly believe that when you say those vows "till death do us part" that that is what they mean. I don't believe in divorce, accept in extreme cases (infidelity, beating, abuse, etc) where you really have no other choice, but even then, some of the huge issues can be worked through. I totally agree with you on this one.

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Yes and that is why I decided to do this post so that people don't get into the rut of thinking "gee no one will ever be faithful" or "faithful people don't exist". I want them to know that some men can control themselves and would never hurt the women they love and some women would never hurt thier husbands like this.


DN i think you of all people can relate and say "I've been married long enough to love, hate, and want to choke my wife, but I love her too much to hurt her that way." I'm sure with that lenght of marriage, she and you have fought like cats and dogs, and wanted to just pull eachothers hair out..but never has "Oh well, she's pissed me off, time to go cheat ever been a factor."


I am proud of you for being a better man than most.



P.S. To all you good men out there who have had the chance to cheat and didnt' you get a thumbs up from me.

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Yea when you have a problem with ur partner u either talk about it or break up, NOT CHEAT. Running of with someone else is like ur ESCAPING UR PROBLEMS AND U THINK UR SOLVING THEM THE EASY WAY, BUT UR SOLVING NOTHING. I have never been in a relationship yet, im still single and looking and NO I would never cheat ever on my partner and I would expect the same respect, nothing more nor less. And if for some reason I find that it's not working or that communicating doens't work, that nothing's working, then I would break up and tell him "Look nothing's working and it's over, I wanna break up" but never cheat. I would expect him to do the same if its getting no where.

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I don't know about the rest of you ...but I've had my true fill of posts about cheating.


Well...that's what you're gonna get on a site like this. People who are in relationships where there isn't cheating (or other problems) going on aren't likely to come here in the first place.


In all my time having relationships with the opposite sex, I have not cheated, and only one previous bf cheated on me. I also think cheaters are in the minority, but we may hear more about them here simply due to the nature of the site.

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I have had several serious relationships in my life, including one that lasted 5 years where we lived together, another that lasted 2 years, and my present relationship, where I've been living with my bf for almost 3 years now and I have never cheated on anyone. My main motivation? When I am with someone, I am with THAT person, and I love and respect him too much to ever hurt him or disrespect him like that. I also love and respect myself and I would not like myself so much if I cheated and was dishonest with my partner.


I have been cheated on in the past and it is not fun to be on the receiving end, but I also think if I were on the other end it would be very difficult as well. I would not want to cause someone that hurt, and I would never want my partner to feel as hurt as I did when I was cheated on (many years ago by my now ex). Bottom line, it's just not worth it. If you are unhappy in a relationship or are attracted enough to someone else to pursue it, than you can and should end your present relationship and do so with honesty and integrity. Give your partner the same level of respect you would want yourself.

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I have never cheated in any of my relationships and never would, what is the point of being in a relationship with someone if you are going to cheat?

My mother cheated on my father when I was nine yrs old and it absolutely devastated him because he worshipped the ground she walked on and he has never recovered from it. Cheating is not worth the pain it inflicts on people.

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Ailec1987, yes it was quite nasty for me too seeing as I walked in on my mother banging the next door neighbour! It was a rather disturbing sight for a nine yr old to say the least.

My dad worked away a lot as we lived in a tiny little village where there was no practically no work and we were saving to buy a nice house.

Basically my mother is very vain and loves attention of any kind so when the neightbour started flirting with her that was it.

Read 'should I break nc with my mother?' thread for the whole story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

29 years old, numerous boyfriends, NEVER cheated. NEVER will. I've had ample opportunity with some pretty amazing guys but it goes against everything I believe in. I just couldn't put someone through that kind of pain, knowing what it feels like myself.


If I can't trust myself then who can I trust? Besides, I get a huge kick out of knowing I'm a faithful person. It gives me faith that there are others like me (and I've been cheated on by most guys I've been out with).

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I've been with my husband 25 years now. 5 years living together. 20 years married. I've had many propositions from wealthy men. Some very good looking.

I even had a huge crush on one of my husband's friends who made it clear he felt the same. Yet, I've never cheated. When temptation was strong I just pictured my husband's face and seeing his pain if I betrayed him. The whole relationship would change. We would have to start from the beginning again. I would have to regain his trust , ease his pain. Try to make ammends. What for? Ten minutes of passion with someone I have no intention of living with? I'm smarter then that. Most women are. But if he ever cheats on me, well I would consider that a free ticket to ride. He would probably lose me to someone with a lot more money. I may be 40 but I look 30. He doesn't. I have a lot of education and make good money. He has no education. It would be his loss. But as long as he is true blue I will be too.

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Thats good to hear gingerik, ur values and morals came first, than acting on impulses and getting tempted easily. Image all the trust lost once u cheat, then there's a lot to regain and even if the relationship would get stronger if u would have cheat, it wouldn't be the same ever again. He wouldn't remember the way he met u or see u as incapable of doing the dee, instead u would place doubts in his head. Doesn't that get to the point that it drives the person nuts!111

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I actually have a half a dozen friends who regularly turn down propositions for one night stands.


It's not just committment to their wives either.


As they have pointed out to me its risking regular sex for the sake of a one nighter and the one nighter won't be available the night, or the week, after.


Its an interesting, and completely logical attitude.

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twenty two years married and never once cheated. Even after my first child was born and because of my wife's post=partum issues she wanted nothing (and I mean NOTHING) to do with me for about a year...but I had made a committment to that young guy we had and i stuck it out and eventually things worked out. And I'm not looking for a medal, but I know that there are lots and lots of people who would have crossed over under those circumstances.I guess the secret is don't go fishing unless you want to catch a fish. And maybe I've been lucky too, because over the years there have been a few occasions where I've gotten to know some pretty great women and once or twice I've said to myself "look out kid, because this one would be V-E -R-Y hard to say no to"...so you make sure you never get put into the position of having to say no

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