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Everything posted by scooterbiscuit

  1. I can only speak for myself. I have not, nor would I ever cheat on someone. Not because I haven't ever had the opportunity or the desire to cheat, but because I know what effect it would have on my partner. Out of respect for them I would never do it. It's also a moral thing I hold true to myself. I would not be able to respect myself if I ever cheated. I think that's where true trust in a relationship stems from - knowing that yourself and your partner respect each other too much to put either of you in a situation that would bring pain. Having said that, I have just found out that my husband is cheating on me. It's a deal breaker for me. The trust is gone and I don't believe it will ever come back. Plus I respect myself too much to allow myself to be with someone who could knowingly put himself in a situation that has brought me so much hurt and pain.
  2. I think fidelity is a choice. My personal belief is that cheating is morally wrong and thereforeeee not something I would ever ever do. Not that I haven't been in situations where I could have cheated. The reason I chose not to is out of respect for my partner and respect for myself. I would not be able to live knowing that I had cheated on my partner and broken my values. I think once you do cheat it's a slippery slope - how can you ever trust yourself ever again.
  3. so my friend is coming to visit us from Australia. so my husband asks me to take his phone with me wherever I go as our friend may call. so i get an sms. thinking it may be from our friend i check it out. It's from another friend, but before i can help myself ( i know, curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back) i look at the other sms in the folder. The following is a transcript: "Hell yes. Am about to head out! what are you up to? from same number "Singapore home you mean? I just got really excited that you meant this home." "Well I wish you were a white man sweating here!" "" "Probably" "Well, have fun. Love you" "Thank you my love.XOXO" End of transcript. I confronted him about these messages and he said: He doesn't know the number or who they might be from. Doesn't remember getting the messages. Didn't respond to them. Has not cheated on me. I checked his cell phone bill. There are phone calls made to the number with call times of over 40 minutes (a long time to talk to someone he claims not to know). I called the number. A woman answered. When I asked whom I was speaking to she hung up. Since then the number has been disconnected and my husband has deleted all messages on his phone. I was wondering if anyone knows of any reputable companies who can help me do a reverse lookup on the number so that I can find out who it is? Your help is really appreciated.
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