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hickey from girl whos not my BF!

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i have a bf but yesterday i kissed a girl and she gave me a hickey on my neck and my parents saw it and they didnt think anything of it, cuz they thinks it was my bf, and my brother saw it as well, and hes young and i dont want him to tell my bf anything cuz i dont want him to know!! and for my bf thats as good as cheating on him even if it was with a girl! and i dont know what to do if he finds out!

ps. any GOOD tips for getting rid of hickeys?...FAST

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i have a bf but yesterday i kissed a girl and she gave me a hickey on my neck and my parents saw it and they didnt think anything of it, cuz they thinks it was my bf, and my brother saw it as well, and hes young and i dont want him to tell my bf anything cuz i dont want him to know!! and for my bf thats as good as cheating on him even if it was with a girl! and i dont know what to do if he finds out!

ps. any GOOD tips for getting rid of hickeys?...FAST


Well I am with your boyfriend - it IS cheating.


If you don't feel like you can commit to him, then let him go so he can be with someone who can.


Hickey's are basically bruises...how fast they go away depends on your own body's reaction to bruises normally (bruises for me stay around for weeks, which sucks as I mountain bike so often have them!).


I have heard toothpaste as a home cure though...rub it on and let it sit there, it may help "speed" it up.


I still say you owe your BF some honesty here and to let him go.

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i was drunk and i kissed her just for the fun of it, and its not like i cant commit to him, i would never have done it with a boy, because I FEEL that with a boy, it implies some sort of follow through, a kiss with a boy, doesnt usually end with a kiss, theres usually something MORE there. with a girl, FOR ME, its just a kiss and were still friends and whatever, life goes on.

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i was drunk and i kissed her just for the fun of it, and its not like i cant commit to him, i would never have done it with a boy, because I FEEL that with a boy, it implies some sort of follow through, a kiss with a boy, doesnt usually end with a kiss, theres usually something MORE there. with a girl, FOR ME, its just a kiss and were still friends and whatever, life goes on.


Well it's fine if YOU feel that way and your boyfriend agreed, but he doesn't obviously and would be hurt by it. If you respect him, then don't go making out with other people - male or female!

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You can use concealer or the toothpaste idea. I've never tried toothpaste but it might work. Also if it's cold then you can wear a jumper with a long neck or something. Possibly a scarf, but that might look a bit suss.


I think that you should tell your boyfriend and reassure him that it meant nothing to you, unless it did of course


Good luck



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with a girl, FOR ME, its just a kiss and were still friends and whatever, life goes on.


That may be the case for YOU, but if you are trying to hide it or make it heal faster, my guess is that you are trying to avoid your boyfriend seeing it, which leads me to believe that he would NOT agree with you, and that you know that or you wouldn't be trying to hide it.


When a couple decides to be exclusive with one another, if there are going to be ANY exceptions, I suspect they would be discussed openly and not hidden as you are trying to do.


How would you like it if a man left a hickey on your boyfriend's neck?


Regardless of gender, it's still cheating.

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I don't think gender has anything to do with it. You kissed another person and obviously you know that your boyfriend wouldn't be happy if he found out.


Part of a relationship is respecting the other person. If you know something is going to hurt him, then don't do it! Another part of a relationship is honesty. Do him a favor and be honest!

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Don't bother trying get rid of it you can't effect the rate it goes away just get some good cover up. As far as drugstore brands goes I recomend Quo. Also if you go into a drug store you can buy this tube of stuff its called color balancer or something like that. It's designed to contrasted the color of blueness in undereyes. It's very opaque and yellow colored you can rub it on your bruise it will neutralize the color but it looks obviously so your supposed to wear cover up on top of it.

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