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Please tell me if I've done something wrong with him!

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Hey can someone PLEASE tell me if i did anything wrong. Okay boyfriend broke up with me 6months ago at first couldn't let go, made a fool of myself and did whatever he wanted me to thinking some how it would win him back.(I know hope less) He got a new girlfriend a month ago and we stopped talking to each other, well he stopped talking to me and I respect the whole moving on with someone else so I cut conntact with him to. Two weeks ago he sends me an e-mail saying he's bored so he wanted to know what was new, I ignored it. Then he sent me a childish text trying to make fun of me and a few days later how he told some guy that i basically didn't do it for him anymore. How can someone hate me so much when all I've tired to do was give him what he wanted. What is his problem? Please help me and let me know.

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He is being immature... His reaction to you ignoring him is to make himself 'look better' to those around him, though as you plainly see, he is only making himself look like a horse's rear end.


Forget him, keep up the no contact! As far as what he said to the other guy, if you know the other guy, you have just as much right to say the immature bonehead doesn't 'do it' for you, and hasnt for a long time, thank you... ;-) (or words to that effect....

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He is saying those things to get a rise out of you. You have totally taken control of the situation by not contacting him and trying to move on with your life and it's bugging the heck out him. He was hoping you would continue to cry, beg, and plead for him to take you back, especially after you knew he had a new girlfriend. When that didn't happen, he panicked. Don't fall for it. You are doing the right thing, continue NC, and try to stay strong.

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I agree with what everyone has said..he is just trying to get you agitated.

What he is really doing is harassing you. If you really wanted to be mean, save every single piece of contact he has had with you including emails text messages, letters, whatever. And in case things get worse take them to the authorities...You don't deserve to be treated that way, especially when you have done nothing wrong. Keep ignoring him though, because eventually he may stop, But I do think he's just being immature and childish.

Good luck

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I think he has bigger issues with your break up than you do. It sounds like he wants to trigger some reaction out of you. Don't respond. Stay strong, girl. You've been doing great sofar, and you will be happier continuing what you've been doing.


Take care,



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Oh yeh....dont you love his style.......he has a girlfriend and he still wants to make sure someone is in the background grieving their hearts out for him....PPPFFFFT......


Firstly congratulations for not rising to the bait...well done....that would really be bugging him...GOOD!


Secondly you havnt done anything to him....its not you...ITS HIM...ITS HIM...ITS HIM! Ive had this happen where an ex dumped me and then proceeded to act like he hated my guts for like the next two years....I remember being not only devastated but humiliated and perplexed.......I learnt years later when we became good friends again...that all it was about was he didnt know how to deal with the breakup and that was his screwed way of dealing with it.....it was his guilt. So dont let it get you down just keep the NC going.

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This really adds to the proof for threads I've read from guys, questioning, how good girls like yourself get fooled into, and takin for granted by jerk guys, that are munipulitive. And you still want him back. The classic, I want what I can't have, or I want what's hard to get. totally comes into play here. That's normal by guys and girls. The problem is you are being totally disrespected, and your still questioning what to do??? Find a guy that your attracted too, but also treats you decent. Goodluck

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Thanks everyone. I really appriciate it. I didn't think I did anything wrong but sometimes it's hard to understand why someone who once loved you would choose to treat you like that when they are the ones who leave you. I will keep up the nc! maybe then he can just move on and be happy.

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