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This weekend I found out my grandfather has passed away. I have been in shock and denial for a couple of days now but now the depressing part is setting in. I am overwhelmed with sadness and hurt, and its really hard to take right now. I knew that it was coming sometime this year, he was in real bad shape. He had several strokes and had triple bypass surgery the past couple of years and his body was giving out on him, he wasn't able to take care of himself. I miss him so much and loved him very deeply. He was my only role model in life and will continue to be until the day I die, right now I can't help but have tears flow and that pain in my heart. I realize I have experienced death with family and close friends before but it's so hard to deal with. I know time will allow me to heal but I just wanted to write out my hurt into words. I appreciate everyone reading this.

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looseing somone is always hard. right now i'm just waiting for word on my best friends grangmother who resiently had 2 strokes in one week. anyways. Always remember your grandfather and remember the good times you had. be happy you at least have the memories left.





as brando said be well

keep you grandfather in mind always

good luck in the future

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