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Let me get this straight...So like this guy randomly pushes you outta the car at 70mph, you pick yourself up off the freeway, dust yourself down and walk to the nearest gas station which takes you 3 weeks, where you catch a taxi home right? So what happens next?


I’m guessing you get in your own car and drive around a bit and it feels good cuz now you’re in control, when all of a sudden he’s there in the rear view mirror flashin you to pull over, but now you know he’s some kind of nut and you’re not gonna pull over for some head case so instead you run him off the road! Nice!


Keep on truckin I say, the roads clear up ahead and it’ll take you wherever you want to go…

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thanks Sil!


Here is the latest email from him:




This was not (insert pet name) this morning on the phone. What happened to her??? You can't be serious with the way you talked to me. I am not a bad person as you would like me to be. It's not fair. Why are you acting like this? Who spoke to you? What did they tell you? All of a sudden you hate me? This is (insert bad word starts with a B) and if this is what you want then so be it. I have to live with my difficult desicision and now so do you. I came by at 4:45 am today because I was worried about you and your family and this is what I get?? Sorry for being concerned. (insert bad word starts with a F) it.





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phone just rang - didnt recognize number - it was the ex's best friend.

Why is he callin me now - geez these guys are in their 40's for god sake!

Anyways i kept it cheerfull told him i was great. At the end he brought up that he saw my ex this morning and before he could say anything else i said Well take care , tell your wife i said hello, bye. Hung up.


I felt like i was in high school.


i give myself permission to get what i want.

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he hid caller id again (i work from home , i have to answer phone)


He said " I think all of this is a delayed reaction , i think you are hating me as a way to get over me, whatever your doin i want you to know that I always loved you and I mean that" then he hung up on me.


Sounds pretty sappy to me. I should have reminded him , 3 weeks ago he sat on my couch and said "its over"


I dont regret dumping my dumper - i do regret hurting him. I am not a horrible person.

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He's hurting himself if you ask me, you don't sound like a horrible person. To me it seems very few horrible people find these forums at all. I think you've done what you could, now he's just acting really weird. Hiding caller id is plain desperation.. Don't call him back, leave him be. And if you can screen your calls, I'd say do.

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He will still try and contact you....Maybe some time will go by and then he contacts or maybe once a week, month he will contact...


He just can't believe you are doing what you are and he does not like it...


Good for you and tough for him...


Be strong and don't feel bad that you hurt him at all.....


See I have been that way and put other people before me but no more because all that does is make you hurt more than you have to....

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