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What does she really want?????

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I've been friends with this girl named julie for about a year and a half now. I've always liked her since I first met her. I love everything about her. She is the cutest and sweetest girl I have ever met. I ask her out to the movies and museums and other places she would like. We have a great time when were out together. I really like her alot and I know she knows that I do. The problem is that when we are together everything is great, but when were not somehow everything starts falling apart. It seems that I'm doing all the work in this relationship. I have to call her or text her for her to talk to me. I've asked her many times to call or text me back but she never has. She saids that she likes me and I'm one of her close friends. I would do anything for her but she has never done anything for me. I do not want to feel used. I know Im a guy, but com-on! Most of the time when I ask her out, she tells me she is busy. She does not have a job and I know she is free friday since she is off a school. The only problem is that she has this girl cousin who she is really close to and spends all the time with. I know I'm not as close as her cousin but I just want a little bit of her time to see her. Why she play me like that? I know she keeps alot of things from me like how she always tell me that she is talking to her cousin when her cell rings. Lately I've been trying to tell her I like her as a girlfriend. I written her a note telling how much I care about her. In my letter I asked her to call me to tell me how she feels and about 2-3 weeks she still hasn't call me! Should I try to get with her to ask how she feels about me or should I just wait for her. Its on and off with her. She likes me when Im with her but doesnt when Im not. Whats the deal? I do not want to confront her since I am waiting for her responce and I do not want to sound desperate. I wish I could tell her how she makes so mad at times but I don't want to hurt her since she is my friend. I don't know whether she would ever call me. I know a guy is suppose to win a girls heart but is she worth all this trouble.

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Whats up man. Maybe she just doesnt like you in that way? She enjoys your company because its probably a free meal, movie ticket ect. Dont come on to hard, woman hate that. Trust me, I know.


link removed


Check out that site, has a lot of good stuff in there.


Play it cool, dont spill your fillings to this girl. Read over that website...it'll help you out in the long run, trust me mahn.

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I second 'link removed', I am in much better control of my ways with women after reaching askmen..also remember that as a person you never crave anything thats easily available for the taking...what you are doing right now is making yourself available..all is not lost you can make her notic you if you stop doing what you are doing, take a break and not contact her at all!!...and by at all I mean. completely!!!..no contact at all..sooner than later she;s gonna crave that attention and call you up..then you pla it cool and act as if you've got stuff to do and basically brush it off..once you start playing with her mind is when you are gonna b in her thoughts..think about it..and yeah read some stuff on link removed..its good stuff and very though provoking and pertinent. good luck!

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From a female's point of view,


It's quite simple...she's not that into you. Sorry to say it but it's true. I pulled the same crap as this Julie, it sucks but I was young and dumb at the time. So I would try to stop wearing your heart on your sleeve for this girl and go out with others. I am sure once you do, she will show more interest. Good luck and take care.

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Interesting that you would put your first name and her first name down. And where might you live?


I am in a situation but reversed from yours. The guy I have been seeing is acting bizarre. Things started going weird after he made a verbal commitment to me where: we were one on one in all ways, but 2 weeks after that all went weird.


I call him more than he calls me (lately anyways). I have not heard from him for 1 week and 1 day as of today. Why I ask???


Someone told me because he is not thinking about me and is selfish. I left a phone message and email for him a week and 1 day ago yesterday and have yet to hear from him. My friends (female) say wait for him to call me because its HIS turn.

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