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Feelings of RAGING HATE!!!! I want REVENGE!

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OK, I woke up in the middle of the night and I had feelings of HATE towards my girlfriend for what she is pulling with me. I never felt this kind of deep down boiling hate towards anyone since my older brother used to mess with me when I was younger. My breathing was heavy, it was almost uncontrolled anger.. and I almost never get angry or this mad.

I then proceeded to leave the room and sleep in another room becuase I couldn't take it anymore. I then thought of ways to get her back, REVENGE.. Stuff like cancelling her plance ticket for something , throwing away all her clothes, just something to get REvenge on tihs girl.. sounds childish, but I can't help it?

i never felt this way before..


Now why could I feel this way?


THe most important reason is is that she is making it really difficult to have sex.. OK, if she told me we are not having sex I could accept that but she gets my hopes up with saying stuff then at the last minute says "no". She is torturing me.. this is driving me into this hate mode. I also thinks she likes doing this but not sure.


I feel she is screwing with me and I want to get her back. I hate this girl!

ANd I just simply don't want to walk away. If I walked away that would be too easy, I want to get her back for messing with me.


Can someone give me advice here, maybe someone who also had this raging hate and revenge thoughts. The thing is we are not split up YET.

I want to stay with this girl until I can get hre back somehow.. even if it takes time.. Something to turn the tables.. She is totally winning and beating me now. I can't believe I'm turning into this and writing this but this girl is driving me crazy.


i'll get her back somehow even if it takes time.. I'll wait for the opportunity.

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A relationship is not a game or a competition.


If you think she's messing with your head, dump her. She's not worth your time, energy by stressing over her.


Be the bigger person, don't stoop to her level by pety revenge. And how can you even get "revenge",realistically?


Let it go. Move on.

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I feel she is screwing with me and I want to get her back. I hate this girl!

ANd I just simply don't want to walk away. If I walked away that would be too easy, I want to get her back for messing with me.


Wrong, you dont want to leave because it would be to hard, you want to "get her back" leave her without question. If you say leaving her is too easy then try it, it is hard, but that is the best thing to do.

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Yeah I have to get out soon.. and I'm just at this point waiting to change my flight and leave.


The other day in the middle of the street she started to attack me.. hitting me. She said I was bothering her all day.. I was fooling around maybe for fun but not trying to get her worked up..


Anyway I said something and then she comes over hitting me.. Remember this girl is my weight.. so she is just as big as I am and she can hit pretty hard. Of ocurse I can easily take the hits becuase she is not using a weapon.. But becuase it was embarrassing that she attacked me in the street.. ANd with all the abust she has been given me.. I totally felt like hitting her (beating her up was more like it).. I totally didn't deserved to be attacked like this.. so I totally felt like beating her up.. LIke if she was a guy I would of went crazy and beat the other guy up as hard as I can.

OF course I didn't do this as I would just probably get in trouble even though she was hitting me..

But I must say even now I totally still think I should of just hit her.. You know what.. Yes I know she is a girl.. but you can only take so much...

And before some of you guys out there say "you should never hit a girl" IF you were put in my situation, abused for months.. then attacked and hit, totally unexpected attack.. I could see if I did something to get her to start hitting me. Especially out in public where people are around so its embarrassing.. trust me you would totally feel like throwing the girl a beating..


I didn't do it of course, not becuase I feel noble and that I won't hit a giril.. but becuase I don't want to deal with the possible trouble I can get into.


You know what she said after she hit me. I quote.. "I just want to hit you with a weapon, a weapon so that I can really hurt you".

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Just to sum up what happened.. I finally got dumped.. a couple days ago so I will be leaving tomorrow.. have arrangments and everything.


I don't want revenge or anything any more.. and actually after finally getting dumped we kind of get along better now.. She is finally treating me nicely believe it or not. We even had sex.

So I will leave with no feelings of hate or revenge.


What took her to finally do it was I didn't ask her to come with me when I went for a short walk outside.. I didn't do it to spite her its that I actually thought its best if we spend time apart. For what ever reason this just drove her crazy and she dumped me.


maybe a day later is when we started to get along really well.. she doesn't want me back and I'm totally OK with it.. I know it can't work with us. SO leaving is mutual.


But becuase she acted nice in the last couple days I don't care for revenge.. I'm actually helping her by giving her a lot of stuff which I surely wouldn't just 2 days ago when she first dumped me.


But crazy thing is I'm flying to America tomorrow and its over between us.. but the last day and today we are holding hands, having sex, being intimate and stuff.. I'm kissing and hugging her all the time.

Just a crazy situation.. huh. To think just a week ago I wrote that I wanted al this revenge .

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