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I hope they dont forget us and still miss us !!!!!!!

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my N/C is helping me lots and i am stronger than I was,

she broke it off with me 5 1/2months.

feels like forever !




Can they call or text out of blue !

is it possible !

does there have to be a time limit when it may not happen


I hope they dont forget us and still miss us !!!!!!!

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I think hope is all we got brother man.


And i think hope is enough to smile everyday. I mean your not alone. Everyone on earth is either with someone they love and who loves them, or hoping to find someone to love and who loves them, and that's it. We all just spend our time shifting between the former and the latter.


She'll call, or you'll meet someone, or maybe both.


good luck man, and keep hoping, because their is no alternative. you'll be back in the former before you know it.

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The best thing to think is that


1) You are better off without them


2)They are better off with you


I try to think about these two statements everytime I miss my ex, (mostly the second one for my situation)


Think back to the relationship and how things didn't work, I know it may be hard now, but we are all here for you.


P.S. I have some duct tape if you need it!!


"If I don't get a pizza here in 10 minutes I'm letting the monkeys loose!"-KITH

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My ex came back 3 years after we broke up. And we had no contact during those 3 years. However, all that stuff he had to say to me was seriously, 3 years too late... I told him to bugger off.


No, there's no time limit, but seriously, you really want to sit around waiting for something that may or may not happen? Truth be told, this stuff usually happens because you don't expect it. I never expected a call from him after 3 years, out of the blue.


At the time, I was sad that we broke up, however, after him, I met a TON of better guys, and I am glad that I didn't stay with him longer, and that I didn't take his cheating butt back.


PS - The crappy exes you don't want to come back - those are the ones that do. The exes you love and miss, those exes don't come back.... At least, that's been my experience and the experience of most of my friends...


Be careful what you wish for... the girl you dated 5 years ago that looks like a troll now.... she's the one that will come back begging for you....

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PS - The crappy exes you don't want to come back - those are the ones that do. The exes you love and miss, those exes don't come back.... At least, that's been my experience and the experience of most of my friends...


Be careful what you wish for... the girl you dated 5 years ago that looks like a troll now.... she's the one that will come back begging for you....



ahahahaha!! Isn't that true!


I was living with this one ex for three years, crazy, insane relationship. We were always on and off. The break up was super, super hard for me. I didn't talk to him at ALL for a little over a year and became friends this spring.


One night, we hung out. It was so weird, he obviously wanted me back, wanted to be physical, would text me constantly after that night how beautiful I was, how I still "smelled" the same, how much he misses me. TOO LATE.

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