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ok, first off, i should probably explain that i am anorexic/bulemic. and before you go off into a big speach about how bad that is, trust me, i'm aware. and i was recovering, but i just can't. i'm not ready for it. but yeah. since i've started relapsing this time, i started puking up a little bit of blood when i purge. but this time it wasn't just a little bit. it was a lot. does anyone know just how bad that is? i mean, obviously it's not good. but i don't know if i should be calling the hospital or not.. if i can get away with not, it would be good. because going will stress me out like crazy. but um, yeah. just a little scared. any help at all would be appreciated.

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Obviously, we are not medical professionals. A lot of blood sounds really really bad. I think you should go to the hospital, ASAP! You don't need us to tell you that throwing up blood is NOT NORMAL!


There should be a 24-hour nurses hotline in the phonebook. Try calling and see what the nurse tells you, but yes, it sounds like there is something really wrong!

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i think why u are puking blood is because u probly started puking clear liquid which is ur stomach lining and is a sign to stop basically, but if u continue u start puking blood which is the blood that was trapped behind the stomach lining inside ur stomach obviously. NOT GOOD FOR YOU!

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You need to seek medical attention right away. This isn't something to mess around with.


i don't know if i should be calling the hospital or not.. if i can get away with not, it would be good. because going will stress me out like crazy.


Hospitals are stressful for most people, but it's better to go then to developa potentially fatal condition.


Please go to the emergency room ASAP,



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Hi Outcast,


I live in Winnipeg too


Throwing up blood is VERY serious - you do need to go to the ER or doctor immediately. Health Sciences is quite good, or Misercordia if you are closer to downtown as it is a "non-ER" but they are helpful there Going to thehopsital is never fun (last time I went I got to get a spinal tap - wooohoooo) however, when it comes to your health, they are mandatory!


Throwing up of blood can be due to several reasons - you may have ulcers (bulimics often have intensive damage in their esophagus and stomach) for example. All which can lead to infection and other serious complications.


I also urge you when you go to talk to them about EXACTLY how it happened - that means talking about your eating disorders. When I was younger, I suffered from anorexia nervosa, and I was often VERY ashamed of it, and not ready to deal with it either. I know it is very hard, and scary to even deal with recovery - it is hard for those who do not have it to understand why you DON'T want to get better, but getting better brings along with it a lot of fears too. I do urge you to continue on the path to trying to fix it - as it will severly damage your body, mind, health over time, and honestly, you only feel worse over time. Please PM if you ever want to talk.

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ok, so i really appreciate everyone who responded, and i just thought i'd let you know that, although i'm still freaked out and my stomach hurts a bit, i'm ok. i don't think i'll be going to the hospital because honestly? i'm terrified of them. i'd actually pretty much rather die than go to one, and talk about the stupid things i do, and my failures.. i promise i'll get it checked out when i go for my checkup in a couple weeks, although i won't say that i'll be completely honest with my doctor.

i feel like such a hypocrit, because i offered advice to someone else here on how to recover from bulemia... how can i possibly help someone else fix something about themselves if i can't even fix it in me?

RayKay, thanks so much for being kind. you probably think i'm being stupid. and i am. but fear doesn't make for a logical debate partner. besides, what if they wanted to hospitalize me?(can they still do that?) i've got university. i can't miss classes, mid-terms are coming up.

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Well, if you don't feel like mentioning your condition, at least tell the doctor about stomach pains and that you think you have an Ulcer, this way they will check into it .


by the way, do not take aspirin for the pain!! aspirin will make any ulcerations worse, and is a blood thinner makes you bleed more.

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RayKay, thanks so much for being kind. you probably think i'm being stupid. and i am. but fear doesn't make for a logical debate partner. besides, what if they wanted to hospitalize me?(can they still do that?) i've got university. i can't miss classes, mid-terms are coming up.


They can't forcibly hospitalize you - you are of the age of consent, and since it is likely not an "emergency" you would not be forced to be admitted (though you may have to sign a release), and you could also opt to come back after exams.


I don't think you are being stupid, I think you are being scared. I know very well how it feels - even when I sometimes have reoccurring thoughts/anxieties related to eating disorders I fear talking of them, I am ashamed, and don't want to admit my weaknesses either. I do know how you feel, I just really hope you get help before it is too late, and too much damage is done.


Take care of yourself.

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Understand how you feel about being a HYPOCRIT.... been there many times myself. And its called being humbled. A human condition we all suffer from...but very rarely few will admit to it.


Giving someone else advice on how to deal..and then not being able to deal yourself is not being a HYPOCRIT. At least I don't think so. Its easy for me to look at a situation, analyze it and give my opinion. WHY? because I don't have any EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT.


Intuitively we KNOW what the right thing to do is... we know what we should be doing. When it comes into practice we let our emotions cloud our judgements.


Helping someone else out with the same condition and then not being able to hold your own... is not anything to be ashamed of. We all do well with the buddy system. Look at AA (Alchoholics Anonymous) the first thing that happens is that you are assigned a buddy, someone who is suffering the same condition as you... to lean on.


Going to university, you are savy to research and researching your condition. You know you are NOT alone. And you know there are many out there... many teens and adult women who suffer from this condition.


At one time... I was in your shoes. I understand why you do what you do. I'll bet there is a great great number of women who were at one time borderline or there also, its a silent and lonely condition. I know. And... I know you can beat it and get better.


The doctor thing... well, I'm a different breed of animal. If I'm feeling ill... I will go in and get a work up, and if the doctor tells me I am good to go... then its worth the co-pay. Why? ... I kinda have an addiction to breathing... living. Love life. Because I've found purpose. Thats a personal journey... one that I am sure you are trying to discover as well. I hope that the Veil lifts and reveals itself to you soon.


Having an Ulcer is nothing to play with. Bleeding out is nothing to play with. I have a family member who refused to go to the doctor and to go get checked. I can not tell you how... frustrated I felt over this. Understandably they had a fear of Dr.'s etc. But they also had an obligation tothe rest of the family. To take care of themselves. If they'd have gotten worse and had to be hospitalized... what was I supposed to do? How was I going to care for them? What responsibilities did this place on "my" shoulders. And that is really not fair for them to have tied my hands in that manner. We have a responsibility to take care of ourselves, not only for ourselves...but for those that love us.


So... I'm urging you.. to please, please make an appointment sooner. Call your doctor, accelerate the process and get checked ASAP.

Be honest with your doctor. There is NO shame in that. They've seen it and heard it all. And his/her JOB is not to judge. His/her job is to help alleviate the discomfort...and help you help yourself.


There are so many wonderful and beautiful things in this world to enjoy... and live for... being 100% surely helps experience life to the fullest.


Face the fear. Baby steps. Tell a friend. Take a friend with you.. thats what they are there for. Tell a family member.... lean on friends and family. Its ok. There will come a time when you can repay the favor.


I know you have university and classes. But part of your education.. a great great part of your education is to LIVE IT. TO learn how to apply it and LIVE IT.

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