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Ex still has an item of mine.

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To make a long story short - ex gf broke up with me a little over a year ago (august 2004). she got engaged at Christmas to her new man. I emailed her in April 2005 because after looking for an item of mine, i remmbered that she must have it. I emailed her (in april) to ask her to look for it and send it to me.


she waits til June to email me and she told me she found it. I emailed her back saying thanks. Still did not get the item yet?


I emailed her again 3-4 weeks ago and reminded her about it again.


I know she doesn't care a thing about me, but why the heck can't she just give the item back to me? what's the big deal? I know she has other things on her mind (I heard she is getting married next month already) but what is so hard about getting my item back to me. By the way - she knows how important it is to me - very sentimental.


All she has to do is mail it. What the heck????

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By now, I think this item is on principal and that is silly to me. I would take the loss of whatever it is. Forget it. Just my 2 cents.


There may be some truth to this depending on what the item is. If it has great sentimental or high monetary value then you could press the issue but if you have managed without it for this long and it is really not that important - let it go.

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By now, I think this item is on principal and that is silly to me. I would take the loss of whatever it is. Forget it. Just my 2 cents.


There may be some truth to this depending on what the item is. If it has great sentimental or high monetary value then you could press the issue but if you have managed without it for this long and it is really not that important - let it go.


By the way - she knows how important it is to me - very sentimental.

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Can you go to her place to get it? I mean does she live far away and is it plausible to go over and ask for it back? Good luck and take care.


I think, even if it is possible to get it yourself - it may make things awkward and possibly start an argument.


If you're going to get it picked up - try getting a mutual friend to drop by.

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How bad do you want it back? Read below for a probable solution:


Send her a self-addressed, prepaid envelope/box/whatever the dimensions of your item is with a short letter.


Dear (Her name here),

Enclosed is a prepaid envelope/box/whatever for my family heirloom. Thank you for replying to my email; I appreciate all the trouble you went through to get me back my family heirloom.




Your Name

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Chai714 - Good idea, but a friend of mine said she moved to a different apartment. I'm not sure where she lives. Also, I'm not sure who she lives with (For all I know, she may be living with her bf)


Oh well, what to do!!!!


I guess I'll see what happens.


By the way - I know she has other things on her mind (certainly not me) but whatever happened to common courtesy? When we first broke up I was very cooperative with her in giving her things back, I packed them up nicely for her, and made sure she got everything.


Common courtesy would go a long way.


I guess I don't understand her actions. If it were me, I would have sent it right away. She found it in June - what the heck is so hard about dropping it in the mail?? In fact, she works about a block from the post office!!!!!


I mean, I'm not losing sleep over this or anything like that, but I just want it back.

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Hi whattheheck,


I had the similar situation as you. I truly understand your feelings.


Offer postage cost and ask mutual friend to call to get it are no use for me.


From his response, I know he simply do not want to return it to me.


At the end, I message him to donate the item to the charity. I even return all his gift to him. Now, I had no item that belong to him.


I hope you have better luck than me. Sometimes, we want our things back out of principle and willing to spend a fortune just to get it back.


If she does not want to return it after you put in effort to get it back, then you really have to let it go. I had let it go.


Frankly, I really do not understand why dumper is not willing to return our things back. When the relationship is over, gracefully return the things is a comon courtesy. We are not them, we could not read their mind.

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i agree wtih guest..if u after trying to get ur things back, and she doesnt want to return it..then just let it go.. i did it with my ex, she never returned my stuff either so i just let it go, i even sent her stuff in the mail and offer to pay the postage for her to send my stuff.but never got a response back from her.. anyways good luck, and hopefully ull have ur stuff back.

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so i gave up and stopped talking to her and gave all the clothes i had of hers to the salvation army.


You da man hockey! I like that one. Wish I would've thought of it when my Ex left much of her laundry at my house. Damn!!!


I didnt want to just throw it away, so I actually felt good because I was helping people....and she was too, she just didnt have a choice.

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