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Hey there ladies.


Well my girlfriend has a small chest as well, and she is very self-conscious so I somewhat know what you guys are going through.


The only thing I can give you is the reassurance that not all men care, and the ones that do probably aren't worth your time.


Be confident with yourself, and watch men fall to their knees and beg for you.

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Wow, it's amazing how some people are happy with their flat chests or small breasts. I've always thought that everyone wanted medium to large breasts. But I guess not everyone's the same.


Hey Lauren, sometimes it can take up to 6 months to see results from herbal breast enlargement pills, so there's still a chance. If Bloussant does not work for you, you could still try some other herbal breast enlargement methods, such as the individual herbs and massage. There have been some reports that Bloussant has made some "false advertising"--see link removed for more info.


Saline injections sounds like a new method, and maybe it needs to be researched before we can use it. I have also read about transplanting some fat from the buttocks to the breasts, but that technique needs to be developed too because sometimes the fat ends up looking lumpy.


There are some small-breasted celebrity women, and I hope that it makes us feel more confident. But sometimes I wonder if it's only because they are celebrities that people don't care if they're small-breasted. Also, I don't know of any celebrities who are flat-chested.


Wouldn't it be nice if breast size did not matter to men? I think the media has a lot to do with men's preferences for large breasts. But breasts are meant to feed babies, and I don't plan to have any children. So as a "feminine accessory," I guess I just feel like I need breasts so that I can feel like a complete woman--does that make sense? But if you're small-breasted, it's better than being flat-chested. And I agree--a boyfriend should not have to "check out" the larger breasted women just because his girlfriend is flat. But I still have to deal with that problem.


Well, I'm glad I found a place where I fit in for once! Thanks so much.




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Wouldn't it be nice if breast size did not matter to men?


In many cases it does not, and the man loves the woman for the total package she is.


Besides that, it only matters so much what a man thinks of our bodies. If WE are confident in ourselves and love the way we look, it won't matter to us how much a man likes our boobs, anyway.

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Wouldn't it be nice if breast size did not matter to men?


In many cases it does not, and the man loves the woman for the total package she is.


Besides that, it only matters so much what a man thinks of our bodies. If WE are confident in ourselves and love the way we look, it won't matter to us how much a man likes our boobs, anyway.




Agreed. I don't prefer certain women because of their breast size, and I know there are others out there like me.


It's rather trivial. As if you would even go up to a girl and say 'Wow, great boobs, wanna date?'


It shouldn't have anything to do with attraction. But it does purely because most men are more judgmental than they should be; especially about appearance.

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Hi ShySoul, I'm sure there are guys who are OK with SMALL breasts. But what if the girl is so flat-chested that she has NOTHING there?


If a guy likes you, enjoys your company, thinks of you as smart, fun, nice, beautiful..... it won't matter if you've got nothing at all, he will love you for you. We are all beautiful just the way we are.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Exactly sheyda.. but the media in america does make one believe that you are not beautiful unless you have huge breasts.. Course.. half of those women with huge breasts have been to a plastic surgeon.. so there's that.

Also.. if men would consider this too.. how would you like to be judged whether you are attractive or not based on the size of your manhood?

Course, male fashion being was it is nowadays... you can't really tell the size of a guy down there anyway.. so while we are expected to put it all out there.. and judged thusly for being small or big.. we women are in the dark about a guy's "attributes".

I say.. let's change fashion.. let's have guys wear tight fitting pants now.. and see how they like to be judged on how big or small they are...

I bet that would change the way they judge women's breasts.

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my gf is pretty much in the same situation as you. 19, a cup, and very much self-conicious of her breasts. Infact she refuses to remove her shirt and bra during sex...and i do pretty much all i can to reverse her self-consciousness, but i dont know if it helps.


Everyone has their flaws, if you love someone you should be able to look past that. unfortunately for me..when i look past that i find a deeply disturbed girl who has very little regard for other's feelnings, a very self-serving attitude, anger/violence problems, and a knack for hypocracy... but i love her to death, so some how i've managed to tolerate it (although i think before too long im going to have to confront her and tell her to change or im leaving) mm ya...pleasant thoughts...


anyways... flaunt what you got, if he doesnt, why should you? Women over analyze their appearance.. to see women from a men's perspective, think of how food looks when you are REALLY hungry.. everything looks good right? Well thats how men are with women when they are horny..which luckily ladies, is a lot of the time.

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Women over analyze their appearance.. to see women from a men's perspective, think of how food looks when you are REALLY hungry.. everything looks good right? Well thats how men are with women when they are horny..which luckily ladies, is a lot of the time.


This is sooo true, and really made me laugh.

I'm seriously flat-chested, and I've had to fight men off with a stick who I KNEW were into big breasts. When I asked them "why me? don't you like BIG breasts?" they said it was a kind of overall sex appeal. I still don't know what that is... (I'm not a guy and can't detect it from this perspective)... but I stopped worrying about the breast thing a long time ago.


Another strange thing... when I was a teen... early 70s... flat-chested women (really flat as a board), they were the ones that were most flaunted in the media. Back then it was the big breasted girls who were the ones who sometimes felt out of place when they looked at the models and actresses in the media.


Also there was no such thing as breast augmentation as a common practice. So all of us girls were all various different sizes from the smallest to the largest. We (and also the guys) just accepted there was a wide range of sizes as just a normal part of life. And plenty of flat-chested girls had adoring boyfriends, husbands. So it didn't occur to us to worry that we'd be rejected because of a flat chest, (well, sometimes, but it was easier to get past that kind of thinking back then). I think it's really tough being a young woman now. What you see on TV isn't even real, but it still makes you feel as if you're not acceptable if you don't look like that.

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That's true Miss M.. twiggy's flat chested look was all the rage back in the 70s.. Unfortunately i had too much out front to fit that mold either! lol...

Now.. since i am not a DD i am not in the fashion "groove" either today!! oh well... such is life...

You know you watch tv from the seventies and you notice that women's chests are half as big as they are now.. Course there were a few women who were really busty back then.. but those were their real curves.

It seems weird to me that you have to undergoe an operation to be considered "beautiful" by today's standards or just be born with an ample bustline. I just think it's ridiculous.

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as i approach 30, i'm noticing the different changes in my body. one of them? the skin around my breasts is not as resilient, hence the reason my boobs are beginning to sag. i can't even imagine what they'll look like at 40! omg. this is one of the downfalls of having larger, heavier breasts. when i get naked around my man, i'm worried about them not standing to attention!


that's one thing you will be able to look forward to...at 30, yours will still be perky and, hopefully by then, you'll be comfortable enough in your own skin not to worry about size. if you feel sexy inside, it will show. look at paris hilton or kate hudson...both are small chested and sexy as can be because they feel sexy from within!


women are beautiful at all different sizes...and if your man loves you for YOU, then he will love your breasts as they are.



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*you can wear strapless dresses or sundresses with those skinny straps

*you can go braless

*you can wear all those cute, lacy bras...i can never find them in the right size

*you can wear those triangle bikini tops...every summer i buy one, but it never fits right-no support

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my girlfriends an A cup, and I absolutely love her breasts! I certainly wouldn't want them to be any different! And there's no way I'd want to look at any other girls breats! She still feels a bit self conscious about them, but I wish she didn't because i think they're fantastic!

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That's true Miss M.. twiggy's flat chested look was all the rage back in the 70s.. Unfortunately i had too much out front to fit that mold either! lol...

Yes, I also remember Twiggy very well as I was also such a flat-chested "twig." It's probably difficult to imagine for those who weren't alive at the time, but then it was the "style" to be as flat as a board. So flat-chested girls strutted proudly, and some other girls even wanted to tape down their breasts. But also, when Twiggy and her type were the only models we saw on TV and in magazines, I remember the discussion of the older more buxom women... something about how ridiculous it was that something like the size of breasts could be regarded as something that could go in or out of fashion. They scoffed because the idea of changing the breast size just because it's a fashion statement was so ludicrous. We accepted that breasts grow according to genetics, not according to what society/culture/fashion says is the right size. Sadly, now it's very commonly accepted to have surgery for something like this.


Twiggy as she looked then.

image removed

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im sure someones posted this already but im too lazy to actually read all the posts so here it is-


'to men breat size is like deciding on pepsi or coke. they may HAVE a preference... but theyll take whatevers on tap' ~random comedian


heh, sorry... just thought that fit


I know that most men have a preference for large breasts, and I also know that some men will "settle" for a flat-chested woman if that's all they can find. But what if somewhere down the road they find another woman with large breasts--would he dump the flat-chested woman for her? Also, what if *I* have a preference for breasts larger than my own (basically any breast size since I'm flat-chested and sizeless)? Even if I can find a boyfriend who appreciates me with my flat chest, I will never be satisfied with having such a flat chest since that's NOT what I want.




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I know that most men have a preference for large breasts, and I also know that some men will "settle" for a flat-chested woman if that's all they can find. But what if somewhere down the road they find another woman with large breasts--would he dump the flat-chested woman for her? Also, what if *I* have a preference for breasts larger than my own (basically any breast size since I'm flat-chested and sizeless)? Even if I can find a boyfriend who appreciates me with my flat chest, I will never be satisfied with having such a flat chest since that's NOT what I want.





I'm a man; like any other - and I don't particularly like big breasts, or value them more than small breasts.


I have never 'settled' for anyone in my life.

And I would never leave my partner because I happened to find someone that I am more physically attracted to (i.e. because they have bigger breasts).


Why do you want bigger breasts?

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I know that most men have a preference for large breasts, and I also know that some men will "settle" for a flat-chested woman if that's all they can find. But what if somewhere down the road they find another woman with large breasts--would he dump the flat-chested woman for her?

I think if you have a man who would dump you over something as superficial as a flat chest, then I'd say you definitely have the wrong guy.


Or think of women who have had breast cancer, those who have gone through a mastectomy. Many of their boyfriends and husbands loved them right through that. But I guess the kind of guy you're imagining wouldn't be in that crowd? Maybe it's time to set your sights higher?


I haven't had a man in many years... (haven't seen any I've wanted). But despite being very flat-chested I still don't have any problem getting their attention. And those that pursue me now certainly don't seem to act as if I'm "all they can find." And when I look back at former boyfriends, they certainly weren't perfect guys, but I've never had the feeling that any of them felt like they were "settling" for a flat chest, not at all. And I just can't imagine any of them ever leaving me just because they spotted a woman with big breasts. The thought of that seems ridiculous to me. There really are a lot of men who just don't care about that. And fortunately I grew up during a time when I saw plenty of flat-chested women who were with very adoring and loving partners, good role models for me. I think this breast enlargement business has done a great deal of harm to all of us.

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Actually I personally believe big boobs aren't hot. Like for example Pamela Anderson...that's just disgusting. Just stay with your natural self. It's your choice but if you have the $ and are up for it, maybe getting a breast augmentation to a B cup or C cup wouldn't be all that bad? If you go into the D and up category...that's gross.


Btw, I can't believe how many view and replies this thread got in one day lol, 50+ replies, 2000+ views .

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I'm very self-conscious about having such small breasts. I barely fill out an A cup. I'm 20 years old, so I don't think that I have anymore growing to do. This really interferes with my self-confidence, I get so jealous of girls that have full breasts, and I get even more jealous when I see or think about my boyfriend looking at these girls.

I have small breasts too. My boyfriend says it's the thing he would change about me if he could (from an A to a B). I know he loves me and all that. He looks at other girls, I'm sure. But I know if he wasn't happy with me, we wouldn't be together. I'm also pretty tall...so...my small boobs look even funnier. He also wishes I was heavier...hmmmm...


But anyway, don't get jealous of other girls. Your BF will always look at other girls and think someone is hotter than you. But he will LOVE you, not them. I mean come on...you have to admit you'll see someone more attractive than you BF.


But it could be worse...you could have a skin disorder...

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