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I'm very self-conscious about having such small breasts. I barely fill out an A cup. I'm 20 years old, so I don't think that I have anymore growing to do. This really interferes with my self-confidence, I get so jealous of girls that have full breasts, and I get even more jealous when I see or think about my boyfriend looking at these girls. Even though I feel that I have a nice body in other ways, this one aspect of my body makes me feel completely un-sexy. I am constantly reminded of my inferiority to other girls whether it be on TV, the movies, magazines, those damn radio advertisements I have to listen to all the time from Hooters Airline. I get self-conscious even being naked around my boyfriend, because I don't have much for him to look at. I can't see myself ever getting implants because they're expensive and usually end up looking fake. I hear about how breast enlargements pills may be unsafe. It seems like I'm stuck, and there's nothing I can do to change it. I think about this all the time, and it's really becoming a problem for me. Does anyone else ever feel like this? Any suggestions as to how I can get through this?

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How long have you been with your boyfriend? Do you think he is just staying with you until he can find a girl with larger breasts? Somehow I doubt it. He is with you because you are you. And despite the fact that he might look at other women he prefers to remain your boyfriend.


So how does that make you feel inferior?

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If you don't want to change your body (by getting breast implants) you're going to have to change the way you feel about your breasts and/or body in general. How do you do this? I don't have the answer, but it's the choice you are faced with. I won't sit here and tell you to ignore the radio, tv, movies, and people because that won't work.


I can tell you that as you become older though, you will probably become more comfortable with your body and care less about what people think about you. Your ego is the only reason why you feel pressure about your own body - your ego cares about what other people think about you. Your self-esteem though is how you feel about yourself. You may have low self-esteem right now and that could be why you feel the way you do about your body. So, how do you fix this? By raising your self-esteem. Once you do this, your ego will decrease because self-esteem and the ego are inversely related (when one goes up, the other goes down) and thereforeeee you won't feel bad about your body because you won't care what other people think of you. I may have simplified your problem too much, but hopefully you can understand the idea of how you can change how you feel about yourself.

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I'm really sorry that this is bothering you so much. This sounds cliche, but everyone has something about their body that they're self-conscious about. Some people obsess over it and let it rule how they feel about themselves, and others choose to ignore it and focus on other things about themselves that make them happy.


If it makes you feel any better, I have pretty small breasts too, and I know how it can feel being surrounded by images of "the perfect woman" with C cups or higher, extremely skinny, etc. It can be so difficult to get past the way it affects us, either consciously or subconsciously.


Maybe you should ask yourself this: Imagine you have gotten breast implants. Do you think it will REALLY affect your life in a positive way? Will you feel better about yourself afterwards, and will that one change in your body make your life so much more improved? Please seriously consider all of that before you do something so drastic. Perhaps instead of getting plastic surgery, you can get therapy or something to help you feel better about yourself. This might sound corny, but consider making a list of all the physical or internal things you like about yourself. It really does help! Think of yourself as a work of art...so what if you don't look like this other woman (fill in the blank..haha) ...you can be proud of your body the way it is, because it makes you who you are. It is sooo beautiful to be proud of what you are.


I really hope you feel better about yourself soon. It would be really great if we could all just shrug off what the media sends our way through images, etc... but it's very hard. Still, it's possible to do.

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How long have you been with your boyfriend? Do you think he is just staying with you until he can find a girl with larger breasts? Somehow I doubt it. He is with you because you are you. And despite the fact that he might look at other women he prefers to remain your boyfriend.


So how does that make you feel inferior?




Why be self conscience about the size of your breasts when you have a man that isn't looking for you to grow them over night?


He's with you, And I hope not for the size of your breasts.


Have you spoke to him about your insecurity?


He obviously doesn't mind when he's still with you. thereforeeee why should you be concerened?


Personally: I don't find big breasted women immediately attractive.

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Snowflurry, I can totally relate to how you feel. My breasts barely developed--couldn't find small enough cups my whole life, until sportbras became popular! Yes, it's a real blow when "Bigger is Better" hits you in the face everywhere you look, every day of your life. Bet we could shoot "flatty" jokes back & forth nonstop for a week...


The others are right by telling you to come to terms with your body somehow...either accept and learn to love yourself the way you are, or change it.


Here's my own experience: I tried for 20+ years to accept my breasts and couldn't stop hating them. Tried the stupid pills, made my breasts feel more tender every 'monthly' but no change in size. A rip-off!


I looked into breast augmentation surgery & decided it was for me. Controversial, I know, but if you analyze the facts for yourself instead of digesting the media's sensationalist version--THEN you will be able to make an informed decision that's right for you. Also, people tend to


No, my life didn't become perfect with bigger breasts (I am now a B cup) in fact, I just broke up with my b/f of 3 years...but I DO feel better about myself on a day-to-day basis. More like I had a deformity corrected than anything.


Best of luck to you.

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I am a C cup now, but was a B cup into my mid 20's and personally, though I was self conscious growing up about having smallish breasts, I now am thrilled with them. Hey girl, don't forget the bennies!


1. We can still sleep on our tummies if we want.

2. we can wear strapless tops and dresses with no bra and it's cute.

3. we can walk up and down the stairs without pain.

4. we can BREATHE.

5. No back pain.

6. bras that cost less than 15$

7. EVERYTHING fits us.

8. we can wear a skimpy bikini and it's cute, not nauseating.

9. As we get older, less sagging and deflating.


It took me a long time to get comfortable with my body ( I am rapidly approaching 30.... ) but I wouldn't change it for the world.


I might add that your body/breasts do change as you climb into your 20's, and I was teased as a teenager too, (very thin, very small breasts), but I never had any complaints from any boyfriends and my bf now loves my breasts just as they are. Sure when he sees a girl with big boobs he stares, so do I, THEY'RE HUGE!




The point is, he is with me because he loves me, including my breasts, and I am sure that you bf loves every part of you, including your breasts.


Not to sound cliche', but, "More than a handful's a waste, anyway."


Your body is uniquely yours, and I hope you will learn to love it as much as your bf does.


And don't forget why we have breasts, to feed our babies, and a barely A cup can nurse a baby just as well as a double HH.


PS- Don't rule out Miracle Bra and inserts and all that other jazz for those nights when you need a lil extra cleavage.

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I personally think smaller breasts are absolutly gorgeous.

If it were up to me, in selection, I would choose a smaller breast size because you can add to that easily. Large breasts cause back pain, and in a few years, my darling, your pert breasts will be the envy of all the big girls who are sagging - trust me.

If you want to bust up your size a bit you can always get these things called "Chicken Fillets", that's their nickname. They look just like chicken breast fillets and they simply sit inside your bra and it can bump youup a few sizes easily.

Pair that with a push up bra and you'll have some extremely sexy clevage that will even make girls get jealous


Maybe you should look at the positives in being a smaller cup and accept how lucky somethings are. Ask women with big breasts what the disadvantages are, you will be quite surprised how much of a hinderance they can be. Especially in later life with back problems and sagging breasts.


This aside, if a man is pleased big big breasts alone, dont think for a second that the extra attention would be a good thing. Men that think like that want one thing. S-E-X. And sweety, I dont want you find it out the hard way. Guys like that can and will tell you what they think you want to hear. They will use you.

Believe me, I know. *Sigh*


So be happy with how you look, because I truley believe confidense and love for yourself is the sexiest element a person could ever obtain.

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Hey. First of all, the pills are terrible for your health. I used to have very small breasts, and was so self-conscious that I even ordered all the pills, but when they came, I just couldn't do that to my body and they're still in my drawer unopened. A healthy body is a beautiful, beautiful thing. I came to terms with my small breasts and started to love how they looked. However, and this may give you hope, a bit less than a year ago they just started expanding and they still haven't stopped. I admit, I think my new boobies are gorgeous, but it does bother me that they will sag in my future, that I always have to wear a bra, and that men fall in "love" with me because of my breasts... which is deeply disappointing when you think your love is real and beautiful. Anyway, I'm not significantly happier now- different problems come with different bodies. Either way, we're young and healthy!

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all i have to say is be happy with your boobs...lol..mine are huge and i am jealous of girls with smaller breast...just like Hope75 said...you can wear anything. tube tops, halter tops even some bathings suits look like crap on me because mine are just so big..sometime overflowing...lol. just be happy...you can always add to em!

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I admit, I think my new boobies are gorgeous, but it does bother me that they will sag in my future, that I always have to wear a bra, and that men fall in "love" with me because of my breasts... which is deeply disappointing when you think your love is real and beautiful.


I have a gf who has doube D breasts, and when men talk to her, the first thing they see is her breasts, and they don't even make eye contact when they talk to her! It's humiliating, and she hates it.


Another gf could not even find a nursing bra big enough to fit her double J breasts when she had her son, it took 3 stores and the bra cost nearly 50$!


I've also got 2 friends who have had breast reduction surgery, one's breasts weighed over 8lbs! She was 5'2", quite small to be carrying that kind of weight on her chest.


I am not saying that smaller is better, I am simply saying that each size has their own set of problems, and maybe we should try and be happy with what we have.

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To be completely honest, everybody has preferences as to what they prefer as far as any body part is concerned and breast size is no different. That really isnt the issue here though, what you have a problem with is your self image and that is a problem that is inside of you. You can say that the media makes you think that you need bigger breasts but its just an excuse for the way that you feel inside. Your insecurity is about your breasts and there is no need to blame the media for this. You have already decided against an augmentation so there really isnt anything you can physically do to change your image. What you can do is modify your outlook to like your body for how it is. I dont see how blaming the media is going to solve this issue.

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Day Walker,


I don't think she is blaming the media for her insecurities but it definitely can play a part in feeding our already existant insecurities. Women in the media are mostly portrayed by extremely thin and beautiful women, many with large breasts. That's why the new Dove commercials are so controversial, the biggest woman in that ad is a size 14- the average sized woman in society today. I'll admit that I thought she was large-- I am so used to seeing pretty stick bugs in the media!


When society shows us so many woman who are size 2 & 4 and have no flab and large breasts day after day, of course it can begin to make us question ourselves, even the most secure of women has probably wished at some point she had a body like a celebrities', inlcuding myself!


The truth is it's not reality and most women aren't built that way, but it can still get to us.

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myself, I like bigger breasts,and that is what my wife has. But life is full of all kinds of checks and balances, and it evens out in the end, you can't have everything. I know many guys who had told me that they don't like the bigger breasts, they sag and don't get any prettier as they age, that's for sure, payback time. Many guys feel smaller breasts are more sensitive and that they may be. But whatever you do, don't ruin yourself with falsies. Unless you are absolutely sure they are going to turn out to look normal. Most don't. HA. I for sure, would not really be interested in a girl with store-broughts because I'm just not into that sort of thing, because they don't look natural, i have never slept with a falsie gal, but i've seen them in strip clubs and every time you can tell they are not natural. What is much more important than the size of your breasts? Are you interested in sex? Do you put out regularlly, have you found the ways to please your man to the utmost??? How about your body otherwise? Big breast and fat but- no, i'll take small breasts, nice but. Small breasts I could live with, a woman not interested in a regular sexual relationship, forget it, hit the road.

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Hi SnowFlurry,


I was surfing the 'net, and then I stumbled into this forum with your message posted. I've got to tell you that I TOTALLY know how you feel. I am also 20 years old, and my breasts are non-existent--I have a flat chest! It's really affecting everything in my daily life. I too feel jealous whenever I see those busty girls strut their stuff and walk downtown with their developed breasts. And worse yet, YES, my boyfriend "checks them out." Man, does that ever make me jealous and inadequate. I am happy with other parts of my body, but it's just my [lack of] breasts that hangs me up because life has been telling me that "breasts define the feminine form." And I can't standing watching TV or reading fashion mags--they really make me feel like I'm unsexy and unwanted by normal males (NOT that I want the attention of other guys, but it feels like Cosmo told us that we are supposed to want that). I mean, face it--90% of the men I've met prefer breasts on the large size rather than on the small side (or in my case, NON-existent).


In attempts to solve my flat-chested problem, I have tried breast enlargement pills. I have tried a few brands, but the main three I've tried are Complete La Femme (6 months), Quick Bust (6 months), and Megabust (5 months). None of these pills have caused my breasts to grow, BUT right now, I am following a natural breast enlargement book. I am taking some individual herbs for breast enlargement rather than taking commercial pills (too many herbs crammed in one pill). Also, I am doing some breast massages and using a heating pad on my breasts. I know this all sounds ridiculous, but I am desperate to increase my breast size, so I will try everything before restoring to implants. I really do NOT want to get implants because of the cost, the risks, and the possible fake look.


Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I understand how having small breasts (or no breasts, in my case) can make you feel inadequate as a woman and jealous of other women. If you'd like to talk more, you can message me. I've never met anyone in real life who has my problem, so thank you for sharing it.




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First and foremost, if the guy is any good he will like you for you, not the size of your breasts. Secondly, the mere fact that they are there at all is what guys like. Most guys are fans of the whole genre, there not particular about shapes and sizes. So don't worry about what a guy will think.


Be happy with yourself. God doesn't make anything that isn't beautiful, and you are beautiful just the way you are.

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Hey girl, My name is Lauren. I just wanted to answer you and tell you that I feel the same way. I have crying fits about how self consious I am and how the world is disgraceful for focusing on such a worthless quality... I mean big boobs arent some kind of accomplishment. It's just where some girls store their twinkies. I like my body... but I just don't feel that my boobs measure up... or as I like to call them Baby Feeders. (it makes me feel better) I have like, an I don't know cup. I feel like no bras fit me right.I look at magazines and all the celebrities comparing and envying, comparing and envying. I just can't seem to love my utters. I feel so insecure and insufficient. I've tried pills, I've cried. I've thought about implants. But when I look at those augmenation sights... the before and after... OMG natural looks sooooo much better!

I would talk to your boyfriend about your insecurity. I talk to mine all the time about it. He has no preference for baby feeder size. But you've got to come to terms with it yourself too. Although my boyfriend thinks I'm the only girl in the world... I still don't like my boobs

And lately I've had this theory: men who prefer bigger boobs have some kind of subconsious yearning to suck their moms tits. Why? because they miss being breast fed. Call me crazy but it makes sense to me. I mean let's face it men are sick for thinking sexually about human utters anyway Something that I have checked out that may work for real (but is expensive) is called "The Brava System" It's like this suction device that actually grows breast tissue. It's worth a look if you feel absolutely desperate. As I have many times. Feel free to message me back.


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Secondly, the mere fact that they are there at all is what guys like. Most guys are fans of the whole genre, there not particular about shapes and sizes. So don't worry about what a guy will think.


Hi ShySoul, I'm sure there are guys who are OK with SMALL breasts. But what if the girl is so flat-chested that she has NOTHING there?




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Hi Lauren,


Thanks for your reply and introducing yourself. I am sorry top hear that you are also crying about your breasts. But I am sure you have been helpful to both SnowFlurry and me. You reminded me something that a nurse and doctor told me (and yes, I have seen doctors about my flat chest). They said that it is NORMAL for some women to have a flat chest with almost no breast tissue. They said that women with a flat chest can still breast feed, and that that's why it does not matter what size the breasts are. This may be helpful to flat-chested/small-breasted women who are worried that they won't be able to breast-feed because of their chests. However, I don't plan to have any children, and I am more concerned about my lack of breasts for cosmetic and confidence reasons (I am convinced that 90% of men prefer existent breasts to a flat chest any day, and that protruding breasts look sexier than no breasts at all).


I also have an "I don't know" cup--I like to call myself a 32AAA because all the bra charts tell me that I'm less than an AA cup. What breast enlargement pills have you tried, and for how long did you try them? If you look at my previous post, I have tried 3 different breast enlargement pills for long enough periods of time, but none of them have worked. Right now, I am following a natural breast enlargement book that I bought online, and I am taking individual herbs, massaging my chest, and using a heating pad on my chest in hopes to grow some breasts. I have heard about the Brava device, and I met some women online who have tried it. Some say that it works, others say it doesn't. But the results are minimal, and it's very hard to wear it for 10 hours a day for 10 weeks (or more if you are looking for more growth). The average growth is half a cup, but in rare cases, some women grow up to 2 cups sizes. But if a slight enhancement is what you're looking for, then it just might be worth it!


I've heard about that idea of how men who prefer larger breasts actually prefer to suck on their mother's breast too. I also heard that men prefer larger breasts because they look like a butt!


I don't really want to get implants either--most often, they look fake, and that's NOT the look I want. If I could get the breasts I want, I'd get a 32C. But even a 32A would make me happy because something is more than nothing. As you can see from my profile, I help run a NON-commercial natural breast enlargement board. I just hope to find proof that natural breast enlargement really works.


Well, I hope we find a way to either get over the fact that we have small breasts or find a way to grow our breasts.




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Hello Melody and Snowflurry

I have tried bloussant... I have gone on and off thinking that it doesnt work, but I've been taking it consistently for about a month now... it says it takes like 4-6 weeks to see results... and I dont know sometimes I think it may be working and then I'm like... maybe it's just mental. Melody your methods definitely seem to be worth a try... I mean I frickin talk to mine and tell them to grow... which doesnt seem to work... But anyway I have also heard of saline injections... its almost like pumping up your lips except... it's in your breasts... I've definitely thought about this but havent yet found much information on it. I believe its expensive and being 23 right out of college... I don't have much money.

But I really do try to keep a positive mind frame... although I often fail and breakdown. I have celebrity idols that I absolutely love for being their natural selves... Gwen Stefani, Kate Hudson, Selma Blair... These girls are SOOOOOO gorgeous and they are small chested too. I salute you melody for having the non commercial natural breast enlargement board... We insecure girls... who are beautiful!!!!.... need to change the way the world looks at breasts and in the mean time, help ourselves feel better even if it's just a little push, a half cup, a little more. Because no one deserves to feel unpretty Keep a positive attitude and if your boyfriend keeps on checking out other girls... I'd sock him!!!! Thats rude and disrespectful toward you!!! Show him whose boss beautiful! All the best! Melody and Snowflurry, feel free to message back or private message or whatever necessary Take care everyone.

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