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Gah!! What is she upto?! What happened?!

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Ok, here's the story...


I've had this girlfriend for half a year. No problems, we had an extremely good relationship.


Yesterday, we had an argument. Not even a bad one, just an extended disagreement. She was quick to end our relationship, and that hurt me.


But what hurt me more, was, today, when she called me.


I, of course, expected her to want to re-forge our relationship, and apologise.


But instead, she informed me that she had met someone else, and was dating him.


What the heck?!


I asked her how long this had been going on, but she would tell me no details.


Through our relationship, there were no signs of her having cheated.




Any help is appreciated.



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She used the argument as an excuse to break up when she had been wanting to for a while. She had some nerve to call you the next day and tell you she was seeing someone else and then refuse to answer your questions about that relationship...she shouldn't have brought it up unless she was prepared to answer to you for her deception. All of this behavior is pretty cruel of her. Sorry man. Maybe she was cheating, maybe she wasn't but she was definitely talking to this other guy and thinking about getting with him for some time and to her the argument was an excuse to leave. Initiate no contact so that you can heal from this. Sorry you have to go through this but she did you wrong and you need to try and put it behind you. It's going to be tough, but you'll get there.

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It "sounds" like she needed an excuse to end your relationship and rather than do that directly she took advantage of the argument and latched on to it as an excuse.


She may not have cheated or she may have. It's hard for you to know short of a confession or some eyewitnesses.


The important thing is that it sounds like she was ready to move on (for whatever reason) prior to the argument.


The only other possibility is that she really doesn't have someone new but wants you to think that for some reason.

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Thanks for your advice everyone.


She just this SECOND called me, and was telling me about how great this new guy is...


I don't think she wants to hurt me. I think she just wants me to be jealous.


What should I do?


I would not talk with her about any new bf. If she wants to discuss any of the issues about why she left and moved on so quickly (so that you can learn whatever you can from it), then I'd be all ears. Otherwise, I would not allow her to gloat over having a new bf.

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i would call her and tell her that you are sorry for what you did and ask for her forgivness. this usually puts things back together. i know, being a guy, that this can be hard to do, but it is best that you just see it her way. or if you don't see it her way, pretend. it is bad to not be honest with eachother, but if it works, wait till your relationship gets built up, and then bring the matter up. you say, "what are you nuts". no im not. just give it a shot. also, the whole thing where she called you and told you about her new b/f is either a weak attempt to make you jealous, or she fond a desperate guy and is willing to dump him on his butt if you see things her way

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i would call her and tell her that you are sorry for what you did and ask for her forgivness.


Please, for the love of God, don't do this!


NC is definitely the way to go. Personally I wouldn't even answer the phone to her - yes she's trying to make you jealous, don't give her any power whatsoever.

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