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Very sad and need to talk

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Is anyone available to talk. I just broke up with my fiance last week and was doing great and now I am not doing well. I hurt emotionally and feel like I don't want to keep rehashing this topic with friends and burn them out. I tried to get in to see a Counselor and something is happening online where I can't get in. I feel like I am on the brink of just falling completely apart. I am at work and I don't want to fall apart. Please I need to talk. Thanks!

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I am right there with you honey. I broke up with my bf of 4 years and after 4 months it is still very difficult. Its only been a week so go easy on yourself. The biggest thing to know is that you are going to go through a whirlwind of emotions. Angry, sad, guilty and of course blaming everything you possibly can for the break up. That's fine...give in to all of those emotions...just so long as you do it in a healthy way. Crying your eyes out is fine....try, if you can, to think about other things at work, but when you get home...let it all out. This may sound crazy but even indulge your sadness with sappy music or a bottle of wine. That is all part of the healing process. Right now though...after it being so soon...I wouldn't make any rash decisions, just let yourself grieve and be mad if you need to. Calling him and dishing it out with him might help even though I know most people don't think this is the best advise. I always felt better after I had talked to my ex even if we argued because I at least got a better understanding of where he was coming from...and I also got to vent my emotions to the very person who caused them. All in all just remember it will take time, but like everyone says...you will get over it. I mean only one of two things can happen. You guys will get back together down the line...or it just won't happen. I am still dealing with the "just won't happen" thing personally. But you have to keep plugging away at life the best you can.

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Thank you for replying. I had a severe moment and needed to talk ASAP. I ended up getting in touch with my work's EAP counselor and feel like I will make it through today. I wasn't sure earlier. I have my helmet on and am ready for the gamat of emotions soon to come I am sure. Geez, I was doing so well and then it hit me today like a freight train. I'm going to go to sleep, but I'll be back later to the discussions.


Thanks again everyone!!!

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