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Yes, my computer is now suitable after a long, long time of haywiring.


Anyway, I have a friend, her name, we shall say, is x. x and I have known eachother for nigh two years now. We are great friends and love eachother's company and are always friends first. Lately, we have been more comfortable with eachother (ie cuddling, holding hands, snuggling, etc) and I would like to know where I should go from here. I do have a feeling she may have some feelings for me and I am beginning to have some for her as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Yes, my computer is now suitable after a long, long time of haywiring.


Anyway, I have a friend, her name, we shall say, is x. x and I have known eachother for nigh two years now. We are great friends and love eachother's company and are always friends first. Lately, we have been more comfortable with eachother (ie cuddling, holding hands, snuggling, etc) and I would like to know where I should go from here. I do have a feeling she may have some feelings for me and I am beginning to have some for her as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Don't think it could be any more obvious that she is into you.

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