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How do I handle this?

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Long story short, I was dating this wonderful, beautiful and downright magical woman I adored so much. She was, and stillis, struggling wih mental health issues, which was the thing that caused this break up. She said she needs to heal on her own and set her life in order, and it's impossible for her to give me the attention and love I need as her girlfriend. It took me a hot minute and lots and lots of tears on both ends, but I told her I understood. And as understanding as I am, I physically have no idea how to move on. I love her more then I love just about anything. I shared so many firsts with her- hell, I saw us getting married. I don't know if I need someone to smack me across the face or someone to comfort me- but either way I need advice.

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Unfortunately there is not much you can do but respect her wishes. It's clear she needs time to address her mental health issues.  You now have to get back on track with your life - do what you used to do before dating her.  Focus on your career, friends, family, hobbies, sports etc etc.

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As difficult as this is and as pained as you might feel, this was for the best. She is right. Relationships need both people to be happy and healthy in their own right before they can make the relationship work. Respect her wishes and give her the time and space she needs. You can still be friends. You can still let her know you will be there for her if she needs you. But at this moment, it's for the best to not be anything more.

Moving on isn't something you just do. It's something that happens gradually. For now, just do the only thing you can do, keep living. Go to work/class, be with friends, do your hobbies. You keep busy and try to carve out a little happiness doing things you enjoy. Sometimes you will smile and laugh and that's great. Other times you will cry and it will hurt like hell. That's okay as well. But you keep pushing forward a little at a time. Eventually, the clouds part, the rain stops, and the sun will shine again.

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You simply have to accept it.  That is much easier said than done.  In time she will be a beautiful memory as opposed to the heartache you are experiencing now 

Go NC to protect yourself.  You don't need to see her social media or anything like that. 

Keep yourself busy.  Give back into a favorite hobby or get a new one.  Work overtime or get a side hustle. 

In time the acute pain will subside.  

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