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Never trust anyone

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My uncle once said never trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die.

I say never trust no one but your self.

Only you can know what you can live with or without. 

People you know and respect and trust  will knife you faster than anyone. 

Just like Billy Joel said,  I'm may be crazy but I maybe right. 

Riding a bicycle around a curve and getting knocked off it by a car was the best thing that ever happened to me.  I got to meet some lunatics  that accepted me for who I am.  

I hate when people think they are pulling the wool over your eyes and you see right through it...glass house are transparent I like to see what I'm dealing with in life. 

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3 hours ago, 1a1a said:

Your uncle shows a woeful amount of ignorance about what’s actually happening when someone has their period. 

Yep. Women don't "bleed for seven days" as you well know. I'm sorry you had to listen to such misogynistic, sexist garbage. 

And I also disagree that no one is to be trusted. I have several people in my life who I trust implicitly, but they have shown themselves to be worthy of trust. None of them would ever dream of "knifing" me.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope you're able to meet someone who shows you they are trustworthy. 

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Is ALL of this stuff your Uncle has said?  😕 

Wow, nothing but a bunch of crap, sorry but this is all wrong!

I do hope you can and do come across some kind, decent people out there, because there are many! Yes, I have a few good friends, because I am nice! 🙂 , as are they.

Life is for YOU to experience.  For you to enjoy.  Whether it be travel, education, friends, workplaces, etc.

Never go on such crap as all that.  That is nothing but negativity spewing from someone who's probably been mistreated and lives in a very negative mind 😕 .

Don't let all of that crap end up causing such an effect on you too!

Get out there, enjoy the sunshine and beautiful sunsets, connect and make some friends, they do exist!


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Your uncle was right to an extent IMHO.  I trust some people in my life because they've earned my trust for many years.  Trust didn't happen overnight.

There are some people whom I semi-trust dependent on the subject matter.  If it's rather insignificant and lightweight,  I trust them because their responsibility to deliver my trust is doable.  However,  I wouldn't trust them with anything important.  I draw the line and I have my limits with them. 

Then there are those whom I would never trust in a million years especially if they've played me meaning they've tested me sorely in the past and betrayed my trust intensely.  I also don't take "bleep."  In those cases,  pay attention to your intuition and instincts because red flags forewarn you of looming danger.  😒

I understand how you feel though.  Feeling bitter and resentful after innocently trusting someone only to be deceived,  challenged and betrayed is a horrible feeling.  ☹️

There are ways to trust people according to categories and topics and most of all,  your experience with various individuals.  You can determine different characters based upon how they treat you or mistreat you over time. 

I don't completely agree with your uncle.  I believe not everyone is evil 😈 and not everyone is an angel 👼 either. 

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