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This guys likes me on a dating app and messages me and we talk about taking a yoga class together. During the week before we met, he is consistent in texting and replies a lot faster than I would, but his texting style gave me an icky feeling and I felt a bit off about him. The day of class, he comes in late and is next to me but I wasn't sure if he had recognized me at first bc we didn't acknowledge each other the entire time during class. After the class, he waits for me outside and we have a brief conversation. I asked him what he was up to for the day and he said he had nothing lined up, and asks me what I'm doing. I had plans but didn't tell him and wanted to gage so I said I wanted to see what you were up to and then he tells me that we should grab brunch another day bc he feels really sweaty and doesn't feel confident with his outfit after class. I tell him he looks fine lol and he said he didn't bring a change of clothes. We chat for a bit longer, but it felt so awkward and uncomfortable for me and then he says let's text and so I tell him it was nice to meet him and we parted, with no physical interaction. He then texts me "it was very nice to meet you (emoji), you're definitely pretty (emoji)" and I'm thinking lol who speaks like that. So I respond "haha did you not think I was going to be" and he never responded LOL. I am genuinely just curious why he decided not to reply, bc I'm assuming he didn't find me attractive which is so interesting bc I've never had that kind of experience before or is it bc the vibe was off? What are your thoughts?

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45 minutes ago, anononyx said:

 his texting style gave me an icky feeling and I felt a bit off about him. 

In what way were his texts "icky"? It seems you would like to go out with him so try to set up a time to go get a coffee, when you're both free and not sweaty after the yoga class.

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48 minutes ago, anononyx said:

I am genuinely just curious why he decided not to reply, bc I'm assuming he didn't find me attractive which is so interesting bc I've never had that kind of experience before

I dont think he would like you and message you and even said you were pretty if he didnt find you attractive. Its just that he is probably not the usual "player" type you got used too. Hence why he was more "ankward".

Anyway, you dont seem like a good match anyway. Dont think he ghosted you, maybe he responds, maybe he will not, time will tell. But your personalities dont seem to match and its good that you met sooner rather then later and saw that.

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5 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

In what way were his texts "icky"? It seems you would like to go out with him so try to set up a time to go get a coffee, when you're both free and not sweaty after the yoga class.

He had really bad grammar and overused emojis in a line of text. The bad grammar was probably because he was foreign, but also he needed explanation for a lot of self explanatory things. But my gut instinct was just off about him. BUT also I can't even get coffee bc he ghosted me LOL and I'm not one to reach out when the message is clear. What I wanted to get out of this was to get differing opinions on why a guy would do that, because if they found a girl attractive wouldn't they want to pursue them??

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6 hours ago, anononyx said:

 . He then texts me "it was very nice to meet you (emoji), you're definitely pretty (emoji)" and I'm thinking lol who speaks like that. So I respond "haha did you not think I was going to be" and he never responded 

 Definitely seems like poor communication. Since he never asked you out, and never responded, all you can do is be polite in yoga class, but move forward.

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@MrMan1983No not too young, he was 30. I don't feel like it was a confidence thing bc during the week of consistency, he seemed eager and would always try to engage in conversation. But then again, what do I know about how he is 🤣. Just surprised that he didn't respond, don't understand what the point of meeting for the class was. Its not that I like him, but more so a WHY DID HE GHOST ME, that's never happened before hahaha.

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7 minutes ago, anononyx said:

@MrMan1983No not too young, he was 30. I don't feel like it was a confidence thing bc during the week of consistency, he seemed eager and would always try to engage in conversation. But then again, what do I know about how he is 🤣. Just surprised that he didn't respond, don't understand what the point of meeting for the class was. Its not that I like him, but more so a WHY DID HE GHOST ME, that's never happened before hahaha.

Ah so just a pride thing? Or would you be interested if he did show more interest? Psychology...such a strange thing sometimes 😉

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8 hours ago, MrMan1983 said:

@snow_wolf2023 thought I would tag you in this, proof in the pudding about how important texting grammar/style can be 😉

Anyway back on the actual topic in hand, agree with @smackie9 he's just not very confident and definitely not smooth, is he really young by any chance?

thanks for the tag, I just read through it all. Will keep in mind for sure!



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On 7/31/2023 at 5:05 PM, anononyx said:

he feels really sweaty and doesn't feel confident with his outfit after class.

What?! 🙄

Guess he's not exactly the type to get his hands dirty to go camping or be spontaneous.  And he didn't follow up with another date to get something to eat.  He sounds like a GIANT SNORE.  NEXT!

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